10:00 AM
Learn Kendo - The Martial Art of the Samurai (to 12:00 PM) T-Club Lounge, Dupon
03:00 PM
American Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense @ MIT (to 05:00 PM) DuPont Wrestling Rm.
Old Food: Mediaeval Mediterranean Cooking (to 07:00 PM) Dorm kitchen - TBA
05:00 PM
Introduction to Tae Kwon Do (to 07:00 PM) Exercise Room
06:00 PM
Beginners Argentine Tango Classes (to 07:30 PM) Lobdell, Student Ctr
Korean Karate: The Art of Tae Kwon Do (to 08:00 PM) duPont Dance Studio
07:00 PM
Intermediate Argentine Tango Classes (to 08:30 PM) Walker Memorial
Lilo & Stitch (to 09:00 PM) 26-100
07:30 PM
A Course on Spirituality (to 09:30 PM) TBA
08:00 PM
International Folk Dancing for Everyone (to 11:00 PM) Lobdell
10:00 PM
Minority Report (to 12:00 AM) 26-100