EECS 401: Probabilistic Methods in Engineering
Completed: B
Basic concepts of probability theory. Random variables: discrete, continuous, and conditional probability distributions; averages; independence. Introduction to discrete and continuous random processes: wide sense stationary, correlation, spectral density.
Winter 2003, Professor Stark
Paying attention in this class really would have helped my grade. This was one of those classes that I really was not interested in taking. The first month and a half was also really easy. I rarely went to the 9:30 AM class, all the slides were handed out and the material was very dry. I was paying little attention to the quizzes and homework but I did get a 100% on the midterm. But I started really slacking and missed a few homework assignments and quizzes. Despite getting a 93% on the final exam, I still only received a B in the course. This was thoroughly my own fault because I know I could have gotten an A.
Information provided on this page is a result of undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan. Material may be copyrighted by the University of Michigan, James Glettler, and/or the various co-authors noted in group projects. Finished assignments are offered only for reference.