19th Enzyme Mechanisms Conference

January 5th-9th, 2005

Poster Presentations


We are no longer accepting poster abstracts or poster presentations.

The deadline for the receipt of poster abstracts was November 1, 2004.

Posters will be on display in the Sand and Surf, Triton and Nautilus Room and available for viewing from 8am to 10pm on January 6, 7, and 8 (Thursday through Saturday). Posters must be no larger than 4 feet x 4 feet in size and should include a photo of the presenter (if possible).

All abstracts must be submitted in appropriate format. Abstracts not fitting the prescribed format may be returned for correction. Abstracts will be printed and distributed to conference attendants. Please carefully read the abstract instructions and refer to the sample abstract (word document).



Each submitted abstract must conform to the following format:

1. Title in Times New Roman 14, bold, capital letters, centered.

2. blank line

3. Author(s) name(s) in Times New Roman 12, italics, centered; corresponding author underlined

4. blank line

5. Affiliation(s) and address(es) in Times New Roman 12, normal, centered. Please use appropriate abbreviation to keep each entry to one line.

6. two blank lines

7.Text in Times New Roman 12, normal, no indent.

8. Please leave 1 inch margin on all sides.

9. Entire abstract should be single spaced

10. blank line between paragraphs, no indent.

11. Tables, Figures, or images may be included, but must fit within the specified borders ( one page with one inch margins) and must be electronically transmittable as part of the text document and require no additional software to reproduce.

12. Figure caption should be given under figure, in Times New Roman 12, centered

13. Table heading should be given on table, in Times New Roman 12, centered

14. one blank line between each text and table/figure.

15. References in the text should be in square brackets.

16. References should be listed at the end of the abstract in ascending order, with the names of all authors, journal, vol. (bold), page(s) and year (in parenthesis)

17. two blank lines between text and reference list.




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last modified 12/26/04 S. McElhiney