C - Derivable Traits

In various places in the book, we discussed the derive attribute that is applied to a struct or enum. This attribute generates code that implements a trait on the annotated type with a default implementation. In this example, the #[derive(Debug)] attribute implements the Debug trait for the Point struct:

#[derive(Debug)] struct Point { x: i32, y: i32, }

The code that the compiler generates for the implementation of Debug is similar to this code:

impl ::std::fmt::Debug for Point { fn fmt(&self, __arg_0: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result { match *self { Point { x: ref __self_0_0, y: ref __self_0_1 } => { let mut builder = __arg_0.debug_struct("Point"); let _ = builder.field("x", &&(*__self_0_0)); let _ = builder.field("y", &&(*__self_0_1)); builder.finish() } } } }

The generated code implements sensible default behavior for the Debug trait’s fmt function: a match expression destructures a Point instance into its field values. Then it builds up a string containing the struct’s name and each field’s name and value. This means we’re able to use debug formatting on a Point instance to see what value each field has.

The generated code isn’t particularly easy to read because it’s only for the compiler to consume, rather than for programmers to read! The derive attribute and the default implementation of Debug has saved us all of the work of writing this code for every struct or enum that we want to be able to print using debug formatting.

The derive attribute has default implementations for the following traits provided by the standard library. If you want different behavior than what the derive attribute provides, consult the standard library documentation for each trait for the details needed for manual implementation of the traits.

Standard Library Traits that Can Be Derived

The following sections list all of the traits in the standard library that can be used with derive. Each section covers:

  • What operators and methods deriving this trait will enable
  • What the implementation of the trait provided by derive does
  • What implementing the trait signifies about the type
  • The conditions in which you’re allowed or not allowed to implement the trait
  • Examples of operations that require the trait

Debug for Programmer Output

The Debug trait enables debug formatting in format strings, indicated by adding :? within {} placeholders.

The Debug trait signifies that instances of a type may be printed by programmers in order to debug their programs by inspecting an instance of a type at a particular point in a program’s execution.

An example of when Debug is required is the assert_eq! macro, which prints the values of the instances given as arguments if the equality assertion fails so that programmers can see why the two instances weren’t equal.

PartialEq and Eq for Equality Comparisons

The PartialEq trait signifies that instances of a type can be compared to each other for equality, and enables use of the == and != operators.

Deriving PartialEq implements the eq method. When derived on structs, two instances are equal if all fields are equal, and not equal if any fields are not equal. When derived on enums, each variant is equal to itself and not equal to the other variants.

An example of when PartialEq is required is the assert_eq! macro, which needs to be able to compare two instances of a type for equality.

The Eq trait doesn’t have any methods. It only signals that for every value of the annotated type, the value is equal to itself. The Eq trait can only be applied to types that also implement PartialEq. An example of types that implements PartialEq but that cannot implement Eq are floating point number types: the implementation of floating point numbers says that two instances of the not-a-number value, NaN, are not equal to each other.

An example of when Eq is required is for keys in a HashMap so that the HashMap can tell whether two keys are the same.

PartialOrd and Ord for Ordering Comparisons

The PartialOrd trait signifies that instances of a type can be compared to each other to see which is larger than the other for sorting purposes. A type that implements PartialOrd may be used with the <, >, <=, and >= operators. The PartialOrd trait can only be applied to types that also implement PartialEq.

Deriving PartialOrd implements the partial_cmp method, which returns an Option<Ordering> that may be None if comparing the given values does not produce an ordering. When derived on structs, two instances of the struct are compared by comparing the value in each field in the order in which the fields appear in the struct definition. When derived on enums, variants of the enum declared earlier in the enum definition are greater than the variants listed later.

An example of when PartialOrd is required is the gen_range method in the rand crate that generates a random value in the range specified by a low value and a high value.

The Ord trait signifies that for any two value of the annotated type, a valid ordering exists. The Ord trait implements the cmp method, which returns an Ordering rather than an Option<Ordering> because a valid ordering will always be possible. The Ord trait can only be applied to types that also implement PartialOrd and Eq (and Eq requires PartialEq). When derived on structs and enums, cmp behaves the same way as the derived implementation for partial_cmp does with PartialOrd.

An example of when Ord is required is when storing values in a BTreeSet<T>, a data structure that stores data based on the sort order of the values.

Clone and Copy for Duplicating Values

The Clone trait signifies there is a way to explicitly create a duplicate of a value, and the duplication process might involve running arbitrary code. Deriving Clone implements the clone method. When derived, the implementation of clone for the whole type calls clone on each of the parts of the type, so all of the fields or values in the type must also implement Clone to derive Clone.

An example of when Clone is required is when calling the to_vec method on a slice containing instances of some type. The slice doesn’t own the instances but the vector returned from to_vec will need to own its instances, so the implementation of to_vec calls clone on each item. Thus, the type stored in the slice must implement Clone.

The Copy trait signifies that a value can be duplicated by only copying bits; no other code is necessary. The Copy trait does not define any methods to prevent programmers from overloading those methods violating the assumption that no arbitrary code is being run. You can derive Copy on any type whose parts all implement Copy. The Copy trait can only be applied to types that also implement Clone, as a type that implements Copy has a trivial implementation of Clone, doing the same thing as Copy.

Copy is rarely required; when types implement Copy, there are optimizations that can be applied and the code becomes nicer because you don’t have to call clone. Everything possible with Copy can also be accomplished with Clone, but the code might be slower or have to use clone in places.

Hash for Mapping a Value to a Value of Fixed Size

The Hash trait signifies there is a way to take an instance of a type that takes up an arbitrary amount of size and map that instance to a value of fixed size by using a hash function. Deriving Hash implements the hash method. When derived, the implementation of hash for the whole type combines the result of calling hash on each of the parts of the type, so all of the fields or values in the type must also implement Hash to derive Hash.

An example of when Hash is required is for keys in a HashMap so that the HashMap can store data efficiently.

Default for Default Values

The Default trait signifies there is a way to create a default value for a type. Deriving Default implements the default method. When derived, the implementation of Default for the whole type calls the default method on each of the parts of the type, so all of the fields or values in the type must also implement Default to derive Default.

A common use of Default::default is in combination with the struct update syntax discussed in the “Creating Instances From Other Instances With Struct Update Syntax” section in Chapter 5. You can customize a few fields of a struct and then use the default values for the rest by using ..Default::default().

An example of when Default is required is the unwrap_or_default method on Option<T> instances. If the Option<T> is None, the unwrap_or_default method will return the result of Default::default for the type T stored in the Option<T>.

Standard Library Traits that Can’t Be Derived

The rest of the traits defined in the standard library can’t be implemented on your types using derive. These traits don’t have a sensible default behavior they could have, so you are required to implement them in the way that makes sense for what you are trying to accomplish with your code.

An example of a trait that can’t be derived is Display, which handles formatting of a type for end users of your programs. You should put thought into the appropriate way to display a type to an end user: what parts of the type should an end user be allowed to see? What parts would they find relevant? What format of the data would be most relevant to them? The Rust compiler doesn’t have this insight into your application, so you must provide it.

Making Custom Traits Derivable

The above list is not comprehensive, however: libraries can implement derive for their own types! In this way, the list of traits you can use derive with is truly open-ended. Implementing derive involves using a procedural macro, which is covered in the next appendix, “Macros.”