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Advances in Direct Measurements of Astrophysical Reactions - Direct measurements of astrophysical reaction rates are the “gold standard” and ultimately required for reliable models of nucleosynthesis and stellar explosions. While extremely challenging, a broad range of novel instruments and techniques has emerged at stable and radioactive beam facilities in the US and abroad. These include new or upgraded underground laboratories, active target type detectors, advanced recoil separator systems, high intensity accelerators above ground, laser-induced plasmas, and novel detection systems. Experimental advances are also creating urgency in addressing long standing nuclear theory challenges such as electron screening and low energy effects at the interface of structure and reaction theory. This minisymposium will highlight recent results, in some cases first results with new instruments, current status of various development projects, and future perspectives. It will provide an important overview of the challenges and opportunities in experiment and theory and highlight the breadth of the various experimental approaches.

Applied Nuclear Physics - Through inventions such as the medical X-ray, applications of nuclear physics have had an enormous impact on society. This minisymposium will showcase how applied nuclear physics research impacts problems in arms control, medicine, cargo security, and other fields. One of the goals of the minisymposium is to inspire students to use their scientific imagination to think about how their knowledge of nuclear physics can be used for the good of society.

BSM Physics and Neutrinos in Nuclear Astrophysics and Cosmology - Between progress towards precision measurements of neutrino properties and the CMB, as well as the increased potential for multi-messenger astrophysical events like supernovae to provide a new wealth of information, it is timely to get communities together to discuss interdisciplinary studies. This minisymposium will therefore explore the impact of beyond the standard model particle physics on the early universe as well as the astrophysical environments responsible for element formation.

Entanglement in Nuclear Physics: From Theory to Measurement - An entangled system is one whose quantum state cannot be written as a simple product of constituent states. The detection of quantum entanglement can be used as a tool to probe the wave functions of quantum systems such as those relevant for nuclear physics. Quantum entanglement is also a key feature of quantum computing algorithms and quantum sensing technologies. This mini-symposium explores all aspects of quantum entanglement and its realization in nuclear physics.

Exploring New Frontiers: Advances in Heavy Element Research - Cutting-edge experimental methods are reshaping our comprehension of heavy and superheavy elements, unveiling insights into their nuclear and chemical characteristics. As the community sets its sights on the potential discovery of more new elements, efforts are also focused on finding the island of stability and in reconsidering the structure of the Periodic Table. This mini-symposium will explore the current advances and future prospects in this dynamic field.

From Data to Discovery: How Machine Learning and Statistics are Fueling Understanding in Nuclear Physics - Recent advances in cutting-edge machine learning and advanced statistical methods are transforming science across all disciplines. The lead speaker will discuss how these advances are fueling the understanding in nuclear physics and the role that open-source science and community-driven development plays in lowering the barrier for participation in the computational sciences. The speaker will also describe efforts to build inclusive online collaboration spaces and share resources for kickstarting the uptake of advanced scientific computing. All contributed speakers and the audience in the session will have the opportunity to collaborate and participate in this endeavour.

Next Generation Techniques for Fundamental Symmetries and Neutrinos - This minisymposium welcomes all talks discussing emerging methods for tests of the symmetries of nature, precision measurements of fundamental constants, and the properties of the neutrino and their interactions. This includes new technologies related to detection and manipulation of exotic nuclei and atoms, as well as new concepts for measurement techniques and systems used to probe BSM phenomena.

Nuclear Data in the Cosmos - Nuclear inputs are an important component of modeling astrophysical environments such as supernovae and neutron star mergers, and nuclear data is required for investigating all stages of their evolution. Data for reactions, decays, emission spectra, and isomer transitions are some examples of important ingredients needed to produce a realistic picture of astrophysical events. This minisymposium aims to highlight the key role of nuclear data in astrophysics calculations, as it influences the evolution of these complex astrophysical systems as well as their observables such as element formation, neutrino emission, gamma rays, and light curves.

Nuclear Physics from Multi-Messenger Data - This minisymposium will report state-of-the-art results on the equation of state of dense matter, neutrino opacities, and other transport properties of dense matter, inferred from the comparison between theoretical models and data from nuclear physics, heavy-ion experiments, and multimessenger astronomy. Gravitational wave observations from LIGO and electromagnetic observations of neutron stars, in concert with experimental information from FRIB, are opening new pathways to probe strongly-interacting matter. Much recent activity, devoted to relate the features of multi-messenger data to the underlying phases of QCD matter, should be reported here. Given the high level of activity in this field, we expect strong participation and a large number of abstract submissions, especially from collaborations like NP3M and MUSES.

Probing Deeper into Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay - This session will highlight the exciting progress on current and future neutrinoless double beta decay experiments, along with ideas for reaching next-generation sensitivity. The nuclear physics community strongly supports current efforts to probe neutrinoless double beta decay at the ton scale with a half-life discovery sensitivity beyond 1028 yr. The recent emphasis on improving analysis techniques, advancing background rejection, optimizing detector readout and instrumentation schemes, and the use of machine learning push the physics reach of current and planned experiments, as well as opening the door for future searches beyond the ton scale.

Studies of Transversity in Hadron and Di-hadron Production - There has been enormous success in understanding transversity and extraction of the tensor charge via phenomenological analyses of the experimental data and via lattice QCD studies. RHIC has produced an impressive body of measurements related to single and di-hadron channels sensitive to transversity. The importance of these studies for nuclear physics as well as for BSM searches will be highlighted in this session.

The Future of EIC Beyond ePIC - With EIC and ePIC going ahead full steam, the community needs to begin to consider extensions of the physics program and future upgrade paths of the accelerator and detector complex. On a shorter time scale, a second detector, complementary to ePIC, as a cross check and to extend the physics reach is highly desired. On a longer timescale, developing a high intensity, high energy muon-ion collider as an upgrade to the EIC facility would allow access to interesting kinematic regimes not probed by the EIC. The session will discuss the current state of design and physics cases for these future projects.