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Gender Minorities in Science Social

We are excited to announce the 10th anniversary of the Gender Minorities in Science Social (GeMSS), a networking event aimed at early career scientists and designed to provide a space for those who identify as a gender minority. This event is a working lunch that provides networking and mentoring opportunities for women and other gender minorities in nuclear physics. The speakers at the lunch will share their stories and advice for current and future generations of nuclear physicists. The event will be held on 7 October between the workshops and the plenary session. Tickets can be purchased through the DNP or CEU conference registration. For questions and further information, please reach out to:


Graduate Student Social 

During this year’s Fall DNP meeting the DNP Education Committee and the Local Organizing Committee will host a social event for graduate student attendees.


Reading of the play Delicate Particle Logic 

Date: Tuesday October 8th at 7:30 PM in the Georgian Room, second floor of Park Plaza Hotel Admission: $ 10 

On the evening of Tuesday October 8th, a reading of the play Delicate Particle Logic, by Jennifer Blackmer, will be presented by the Central Square Theater as part of their Catalyst Collaborative@MIT program, at the Boston Hilton Park Plaza Hotel. In Delicate Particle Logic an imagined conversation between Lise Meitner, the physicist who discovered nuclear fission, and Edith Hahn, Otto Hahn's wife, explores the bomb, the Nazi's, Otto's Nobel Prize, and the cultural dichotomy between art and science.