A phenomena-based modeling laboratory for synthesis, modeling and analysis in chemical engineering



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MODEL.LA Animated Software Demonstration

This demonstration has been prepared as a Microsoft Powerpoint 97 slide show using screen captures from the actual MODEL.LA program.

Although many elements of the MODEL.LA graphical user interface have been redesigned and many others added since the animated demo was first created, it still effectively highlights many of the features and capabilities of MODEL.LA.

Demo requirements:

To view the demo, you must have either Powerpoint 97 or the free PowerPoint 97 Viewer (or web browser plug-in) installed on your computer. If your web browser is configured properly, simply select the MODEL.LA demo to begin.

If that does not work, download the Powerpoint 97 Viewer installation file to your hard drive and save it as "ppview97.exe". Then run the file ppview97.exe in your download directory and follow the instructions to install the viewer.

Download MODEL.LA demo:

Download the MODEL.LA demo to your computer by clicking your right mouse button over this link, selecting the option "Save Link As..." (if you are running Netscape Navigator) or "Save Target As..." (if you are running Internet Explorer), and saving the file as "modella.pps".

Running MODEL.LA demo:

  • Open the downloaded file modella.pps by double-clicking on its icon, or by running the PowerPoint 97 Viewer and selecting the "Show" option with the file selected.
  • Proceed through the demo using the <right-arrow> key on your keyboard.
  • Review portions of the demo using the <left-arrow> key on your keyboard.
  • Quit the demo at any time by pressing the <Esc> key on your keyboard.

MODEL.LA Web-Based Software Demonstration

If you cannot meet the above requirements, click here to access an html version of the demo.

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