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#19. Keynote speaker to the first edition of the International Conference on Carbon Chemistry and Materials (CCM-2021) organized by the United Scientific Group (USG)
2021 (November)
- United Scientific Group (USG)
- The first edition of the International Conference on Carbon Chemistry and Materials (CCM-2021), USA
- Named among the "World Experts" by the editorial board of the "Carbon Chemistry and Materials" and invited as Keynote speaker to the first edition of the "International Conference on Carbon Chemistry and Materials (CCM-2021)". (More information regarding this news is available at this link).
"Dr. Yasser Ashraf Gandomi: Keynote speaker to the first edition of the "International Conference on Carnon Chemistry and Materials (CCM-2021)"
(November 2021) |
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#18. Outstanding Paper Award
-Taiwan Chemical Engineering Academy
- Dr. Yasser Ashraf Gandomi and his team received the "Outstanding Paper Award" from Taiwan Chemical Engineering Academy for their recent achievement in developing highly efficient carbon quantum dot suspensions and membranes.
"Outstanding Paper Award" from Taiwan Chemical Engineering Academy presented to Dr. Yasser Ashraf Gandomi and his team for their recent achievement in developing highly efficient carbon quantum dot suspensions and membranes.
(2020) |
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#17. Special Issue Editor for the Membranes (EISSN 2077-0375, Published by MDPI).
- MDPI or Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
- Dr. Yasser Ashraf Gandomi: Special Issue Editor for the Membranes (EISSN 2077-0375, Published by MDPI). (More information regarding this news is available at this link).
- This special issue of Membranes (ISSN 2077-0375) belongs to the section "Membrane Engineering and Applications".
- Special Issue "State of the Art of Polymeric Membranes for Energy Storage and Conversion"
- Special Issue "State of the Art of Polymeric Membranes for Energy Storage and Conversion" directed by "Dr. Yasser Ashraf Gandomi (2020) |
Dr. Yasser Ashraf Gandomi: Special Issue Editor for the Membranes
(EISSN 2077-0375, Published by MDPI). |
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#16. The Kaufman Teaching Certificate
2019 (August)
- The Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program (KTCP)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- "The Kaufman Teaching Certificate" is awarded to MIT researchers interested in academic careers for developing skills to support their teaching at MIT. The program was named in 2014 to honor Stephen P. Kaufman, a long-time supporter of the Teaching + Learning Lab. (More information regarding this program is available at this link).
The "Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide" by R. M. Felder and R. Brent was presented to Dr. Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Mr. Steve Kaufman (Former chairman and CEO of Arrow Electronics and currently a senior lecturer of business administration at Harvard Business School). (August 2019) |
"The Kaufman Teaching Certificate" was presented to Dr. Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Ian A. Waitz (Vice Chancellor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Dr. Janet Rankin (Director of Teaching & Learning Lab (TLL) at MIT).
(August 2019) |
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#15. The Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Student Achievement Award
- Awarded to a single individual worldwide annually
- The Electrochemical Society (ECS)
- 233rd Electrochemical Society Meeting (Seattle, WA, May 13-17, 2018)
- "The Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IEEE) Achievement Award" is an international award from the Electrochemical Society (ECS) being awarded to a single individual worldwide. The IEEE award was established in 1989 to recognize young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical engineering. (More information regarding this award is available at this link).
The 233rd Electrochemical Society Meeting, Battery and Energy Technology Session (May 13, 2018) |
The 233rd Electrochemical Society Meeting (May 13, 2018) |
The 233rd Electrochemical Society Meeting, Washington State Convention Center (May 13-17, 2018) |
"The Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IEEE) Achievement Award" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Elizabeth Biddinger (The ECS Division Student Awards Chair, Assistant Professor at The City College of New York) and Dr. Douglas Riemer (The ECS Division Student Awards Executive Committee Member, Technical Fellow at Hutchinson Technology, Inc.), 233rd Electrochemical Society Meeting (The Washington State Convention Center, May 14, 2018)
"The Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IEEE) Achievement Award Certificate" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by The Electrochemical Society for Mr. Ashraf Gandomi's substantial contributions to understanding efficiency loss mechanisms in Redox Flow Batteries, fostering collaborations in his laboratory, and advancing the field via several peer-reviewed publications, presentations, and invention disclosures. 233rd Electrochemical Society Meeting (The Washington State Convention Center, May 14, 2018) |
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#14. The Excellence in Research Award
2017 (April)
- Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
- The Graduate Student Senate presents "The Excellence in Graduate Research Award" each year to a graduate student who has received national and/or international recognition in his/her field and shows professional promise in his/her area of research and creative achievement. (More information regarding this award is available at this link).
"The Excellence in Research Award" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Beverly Davenport (The Chancellor of the University of Tennessee), The University of Tennessee (April 2017) |
"The Excellence in Research Award Certificate" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Beverly Davenport (The Chancellor of the University of Tennessee), The University of Tennessee (April 2017) |
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#13. The Extraordinary Professional Promise Honor
2017 (April)
- Chancellor's Honors Program
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
- "The Extraordinary Professional Promise Honors" are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate professional promise in teaching, research or other contributions. (More information regarding this award is available at this link).
"Extraordinary Professional Promise Award" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Beverly Davenport (The Chancellor of the University of Tennessee), The University of Tennessee (April 2017) |
"Extraordinary Professional Promise Award Certificate" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Beverly Davenport (The Chancellor of the University of Tennessee), The University of Tennessee (April 2017) |
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#12. Best Presentation Award in the “Secondary Batteries and Environmental Materials” Division
2016 (December)
- Awarded to a single individual (at each division)
- The Fifth International Education Forum on Environmental and Energy Science
- San Diego, California, USA
- This International Education Forum is sponsored by the program for Leading Graduate Schools “Academy for Co-creative Education of Environment and Energy Science (ACEEES)” at Tokyo Institute of Technology. (More information regarding this award is available at this link).
"Best Presentation Award in the “Secondary Batteries and Environmental Materials” Division" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Shigeki Nakagawa (Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology), San Diego, California, USA (December 2016) |
"Best Presentation Award in the “Secondary Batteries and Environmental Materials Division Certificate" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Shigeki Nakagawa (Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology), San Diego, California, USA (December 2016) |
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#11. Outstanding Graduate Student Award
2016 (April)
- Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
"Outstanding Graduate Student Award" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Prof. Matthew Mench (Dean, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville), The University of Tennessee (April 2016). |
"Outstanding Graduate Student Award Certificate" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Matthew Mench (Head of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee), The University of Tennessee (April 2016) |
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#10. The Runner-Up award at Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)
2016 (April)
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
"Runner-Up Award at Three Minute Thesis Competition" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Ingrid Ruffin (Head of the Student Success Program at the University of Tennessee), The University of Tennessee (April 2016) |
"Runner-Up Award at Three Minute Thesis Competition Certificate" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by Dr. Ingrid Ruffin (Head of the Student Success Program at the University of Tennessee), The University of Tennessee (April 2016) |
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#9. Superior score in Oral Proficiency Testing (OPT)
2016 (January)
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL)
"Superior score in Oral Proficiency Testing (OPT) Certificate" presented to Yasser Ashraf Gandomi by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) (January 2016) |
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#8. Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship
2015 (July)
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
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#7. East Tennessee section of the ASME’ Leadership Honor
2015 (June)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
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#6. Full Financial Support for PhD research at University of Tennessee (Research Assistant Position at Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Laboratory)
2013 (August)
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
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#5. International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) Fellowship
2012 (August)
- The International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE)
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#4. Ranked 1st in graduating masters engineering class
2010 (August)
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- The University of Tabriz, Tabriz
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#3. Best Poster Presentation Award
2008 (May)
- 12th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
- Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman
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#2. Scored in the 96th percentile (of 15,000 applicants)
2007 (August)
- National University Entrance Examination (Graduate level)
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#1. Scored in the 98th percentile (of 300,000 applicants)
2003 (August)
- National University Entrance Examination (Undergraduate level level)
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Copyright © 2021 Yas Ashraf Gandomi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, 02142, USA - E-mail Yas Ashraf Gandomi
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