EECS 452: Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Completed: A
Architectural features of single-chip DSP processors are introduced in lecture. Laboratory exercises using two different state-of-the-art fixed-point processors include sampling, A/D and D/A conversion, digital wave form generators, real-time FIR and IIR filter implementations. The central component of this course is a 12-week team project in real-time DSP Design (including software and hardware development). Use of Motorala DSP56303 and Texas Instruments C5402 series evaluation boards.
Winter 2003, Professor Kurt Metzger
5 February 2003: Project Proposals (PDF - 58KB)
11 February 2003: Project Teams formed. Proposal 1 was chosen; an Automated Adaptive Room/System Equalization System. The members of the team are Bill Stewart, Eric Hatty, James Glettler, John Bemesderfer, and Oz Pearlman.
19 February 2003: Our preliminary project plan, including a short description, a list of deliverables, and required resources is available. Project Plan (PDF - 41KB)
20 February 2003: Split up research assignments. Major topics are: DSP56307EVM EFCOP, Buffered right channel input, FIR filter, generating white noise, FFT moving average magnitude response measurements, frequency response correction, Matlab coefficient generation, DSP56307EVM serial interface, Matlab serial interface, and Matlab GUI functions.
After a number of significant design changes, including moving to a MLS sequence based measurement system, we were successful at measuring the frequency and time response of a monaural audio system in both an anechoic environment and a standard class room. Our final project report follows. The code has been removed to protect ours and others IP but can be provided on request.
A2REq Final Report April 23, 2003.
This was an incredible and incredibly difficult class. I really want to take it over again just to do another project but this time, start working from day one. If I can find time, I'm going to continue working on A2REq on my own personal time.
Information provided on this page is a result of undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan. Material may be copyrighted by the University of Michigan, James Glettler, and/or the various co-authors noted in group projects. Finished assignments are offered only for reference.