
Jesse Austin-Breneman

Projects for, about and by design

Invention was a group project for 2.744, Product Design. The prompt was to design a product to be sold in the MIT Museum store. My team after exploring several different directions, settled on a book for children called Invention.

Invention is an activity book designed for elementary-school children to teach them about the design process. Through the activities in the book, children go through the design process many times, developing skills such as drawing, brainstorming, association mapping, need-finding, concept-critique, building, testing, and design iteration.

Invention is different from other activity books because it was designed with a careful balance of directed and open-ended prompts. The result is that the exercises in the book offer enough structure to motivate and inspire the inventor without limiting creativity.

Although this was perhpas the most collaborative team I have ever worked with, I was responsible for the design of the building activities, as well as the editing and organization of the book.

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