Engineering 101: Computer Programming
Completed: A+
Algorithms and programming in C++ and Matlab, computing as a tool in engineering, introduction to the organization of digital computers.
Winter 2001, Professor Alex Bielajew, Lab GSI Sarah Slicker.
I really liked this class and this professor. I had not done any C++ programming before this class and the only Matlab I had done was in ENGR100 as required for homeworks, which was more aimed at the mathematical capabilities of Matlab rather than the programming aspect. I look forward to future programming classes. The highlight of this class was the programming homework with my best being the battleship program, which one the award for best implementation and most features. The best Matlab program was a simulation of 8 year olds playing soccer called "swarmball."
Here are some of the Major Homework Projects:
- Perfect Numbers This program determines the first eight Perfect Numbers by generating Mersenne Primes and factoring them. However, because of the limitations of long integers, it is unable to factor beyond the 5th perfect number. (Assignment 4)
- Sorting Algorithms This program is a modification of Assignment 5 which was supposed to bubble sort a randomly generated vector. This program instead uses bubble-sort, modified bi-directional bubblesort, and a recursive quicksort algorithm to sort a vector of a given length and compares each algorithm by compute time and number of steps or recursions.
- Battleship in C and Readme. This program is a scaleable text based battleship program with a text generated GUI, multiple ships, error checking, an intuitive interface, high score keeping, command line interface and a built-in help program. This was by far one of the best assignment of the term and won an award for best battleship. (Assignment 6)
- Battleship in Matlab This is a battleship program written in Matlab that does not have the full features found in my C++ version, but does have a full GUI and point and click mouse interface. (Assignment 7)
- Swarmball This program simulates an 8 year old soccer match using the pcolor command in matlab to produce a graphical representation of the field. It is actually quite fun to watch. (Assignment 8)
Information provided on this page is a result of undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan. Material may be copyrighted by the University of Michigan, James Glettler, and/or the various co-authors noted in group projects. Finished assignments are offered only for reference.