A phenomena-based modeling laboratory for synthesis, modeling and analysis in chemical engineering



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The documentation and examples on this page are provided to help novice MODEL.LA users get started and to help intermediate users learn more about what they can do in MODEL.LA. If you would like to make a contribution (e.g., an interesting MODEL.LA model or case study that you have developed), please contact us so we can make it available here.

All MODEL.LA documentation is provided in the form of PDF files. These may be viewed and printed using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The following documentation is available:

In addition, the research concepts behind MODEL.LA are described in Jerry Bieszczad's Ph.D. thesis.

  • Introductory Tutorial (latest version 0.1):

    We recommend that beginning all MODEL.LA users get started by reading and completing the MODEL.LA Introductory Tutorial. It provides step-by-step instructions for the modeling and simulation of a jacketed CSTR in MODEL.LA. More importantly, it illustrates use of the primary interface elements that the user interacts with during a MODEL.LA work session.

    An enhanced HTML version of this tutorial has also been contributed.

  • Example Models:

After completing the tutorial, beginning users can look through the example models provided in the MODEL.LA installation. These may be found in the Examples subdirectory off the main MODEL.LA installation directory (e.g., C:\Modella\Examples\). These examples and any other MODEL.LA model files are opened from the File/Open... option in the main MODEL.LA menu bar.

Summaries of installed example models are available.

If you have developed an interesting model or case study in MODEL.LA that you would like to share with the MODEL.LA community, please let us know and we can make it available here.

  • Acetic Anhydride Process Design Case Study (latest version 0.1):

A case study describing the hierarchical design of a process for acetic anhydride manufacture is available. This case study begins by considering the entire process as an input-output structure. Each subsequent level of the design adds additional detail until the process is modeled down to the level of individual trays in a distillation column.

This case study assumes minimal familiarity with MODEL.LA, but users who complete the entire case study are well on their way to becoming MODEL.LA power users.

The MODEL.LA model and simulation files for this case study are provided in the examples subdirectory of the MODEL.LA installation (e.g., C:\Modella\Examples\11_acetic_anhydride\).

  • User's Guide (latest version 0.1):

    A draft of the MODEL.LA User's Guide is available. The user's guide provides instructions on how to complete common modeling tasks in MODEL.LA.

    Many elements of the MODEL.LA graphical user interface have been redesigned and many others added since the user's guide was first written. An updated user's guide may be downloaded from this page when it becomes available.

  • Reference Manual (latest version 0.1):
A draft of the MODEL.LA Reference Manual is available. The reference manual provides details about the function of every dialog window, menu option, and button in MODEL.LA.

Many elements of the MODEL.LA graphical user interface have been redesigned and many others added since the reference manual was first written. An updated reference manual may be downloaded from this page when it becomes available.

Summary of Example Models:

Examples provided with the latest installation of MODEL.LA are listed below. The corresponding model files may be found in the Examples subdirectory off the main MODEL.LA installation directory (e.g., C:\Modella\Examples\).

  • 00_tutorial_cstr: A copy of the completed jacketed CSTR model from the MODEL.LA Introductory Tutorial.
  • 01_intro_flash: A dynamic model of a nonideal VLE flash.
  • 02_flash: Steady-state and dynamic models of an ideal VLE flash (illustrates modeling using multiphase material content).
  • 03_cstr: Steady-state and dynamic models of a jacketed CSTR (illustrates modeling using hierarchical subunits).
  • 04_column: Steady-state model of a distillation column (illustrates modeling using staged units).
  • 05_hda_plant: Multi-level case study featuring hierarchical design of process for manufacture of benzene from hydrodealkylation of toluene. Ideal and non-ideal property models included.
  • 06_btx_distillation: Steady-state and dynamic models of multicomponent distillation column, with and without side stripper. Solution of resulting discontinuous DAEs requires licensed installation of gPROMS.
  • 07_controlled_cstr: Dynamic models of open-loop and closed-loop CSTR (illustrates modeling using control loops). Solution of resulting discontinuous DAEs requires licensed installation of gPROMS.
  • 08_btx_ctrl: Closed-loop modeling of column from 06_btx_distillation featuring multiple control loops. Solution of resulting discontinuous DAEs requires licensed installation of gPROMS.
  • 09_tubular_reactor: Dynamic model of jacketed tubular reactor with 2-D axial and radial distribution. Solution of resulting PDAEs requires licensed installation of gPROMS.
  • 10_distributed_plant: Dynamic model of chemical plant with 1-D distributed tubular reactor and two-phase absorber. Solution of resulting PDAEs requires licensed installation of gPROMS.
  • 11_acetic_anhydride: Complete model files from multilevel case study featuring hierarchical design of process for manufacture of acetic anhydride from acetone and acetic acid.

User Contributed Models

If you have developed an interesting model or case study in MODEL.LA that you would like to share with the MODEL.LA community, please let us know and we can make it available here.

  • Jacketed CSTR tutorial:

Contributed by Prof. Kevin Dahm at Rowan University.

This HTML version of the MODEL.LA tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for the modeling and simulation of a jacketed CSTR in MODEL.LA. It also features hyperlinks to supplementary information about MODEL.LA that is not contained in the PDF version of the tutorial.

The use of hyperlinks in this tutorial allow a user to contextually learn more about the impact of their modeling assumptions on a model. In a similar manner, they also provide access to additional details about the features and capabilities of MODEL.LA.

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