Parking Coordinators
If you have questions regarding commuter programs, your departmental Parking Coordinator is available to you as a resource, in addition to the Parking & Transportation Office. Parking Coordinators are listed below by department.
Graduate Employee Daily account holders with questions about commuter benefits should contact Additional information is available in the Parking FAQ and at the Office of Graduate Education.
Departments can update this list by sending new Parking Coordinator information to the Parking & Transportation Office.
Department Name | DePt ID | Parking Coordinator |
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab | 10004084 | Packard, Haley Rowe, Jonathan |
Academic Services, Office of | 441400 | TBD |
Admissions Office | 446100 | Jones, Edmund |
Advanced Educational Services, Center for | 405100 | Westlund, Mary (Meg) |
Aeronautics and Astronautics | 10000299 | Knowlton, Kaylie |
Aerospace Studies | 187100 | Woods, Joyce Camille |
Alumni Association | 871000 | Balkissoon, Nicole |
Anthropology Program | 093200 | Hartford, Irene |
Archaeology | 10000327 | Quill, Terese |
Architecture | 10000270 | Reyes, Alan |
Architecture & Planning, School of | 10000267 | Clapper, Kiley |
Art, Culture, and Technology, Program in | 038000 | Barosy, Andrew |
Arts, Office of the | 401813 | Brown, Gabriella |
Audio Visual Services | 874100 | Finnegan, Vachiraphorn Lee |
Audit Division | 10000698 | Gagnon, Martha Jane Cripps, Vida |
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Biological Engineering, Dept of | 069200 | Dudley-Cowans, Rolanda |
Biology, Dept of | 151000 | Cabral, Margaret |
Biomedical Engineering, Center for | 166000 | Boisset-Dell'Elce, Leslie |
Biomedical Innovation, Center for | 430000 | Small, Eric |
Biotechnology Process Engineering Center | 068800 | Darling, Daniel |
Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Dept of | 10000535 | Davidson, Jill Wiley, Jamie |
Budget, Finance and Treasury | 427000 | Clinton, Suzette |
Business and Digital Transformation Office | 10006508 | Rieu-Isaacs, Helene |
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Cambridge-MIT Institute | 400900 | O'Neil, Alexandra |
Campus Activities Complex | 405500 | Donaghey, Aaron |
Card Office | 862000 | Cucinotta, Anne |
Career Advising and Professional Development | 10000759 | Jones, Dalton Monvil, Maritza |
Chairman of the Corporation | 400000 | McNamara, Ann |
Chancellor's Office | 401500 | Brown, Gabriella |
Chemical Engineering, Dept of | 062000 | Boisset-Dell'Elce, Leslie |
Chemistry | 10000491 | Tran, Abdohamis Thanh Wagner, Shannon Wyne, Lexy |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | 10000320 | Briana, Kathleen |
Collective Intelligence, Center for | 121920 | Stewart, Stephanie |
Comparative Medicine, Division of | 10000612 | Kun, Keith |
Comparative Media Studies / Writing | 093800 | Horvath, Gabriella Smith, Sarah |
Computational & Systems Bio Initiative | 418000 | Chaput, Francine |
Computational Science & Engineering, Center for | 10005883 | Xian, Zhao |
Computer Sci & Artificial Intelligence Lab | 10000957 | Noone, Riley |
Concourse | 069600 | Cogliano, Paula |
Consortium on Financing Higher Education | 401200 | Bourelle, Isabel |
Controller and Accounting Services | 422900 | Clinton, Suzette |
Copy Technology Centers | 874200 | Milligan, June |
Corporate Relations/Indust Liaison Prog | 413000 | Wells, Margaret Teresa |
Credit Union | 10000911 | Flaherty, Charlene Pistorino, Brooke |
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D-Lab | 10004033 | Mangino, Melissa |
DAPER Administration | 10000921 | Molle, Amanda |
DAPER Community Programs | 10000924 | Molle, Amanda |
DAPER Facilities | 10000806 | Molle, Amanda |
DAPER Intercollegiate Sports | 10000804 | Molle, Amanda |
DAPER Recreation | 10000923 | Molle, Amanda |
DAPER Student Life | 10000922 | Molle, Amanda |
Deshpande Center for Technological Innov | 10000317 | Olivieri, Eric |
Design Laboratory | 030010 | Doucette, Dineen |
Development Services - Resource Development | 410060 | Balkissoon, Nicole |
Digital Learning - Headquarters, Office of | 10004483 | Barclay, Cherrah |
Digital Learning - Strategic Education Initiatives, Office of | 10002734 | Barclay, Cherrah Curtin, Mary Kathleen |
Dining | 801000 | Patton, Linda |
Document Services | 271050 | Smith, Mike |
DUE Desktop Support | 441900 | Primo, Y-Chie |
[to top]
Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences, Dept of | 10000527 | Cedarstrom, Maggie |
Economics, Dept of | 10000359 | Desforge, Lisa Strang, Kevin |
Edgerton Center | 10000721 | Higginbottom, Marvelin |
Educational Council | 446300 | Jones, Edmund |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Dept of | 064000 | Tilden, William |
Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems, Lab for | 069300 | DesGroseilliers, Gary |
Endicott House | 872500 | McNamara, Ann |
Engineering, School of | 060000 | Boisset-Dell'Elce, Leslie |
Engineering-UPOP, School of | 060900 | Jones, Jessica |
Enterprise Services | 406200 | McDonald, John |
Environment, Health & Safety Office | 392000 | Morrison, Nadia |
Environmental Health Sciences, Center for | 165000 | Tat, Amanda |
Executive Vice President and Treasurer | 404500 | Medeiros, Kim |
Experimental Study Group | 159000 | Ramsay, Graham |
[to top]
Facilities, Dept of | 591000 | Donaghey, R. Larry |
Faculty Support, Office of | 445000 | Fernandes, Patricia |
Finance, Office of | 428000 | Clinton, Suzette |
Financial Systems Services | 421200 | Mahoney, Margaret |
Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory | 265000 | Haggerty, Jillian |
[to top]
General Counsel, Office of the | 405700 | Boisvert, Kathleen |
Global Ed and Career Development Center | 10000759 | Paxson, Susan |
Gordon Engineering Leadership Program | 10003183 | Stagnone, Lisa |
Graduate Education, Office of the Dean for | 402200 | Cuevas, Idalia Smith, Cynthia |
Gray House | 497400 | McNamara, Ann |
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Haystack Observatory | 10000601 | Demers, Heidi |
History Section | 093400 | Lopes, Kathleen |
Housing | 10000894 | Moser, Keith |
Human Resources | 10000653 | Royer, Mary Ellen |
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Dean of |
1000357 | Saroniero, Desiree |
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, School of | 1000357 | Saroniero, Desiree |
[to top]
Industrial Performance Center | 060300 | Iappini, Nancy |
Information and Decision Systems, Lab for | 10000338 | Lay, Richard |
Information Systems & Technology | 242800 | Valentine, Gissell |
Information Systems & Technology—Headquarters | 404400 | Valentine, Gissell |
Information Systems Research, Center for | 121930 | Foglia, Christine Rowland, Molly |
Innovation in Product Development, Center for | 068900 | MacPhee, Susan |
Institute for Data, Systems, and Society | 10000333 | Cardarellli, Flavia |
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science | 10004284 | Conn, Zoe |
Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies | 417000 | McDaniels, Marlisha |
Institute Professors | 010000 | Brown, Gabriella |
Intellectual Property Counsel | 416000 | Placido, Charlene |
International Studies, Center for | 10000371 | TBD |
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Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research | 10000544 | McGinnes, Shannon |
Koch Institute of Integrative Cancer Research | 402000 | Clewley, Terry |
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Leaders for Global Operations Program | 170000 | Perera, Lesley |
Legatum Center for Dev Entrepreneurship | 030020 | Doucette, Dineen |
Lemelson/MIT Program | 10000316 | Rinaldi, Steven |
Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism | 10004133 | Robinson, Prudence |
Libraries | 10000579 | Rodrigues, Maria |
Lincoln Laboratory | 10002409 | Hoglund-Powers, Roberta |
Linguistics & Philosophy | 10000367 | McGillicudy, Beatriz |
List Visual Arts Center | 10000605 | Sideris, Amy |
Literature Section | 10000364 | Tranvo, Jessica |
[to top]
Management, Sloan School of | 10000378 | Fallon, Kate |
Manufacturing and Productivity, Lab for | 069700 | McCarthy, Janice |
Masdar Institute | 401801 | Arsenault, Paul |
Materials Research Laboratory | 069800 | Sinclair, Lisa |
Materials Science and Engineering, Dept of | 10000325 | Giovanni, Maria |
Mathematics | 10000533 | Lehrer, Jacob McDaid, Stacy Rusu, Mihaela |
McGovern Institute for Brain Research | 400600 | Lutchen, Gayle |
Mechanical Engineering | 065000 | McCarthy, Janice |
Media Arts and Sciences, Program in | 036000 | Kelsey, Helene |
Media Laboratory | 039000 | Breede, Lisa-Beth |
Microphotonics Center | 069880 | Page, Frances |
Microsystems Technology Laboratories | 10000294 | Mitchell, Jami |
Military Science (Army ROTC) | 10000557 | Morin, Lisa |
Minority Education, Office of | 441100 | Mottley, Cheryl |
MIT Energy Initiative | 10000582 | Peterson, Sarah |
MIT Health | 10000792 | Bachini, Maria |
MIT Investment Management Company | 10000673 | Buchanan, Amity |
MIT.nano | 10005458 | Young, Mary |
MIT Police | 10000791 | Harrington, Mary |
MIT Portugal Program | 10002810 | Cardarellli, Flavia |
MIT Press | 10000919 | Green, Nick |
MIT Professional Education | 061800 | Romero, Matthew Ustariz, Nadia |
MIT Quest for Intelligence | 10005709 | Hoke, Valerie Leal, Carissa |
MIT Sea Grant College Program | 10000577 | Pappey, Alexis Walters, Trudi |
MIT Skoltech Program | 10004209 | Billings, Natalie |
Museum | 10000604 | Canario, Allahna |
Music and Theater Arts Section | 10000365 | Congdon, John |
[to top]
Naval Science | 187800 | Breen, Lisa |
Nuclear Reactor Laboratory | 10000575 | Shikes, Kristen |
Nuclear Science, Lab for | 159900 | Luc, Elyse |
Nuclear Science and Engineering, Dept of | 068000 | Dulong, Anne |
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OpenCourseWare/Open Learning | 10005109 | Ramos, Lisete |
Operations Research Center | 247000 | Mosley, Paulette |
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Parking and Transportation Office | 10000641 | Cruz-Walker, Robynn |
Physics, Dept of | 158000 | Metternich, Vicky |
Picower Institute for Learning and Memory | 10000542 | Greenough, Brittany |
Plasma Science and Fusion Center | 242999 243000 |
Haggerty, Jillian Tench-Mora, Marcia |
Political Science | 095500 | Clements, Pamela |
President, Office of the | 401000 | McNamara, Ann |
Project I-Campus | 068400 | Bisbee, Rebecca |
Property Office | 406800 | Clinton, Suzette |
Provost, Office of the | 401800 | Brown, Gabriella |
Public Service Center | 441320 | Tovar, Lorena |
[to top]
[to top]
Real Estate, Center for | 10000272 | McHugh, Joanne Urcuioli, Bettina |
Registrar's Office | 10000760 | Turner, Beverly |
Religious Life | 442020 | English, Christina |
Research Administration Services | 10000590 | Nelson, Lynda |
Research Laboratory of Electronics | 10000578 10004059 |
Keyes, Amanda |
Residential Life Programs | 441325 | Meredith, Jennifer |
ROTC Air Force | 10000556 | Strickland, Emma |
[to top]
Science, Dean of | 442500 | Hanson, Garrett |
Science, School of | 150000 | Murray, Kelly |
Science, Technology and Society, Program in | 10000370 | Zahariadis, Gus |
Singapore-MIT Alliance | 10003908 | Leskiw, Michael |
Sociotechnical Systems Research Center | 10000349 | Laura Dorson |
Spectroscopy Laboratory | 159500 | Fosher, Karen |
Student Citizenship, Office of | 441800 | Biele, Barbara |
Student Disability Services | 10005259 | Brochu, Ike |
Student Financial Services | 449000 | Jones, Sonia Wang, Lan |
Student Life, Dean for | 10000099 | Posner, Solomon |
Student Life-Administration, Dean for | 442040 | Haskin, Graham |
Student Life-Dept Heads, Dean for | 442010 | Haskin, Graham |
Student Life Programs | 441300 | Meredith, Jennifer |
Student Life Programs - Operating Accounts | 441620 | Hill, Katrina |
Student Services Information Technology | 446200 | Mahoney, Margaret |
Study Abroad | 446610 | Demers, Heidi |
System Design and Management | 10000296 | Parrillo, Melissa |
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Teaching & Learning Laboratory | 441700 | Nocivelli, Daniel |
Technology and Policy Program | 10000356 | Cardarellli, Flavia |
Technology Development Program | 321000 | Vargas, Patricia |
Technology Licensing Office | 404000 | Mack, Marlene |
Technology Review | 10000920 | Cardinal, Linda |
Terrascope | 060085 | Aczel, Debra |
Transportation and Logistics, Center for | 069500 | Greimann, Eric |
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Undergraduate Advising & Academic Prog, Office of | 444000 | Isaac, Shellyann |
Undergraduate Education, Dean for | 441000 | Primo, Y-Chie |
Urban Studies & Planning, Dept of | 035000 | Marchese, Janine |
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VP for Communications, Office of the | 10003834 | McNamara, Ann |
VP for Finance, Office of the | 10003058 | Coyne, Michelle |
VP for Human Resources | 409100 | Royer, Mary Ellen |
VP for Institute Affairs, Office of the | 10000789 | McNamara, Ann |
VP for Research. Office of the | 10000032 | Schenck, Corey |
VP for Resource Development | 410000 | Balkissoon, Nicole |
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Women's and Gender Studies, Program in | 090010 | Neill, Emily |
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