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Parking Coordinators

If you have questions regarding commuter programs, your departmental Parking Coordinator is available to you as a resource, in addition to the Parking & Transportation Office. Parking Coordinators are listed below by department.

Graduate Employee Daily account holders with questions about commuter benefits should contact Additional information is available in the Parking FAQ and at the Office of Graduate Education.

Departments can update this list by sending new Parking Coordinator information to the Parking & Transportation Office.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X-Z


Department Name DePt ID Parking Coordinator
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab 10004084 Packard, Haley
Rowe, Jonathan
Academic Services, Office of 441400 TBD
Admissions Office 446100 Jones, Edmund
Advanced Educational Services, Center for 405100 Westlund, Mary (Meg)
Aeronautics and Astronautics 10000299 Knowlton, Kaylie
Aerospace Studies 187100 Woods, Joyce Camille
Alumni Association 871000 Balkissoon, Nicole
Anthropology Program 093200 Hartford, Irene
Archaeology 10000327 Quill, Terese
Architecture 10000270Reyes, Alan
Architecture & Planning, School of 10000267Clapper, Kiley
Art, Culture, and Technology, Program in 038000 Barosy, Andrew
Arts, Office of the 401813 Brown, Gabriella
Audio Visual Services 874100 Finnegan, Vachiraphorn Lee
Audit Division 10000698 Gagnon, Martha Jane
Cripps, Vida

[to top]


Biological Engineering, Dept of 069200 Dudley-Cowans, Rolanda
Biology, Dept of 151000 Cabral, Margaret
Biomedical Engineering, Center for 166000 Boisset-Dell'Elce, Leslie
Biomedical Innovation, Center for 430000 Small, Eric
Biotechnology Process Engineering Center 068800 Darling, Daniel
Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Dept of 10000535 Davidson, Jill
Wiley, Jamie
Budget, Finance and Treasury 427000 Clinton, Suzette
Business and Digital Transformation Office 10006508 Rieu-Isaacs, Helene

[to top]


Cambridge-MIT Institute 400900 O'Neil, Alexandra
Campus Activities Complex 405500 Donaghey, Aaron
Card Office 862000 Cucinotta, Anne
Career Advising and Professional Development 10000759 Jones, Dalton
Monvil, Maritza
Chairman of the Corporation 400000 McNamara, Ann
Chancellor's Office 401500 Brown, Gabriella
Chemical Engineering, Dept of 062000 Boisset-Dell'Elce, Leslie
Chemistry 10000491 Tran, Abdohamis Thanh
Wagner, Shannon
Wyne, Lexy
Civil and Environmental Engineering 10000320 Briana, Kathleen
Collective Intelligence, Center for 121920 Stewart, Stephanie
Comparative Medicine, Division of 10000612 Kun, Keith
Comparative Media Studies / Writing 093800 Horvath, Gabriella
Smith, Sarah
Computational & Systems Bio Initiative 418000 Chaput, Francine
Computational Science & Engineering, Center for 10005883 Xian, Zhao
Computer Sci & Artificial Intelligence Lab 10000957 Noone, Riley
Concourse 069600 Cogliano, Paula
Consortium on Financing Higher Education 401200 Bourelle, Isabel
Controller and Accounting Services 422900 Clinton, Suzette
Copy Technology Centers 874200 Milligan, June
Corporate Relations/Indust Liaison Prog 413000 Wells, Margaret Teresa
Credit Union 10000911 Flaherty, Charlene
Pistorino, Brooke

[to top]


D-Lab 10004033 Mangino, Melissa
DAPER Administration 10000921 Molle, Amanda
DAPER Community Programs 10000924 Molle, Amanda
DAPER Facilities 10000806 Molle, Amanda
DAPER Intercollegiate Sports 10000804 Molle, Amanda
DAPER Recreation 10000923 Molle, Amanda
DAPER Student Life 10000922 Molle, Amanda
Deshpande Center for Technological Innov 10000317 Olivieri, Eric
Design Laboratory 030010 Doucette, Dineen
Development Services - Resource Development 410060 Balkissoon, Nicole
Digital Learning - Headquarters, Office of 10004483 Barclay, Cherrah
Digital Learning - Strategic Education Initiatives, Office of 10002734 Barclay, Cherrah
Curtin, Mary Kathleen
Dining 801000 Patton, Linda
Document Services 271050 Smith, Mike
DUE Desktop Support 441900 Primo, Y-Chie

[to top]


Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences, Dept of 10000527 Cedarstrom, Maggie
Economics, Dept of 10000359 Desforge, Lisa
Strang, Kevin
Edgerton Center 10000721 Higginbottom, Marvelin
Educational Council 446300 Jones, Edmund
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Dept of 064000 Tilden, William
Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems, Lab for 069300 DesGroseilliers, Gary
Endicott House 872500 McNamara, Ann
Engineering, School of 060000 Boisset-Dell'Elce, Leslie
Engineering-UPOP, School of 060900 Jones, Jessica
Enterprise Services 406200 McDonald, John
Environment, Health & Safety Office 392000 Morrison, Nadia
Environmental Health Sciences, Center for 165000 Tat, Amanda
Executive Vice President and Treasurer 404500 Medeiros, Kim
Experimental Study Group 159000 Ramsay, Graham

[to top]


Facilities, Dept of 591000 Donaghey, R. Larry
Faculty Support, Office of 445000 Fernandes, Patricia
Finance, Office of 428000 Clinton, Suzette
Financial Systems Services 421200 Mahoney, Margaret
Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory 265000 Haggerty, Jillian

[to top]


General Counsel, Office of the 405700 Boisvert, Kathleen
Global Ed and Career Development Center 10000759 Paxson, Susan
Gordon Engineering Leadership Program 10003183 Stagnone, Lisa
Graduate Education, Office of the Dean for 402200 Cuevas, Idalia
Smith, Cynthia
Gray House 497400 McNamara, Ann

[to top]


Haystack Observatory 10000601 Demers, Heidi
History Section 093400 Lopes, Kathleen
Housing 10000894 Moser, Keith
Human Resources 10000653 Royer, Mary Ellen
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences,
Dean of
1000357 Saroniero, Desiree
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, School of 1000357 Saroniero, Desiree

[to top]


Industrial Performance Center 060300 Iappini, Nancy
Information and Decision Systems, Lab for 10000338 Lay, Richard
Information Systems & Technology 242800 Valentine, Gissell
Information Systems & Technology—Headquarters 404400 Valentine, Gissell
Information Systems Research, Center for 121930 Foglia, Christine
Rowland, Molly
Innovation in Product Development, Center for 068900 MacPhee, Susan
Institute for Data, Systems, and Society 10000333 Cardarellli, Flavia
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science 10004284 Conn, Zoe
Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies 417000 McDaniels, Marlisha
Institute Professors 010000 Brown, Gabriella
Intellectual Property Counsel 416000 Placido, Charlene
International Studies, Center for 10000371 TBD

[to top]


[to top]


Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research 10000544 McGinnes, Shannon
Koch Institute of Integrative Cancer Research 402000 Clewley, Terry

[to top]


Leaders for Global Operations Program 170000 Perera, Lesley
Legatum Center for Dev Entrepreneurship 030020 Doucette, Dineen
Lemelson/MIT Program 10000316 Rinaldi, Steven
Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism 10004133 Robinson, Prudence
Libraries 10000579 Rodrigues, Maria
Lincoln Laboratory 10002409 Hoglund-Powers, Roberta
Linguistics & Philosophy 10000367 McGillicudy, Beatriz
List Visual Arts Center 10000605 Sideris, Amy
Literature Section 10000364 Tranvo, Jessica

[to top]


Management, Sloan School of 10000378 Fallon, Kate
Manufacturing and Productivity, Lab for 069700 McCarthy, Janice
Masdar Institute 401801 Arsenault, Paul
Materials Research Laboratory 069800 Sinclair, Lisa
Materials Science and Engineering, Dept of 10000325 Giovanni, Maria
Mathematics 10000533 Lehrer, Jacob
McDaid, Stacy
Rusu, Mihaela
McGovern Institute for Brain Research 400600 Lutchen, Gayle
Mechanical Engineering 065000 McCarthy, Janice
Media Arts and Sciences, Program in 036000 Kelsey, Helene
Media Laboratory 039000 Breede, Lisa-Beth
Microphotonics Center 069880 Page, Frances
Microsystems Technology Laboratories 10000294 Mitchell, Jami
Military Science (Army ROTC) 10000557 Morin, Lisa
Minority Education, Office of 441100 Mottley, Cheryl
MIT Energy Initiative 10000582 Peterson, Sarah
MIT Health 10000792 Bachini, Maria
MIT Investment Management Company 10000673 Buchanan, Amity
MIT.nano 10005458 Young, Mary
MIT Police 10000791 Harrington, Mary
MIT Portugal Program 10002810 Cardarellli, Flavia
MIT Press 10000919 Green, Nick
MIT Professional Education 061800 Romero, Matthew
Ustariz, Nadia
MIT Quest for Intelligence 10005709 Hoke, Valerie
Leal, Carissa
MIT Sea Grant College Program 10000577 Pappey, Alexis
Walters, Trudi
MIT Skoltech Program 10004209 Billings, Natalie
Museum 10000604 Canario, Allahna
Music and Theater Arts Section 10000365 Congdon, John

[to top]


Naval Science 187800 Breen, Lisa
Nuclear Reactor Laboratory 10000575 Shikes, Kristen
Nuclear Science, Lab for 159900 Luc, Elyse
Nuclear Science and Engineering, Dept of 068000 Dulong, Anne

[to top]


OpenCourseWare/Open Learning 10005109 Ramos, Lisete
Operations Research Center 247000 Mosley, Paulette

[to top]


Parking and Transportation Office 10000641 Cruz-Walker, Robynn
Physics, Dept of 158000 Metternich, Vicky
Picower Institute for Learning and Memory 10000542 Greenough, Brittany
Plasma Science and Fusion Center 242999
Haggerty, Jillian
Tench-Mora, Marcia
Political Science 095500 Clements, Pamela
President, Office of the 401000 McNamara, Ann
Project I-Campus 068400 Bisbee, Rebecca
Property Office 406800 Clinton, Suzette
Provost, Office of the 401800 Brown, Gabriella
Public Service Center 441320 Tovar, Lorena

[to top]


[to top]


Real Estate, Center for 10000272 McHugh, Joanne
Urcuioli, Bettina
Registrar's Office 10000760 Turner, Beverly
Religious Life 442020 English, Christina
Research Administration Services 10000590 Nelson, Lynda
Research Laboratory of Electronics 10000578
Keyes, Amanda
Residential Life Programs 441325 Meredith, Jennifer
ROTC Air Force 10000556 Strickland, Emma

[to top]


Science, Dean of 442500 Hanson, Garrett
Science, School of 150000 Murray, Kelly
Science, Technology and Society, Program in 10000370 Zahariadis, Gus
Singapore-MIT Alliance 10003908 Leskiw, Michael
Sociotechnical Systems Research Center 10000349 Laura Dorson
Spectroscopy Laboratory 159500 Fosher, Karen
Student Citizenship, Office of 441800 Biele, Barbara
Student Disability Services 10005259 Brochu, Ike
Student Financial Services 449000 Jones, Sonia
Wang, Lan
Student Life, Dean for 10000099 Posner, Solomon
Student Life-Administration, Dean for 442040 Haskin, Graham
Student Life-Dept Heads, Dean for 442010 Haskin, Graham
Student Life Programs 441300 Meredith, Jennifer
Student Life Programs - Operating Accounts 441620 Hill, Katrina
Student Services Information Technology 446200 Mahoney, Margaret
Study Abroad 446610 Demers, Heidi
System Design and Management 10000296 Parrillo, Melissa

[to top]


Teaching & Learning Laboratory 441700 Nocivelli, Daniel
Technology and Policy Program 10000356 Cardarellli, Flavia
Technology Development Program 321000 Vargas, Patricia
Technology Licensing Office 404000 Mack, Marlene
Technology Review 10000920 Cardinal, Linda
Terrascope 060085 Aczel, Debra
Transportation and Logistics, Center for 069500 Greimann, Eric

[to top]


Undergraduate Advising & Academic Prog, Office of 444000 Isaac, Shellyann
Undergraduate Education, Dean for 441000 Primo, Y-Chie
Urban Studies & Planning, Dept of 035000 Marchese, Janine

[to top]


VP for Communications, Office of the 10003834 McNamara, Ann
VP for Finance, Office of the 10003058 Coyne, Michelle
VP for Human Resources 409100 Royer, Mary Ellen
VP for Institute Affairs, Office of the 10000789 McNamara, Ann
VP for Research. Office of the 10000032 Schenck, Corey
VP for Resource Development 410000 Balkissoon, Nicole

[to top]


Women's and Gender Studies, Program in 090010 Neill, Emily

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 Your Commuting Benefits (Atlas)
 Parking Rates


Department Directory

Parking & Transportation Office

Atlas Service Center
Street Address: 40 Ames Street
Building: E17-106
Hours: M - F, 8AM - 5PM

parking services

Tel: 617-258-6510

t-pass services

Tel: 617-253-9701

other commuter connections


Tom Giannino

Robynn Cruz-Walker
Commuter Program Administrator

making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology