Professional Development for Early-Career Scientists - Navigating the transition from post-doctoral researcher to faculty/permanent staff member can be difficult and involves multiple career-affecting choices (e.g. about research directions, funding, hiring, service), many of them crucial for future success. There are also many things one needs to learn how to do that are not part of graduate student and post-doc training (e.g. research and funding strategy, building a research group, managing the teaching load, work-life balance). Junior scientists (i.e., post-docs and pre-tenure faculty and staff) navigate these things better when they have supportive local mentors who help them deal with practical issues, set priorities, and provide reassurance. However, not all junior scientists are lucky enough to have that mentoring available at their institution. The goal of this workshop is to discuss these issues with junior scientists and begin to develop a network of senior colleagues they can lean on for advice beyond the workshop.
Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics - The workshop will explore some of the frontiers of nuclear structure physics and nuclear astrophysics as well as intersections between these topics. New facilities, such as FRIB and GRETA, advances in theory, and ongoing experimental efforts will be discussed which are set to provide an exciting new era of discovery in the coming decade.
Precision Measurements and BSM Physics - This workshop features precision measurements of neutrino mass and research into novel nuclear systems of significant interest for developing clocks, understanding properties of exotic nuclei, and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model.
QCD Towards the EIC - The workshop presents some of the most significant research in QCD experiments from existing facilities, theory, and simulation, in the context of the future Electron Ion Collider (EIC). The organizers have specifically selected a diverse group of speakers with an emphasis on early career colleagues.
Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay - This workshop will present new experimental results, provide details on the status of future ton-scale experiments in the US, discuss new avenues for the implementation of AI/ML in data analysis, and present exciting theoretical work in the field.