Electron - Ion Collaboration Meeting
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Laboratory for Nuclear Science
6-7 April, 2007
Draft Long Range Plan Document for EIC
As the presentations become available they will be posted here.
Elke Aschenauer - Do we really need EIC?
Antje Bruell - The gluon contribution to the nucleon spin
Allen Caldwell - FL and the Gluon Density
David Cole - development of MC generators
Abhay Despande - EICC Organization
Yuri Kovchegov - Saturation Physics
Tuomas Lappi - The oomph factor in eA: A-dependence in QS
Cyrille Marquet - Hard diffraction in eA
Lia Merminga - ELIC R&D and realization plan
Richard Milner - 1 page on science
Thomas Roser - eRHIC R&D and realization plan
Thomas Roser and Lia Merminga - Discussion document
Bernd Surrow - EIC detector R&D plans
Thomas Ullrich - Physics opportunities with e+A collisions at an electron ion collider
Werner Vogelsang, Abhay Despande - Central questions in nucleon structure
Christian Weiss - Hard exclusive processes and GPDs with EIC
Updated Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:00