09:00 AM
Tour of William R. Dickson Cogeneration Plant (to 11:00 AM) Building 42
10:00 AM
4th Annual Technology and Entrepreneurship Forum (TEF) and VentureFest (to 09:00 PM) 10-250 + Others
Developing Social Communication Skills for Business Advancement (to 11:30 AM) E51-361
Dreamweaver MX 2004 New Features (to 11:00 AM) N42 Demo Center
Friday Open Worksessions -- Mars Gravity Biosatellite (to 05:00 PM) 41-116
Magnetism and Magnetic Property Measurement: Operation of SQUID Magnetometer (to 12:00 PM) Room 13-2137
Quantum Algorithms: Promise, Present and Prospect: Lecture 3: The Prospects (to 11:00 AM) NW14-1112
TBP Engineering Design Competition (to 04:00 PM) 4-270
Tour of the MIT Research Reactor (to 12:00 PM) NW12, 1st floor desk
10:30 AM
Introduction to Science of Synthesis (to 12:00 AM) 14N-132
11:00 AM
Are You Suffering?: Clinical Trials and Patient Selection: Part 2 (to 05:00 PM) E51-278
Entangling Electrons: LECTURE 3: ENTANGLEMENT WITHOUT INTERACTION (to 12:00 AM) NW14-1112
Libraries Book(cart)mobile (to 02:00 PM) Lobby 10
11:30 AM
Getting Started with Weblogs (to 01:00 PM) E52-010
12:00 PM
Brown Bag Lunch -- Mars Gravity Biosatellite: Systems Engineering Overview (to 01:30 PM) 41-116
Discover the Best Challah in Boston! (to 01:00 PM) W20 West Lounge
Personal Adoption Journeys (to 01:30 PM) 16-151
Rainbow Lounge Open (to 03:00 PM) 50-306
Secure File Transfer (to 01:00 PM) N42 Demo Center
The Feynman Films: The Distinction of Past and Future (to 01:30 PM) 6-120
Working After Graduation: Immigration Concerns (to 01:30 PM) 26-100
01:00 PM
DMSE Graduate Medallion Casting (to 04:00 PM) 8-014
Introduction to Human Rights (to 02:30 PM) 2-147
Pleasures of Poetry: Reading and Discussion of Memorable Poems: Maya Angelou (to 02:00 PM) 14E-304
Research in Mechanical Engineering: Laboratory Tours: Rohsenow Heat Transfer Lab (to 01:30 PM) 7-038
01:30 PM
Physics Lectures for the General MIT Community: 5MITQuantum Information-Computation at the Atomic Scale (to 02:30 PM) 6-120
Thinking Outside the Box (performance) (to 03:00 PM) Kresge Rehearsal RmA
02:00 PM
ESG Musical Concert (to 03:00 PM) 24-612
Exploring Quantum Chaos with Quantum Computers: Lecture 3: Advanced Topics in Quantum Chaos (to 03:30 PM) NW14-1112
GIS: Introduction to ArcGIS (to 05:00 PM) 37-312
Gas Dynamics in Extreme Environments: From the Columbia Accident Investigation to Micro Devices (to 03:00 PM) 3-270
HKN/TBP Student Project Expo (to 04:00 PM) Bush Room (10-105)
Marionettes! (to 06:00 PM) Lobby 10
03:00 PM
A Pedagogy for the Web: How to Use the Net for Teaching (to 04:00 PM) 9-151
Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter (to 05:00 PM) CASPAR / Lobby 7
04:00 PM
Carnivorous Plants: Survey of Nature's Savage Garden (to 05:00 PM) 1-134
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Design & Implementation Competition (to 05:00 PM) 4-231
04:30 PM
Bhajan Workshop (Devotional Singing) (to 06:00 PM) MIT Chapel
05:00 PM
Tours of the Science Fiction Library (to 07:00 PM) W20-473
05:30 PM
Flute Ensemble (to 06:30 PM) 3-442
06:00 PM
Apologetics: Class 3: What About Evil? (to 07:00 PM) W20-306
Beginners Argentine Tango Classes (to 07:30 PM) Lobdell, Student Ctr
Reform Shabbat Around Cambridge (to 09:00 PM) Student Residence
Shabbat 101: A Shabbat Experience for Beginners: Renewing Our Days: Session 1 (to 09:00 PM) W11 Hillel Center
07:00 PM
Argentine Tango Classes (to 09:00 PM) 36-156
Films from the Americas: "First Night" (Colombia) (to 09:00 PM) MIT 66-110
Information Security: Mastering the Ten Domains: Cryptography, Access Control Systems, Law, Investigation, and Ethics (to 10:00 PM) 34-101
Introduction to Kyudo, the Japanese Art of Archery (NEW LOCATION) (to 08:30 PM) 1-190 (new location)
Introduction to Tae Kwon Do (to 09:00 PM) Exercise Room
MIT Anime Club Showing (to 11:45 PM) 6-120
07:15 PM
Kokikai Aikido for Beginners (to 09:00 PM) DuPontWrestlers'room
07:30 PM
Sport Taekwondo Practice (to 09:30 PM) duPont Bball Court 2