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Using a Course Action Plan

What. The Course Action Plan is designed to help you record and assess your goals, especially after you have taken a course. Download a printable copy [PDF format].

Why. The purpose of the Course Action Plan is to help you gain maximum results for your time and future growth.

Most of us take courses thinking that, if the course is valuable, we will learn to do something differently, better, or more easily. And when we plan to take specific action, we become even more committed to implementing what we learn. It is through this implementation that we benefit personally. Our organization also benefits.

When. For maximum effectiveness, you should complete a personal Course Action Plan right at the end of a course. Writing and measuring specific goals can lead to more productive, practical learning. It also provides a means of sharing your goals with your manager.

How. Since you are in the best position to measure your own growth, you should keep a copy of your completed Course Action Plan so you can note your progress over time. Put it aside as a reminder to check your progress after 90 days. You might also want to make a second copy to share with your manager, a mentor, or a colleague so he or she can follow up with you 90 days later as well.

Who. If you are a course participant, the Course Action Plan provides a way for self-assessment.

If you are a manager who is given a copy of someone else's Course Action Plan, you may want to use it in several ways with the person who gives it to you. In addition to discussing the on-the-job application of the course content, you may want to use the plan as a vehicle to discuss overall career development and/or set additional goals with the person.

Further Information. If you have any questions about the Course Action Plan, please feel free to contact