11.黒豆茶2 (Black bean tea at a shop in Kyoto, part 2)
[Context] After purchasing black
beans for tea, トモちゃん and the video shooter keep chatting with the sales
lady of the store in Kyoto that sells local specialties of Tanba area (located in the middle
of Kyoto prefecture).
Q1: Why did the sales lady want to know how to say 梅干し in
Not many foreigners like 梅干し, so she wants to convince them to
buy it.
She knows its English equivalent, but she wanted to test the
video shooter’s knowledge.
A number of foreigners ask what 梅干し is, so she wants to make
Q2: What do foreigners usually buy, according to the sales lady?
Dried fig only.
Various kinds, except for dried fig.
Various kinds, including dried fig.
Q3: The video shooter said 今言うてたら来はった. Who came?
The store owner.
Other Japanese customers.
Q4: Why did トモちゃん do to find out the English equivalent of いちじく?
She text-messaged somebody to ask what it is.
She searched it online using her cell phone.
She checked it using the dictionary software on her cell phone.
Q5: How did the sales lady find out the English equivalent of
She looked it up in the dictionary.
トモちゃん looked it up for her using a cell phone.
She asked a foreign customer.
Q6: How old is the sales lady?
Almost 80.
Almost 60.
Almost 70.
Q7: What kind of benefit did the sales lady most appreciate by
drinking black bean tea?
Her skin has rejuvenated.
Her brain got vitalized.
She isn’t constipated anymore.
Q8: The sales lady mentioned some positive effect of black bean
tea on weight control, and also pointed out that トモちゃん is slender. What
was トモちゃん’s comment?
My skirt makes me look slender!
The part hidden under my skirt is the only slender part!
I love being slender because I can enjoy wearing this skirt!
The part hidden under my skirt is not slender at all!