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Term Schedule
Intro Engr
Eng 100 Eng 101 T.C. 215 T.C. 496
EECS 210 EECS 211 EECS 212 EECS 230 EECS 270 EECS 280 EECS 311 EECS 320 EECS 330 EECS 401 EECS 451 EECS 452 EECS 461
Math & Sciences
Math 115 Math 116 Math 215 Math 216 Chem 125&130 Phys 140&141 Phys 240&241
HU & S.S.
JE 101&JE 102 RCNS 270 Hist 285 Hist 301
Eng 195 ME 424 P.A.T. 201 Phys 489 T.C. 450

ME 424: Engineering Acoustics

Completed: A

Vibrating systems; acoustic wave equation; plane and spherical waves in fluid media; reflection and transmission at interfaces; propagation in lossy media; radiation and reception of acoustic waves; pipes, cavities, and waveguides; resonators and filters; noise; selected topics in physiological, environmental and architectural acoustics.

Fall 2002, Professor Dowling

This was an absolutely excellent class. The professor was a good teacher and very helpful and supportive in office hours. However, this was also a hard class just due to the amount of diff-eq. Taking this concurently with EECS330 was beneficial though for both classes. I really would like to take more information in acoustics, but it is such a broad field and there are few classes. I do think a discussion section might have been beneficial for this class.


Information provided on this page is a result of undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan. Material may be copyrighted by the University of Michigan, James Glettler, and/or the various co-authors noted in group projects. Finished assignments are offered only for reference.