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Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 Release Notes |
Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 is a maintenance update of Kerberos for Macintosh for both Mac OS 8 & 9 and Mac OS X 10.1 that includes all the features of Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.2 plus important bugfixes.
Mac OS X components require Mac OS X 10.1.2 or later 10.1 version. (Mac OS X components are not compatible with Mac OS X 10.2.)
Classic Mac OS components require a PowerPC Macintosh running Mac OS 8.1 or later.Changes since Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.2
- Mac OS 9: Fixed typing slow down in other applications when you had Kerberos tickets.
- Mac OS 9: Preferences tabs of Kerberos Control Panel are labelled correctly under Classic.
- Mac OS X/9: Improved ticket sharing synchronization issues when using the Kerberos Menu under Classic.
See the Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.2 release notes for changes in KfM 4.0.2.
See the Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0 release notes for an overview of major changes since KfM 3.5.Key Features of Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.x
Mac OS X
- Native implementation of KfM Kerberos libraries provided as a framework
- Support for legacy Unix applications via /usr/lib
- CFM bridge libraries provide support to Carbon CFM applications
- Support for Kerberos during remote connections
- Basic command-line tools: kinit, kdestroy, klist, kpasswd
- Mach-O Kerberos management application with dynamic dock icon and pop-up menu for common Kerberos functions
- KfM under Classic shares its ticket cache with the OS X ticket cache
Kerberos Application/Control Panel
- Native Mach-O version for Mac OS X and Classic Control Panel for Mac OS 8 & 9
- User tool for acquiring, renewing and deleting both v4 and v5 tickets
- Allows multiple credentials including credentials from different realms
- Allows user to change the active credential
- Principals with both v4 and v5 tickets viewed as a single user
- Configures defaults for Kerberos Login dialog
- Configures realms presented in Kerberos Login dialog
- Allows user to change their Kerberos password
- Information window for displaying the details of individual tickets
- Expanded Preferences dialog for changing extra UI elements and ticket lifetimes
- In Mac OS X, dock icon provides indication of ticket status and remaining lifetime
- In Mac OS X, pop-up menu from dock icon provides convenient acquisition, deletion and renewal of tickets, and allows easy switching between active users
Kerberos v4 and KClient Support
- KClient 3.0 maintains compatibility with existing KClient applications
- KClient 3.0 includes compatibility and revised developer libraries as part of the Kerberos framework (OS X) and CFM shared libraries (OS 8 & 9)
- Includes Cygnus Kerberos v4 implementation
- Credentials stored in memory
Kerberos v5 and GSS Support
- Includes the Kerberos v5 1.2.3 release and features
- Credentials stored in memory
- Integration with Kerberos Login to present login dialog automatically
- Supports 3DES
- Provides support for hardware preauthentication
- Limited K5Client support (Mac OS 8 & 9 only)
Kerberos Login Dialog
- Provides a single UI for acquiring v4, v5 and simultaneous v4 and v5 tickets
- Consistent UI between Mac OS X and Mac OS 8 & 9
- Basic and Advanced mode for instance entry
- Allows selection of realm per login
- Allows change in length of credential life per login
- Allows selection of Kerberos v5 ticket flags per login
- Kerberos applications running in Classic present the OS X Kerberos Login dialog for better integration
Extra Mac OS Controls (Mac OS 8 & 9)
- Includes Kerberos Menu, Floating Window and Control Strip
- Allow the user to login, renew, destroy and switch credentials
- Floating Window and Control Strip can display remaining lifetime
- All new controls will display the current active user
Mac OS 8 & 9 Features
- CarbonLib libraries included for supporting Carbon applications on Mac OS 8 & 9
- Mac OS 9 Multi User friendly (logout and preferences)
- Balloon Help in Kerberos Login dialog
- Appearance Manager savvy
- Open Transport native
Useful Webpages
- Getting Kerberos for Macintosh
- Kerberos for Macintosh FAQs
- Known Bugs - known bugs for each KfM release
- Kerberos for Macintosh Documentation - information on using the KfM components and their features.
- Kerberos.framework Documentation - important information if you plan to develop against the libraries on Mac OS X
Questions or comments? Send mail to macdev@mit.edu
Last updated on $Date: 2003/11/18 22:03:50 $
Last modified by $Author: smcguire $