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Need helping finding your way around? There are three main steps to this tool.

Before Step I

  • Click on Framework and use this visual model as you go through the following steps.
  • Click on Key Questions Form. Print a hard copy or download to your computer.
  • Keep a record of your responses to the questions on this form.
  • Click on the Time Needed to Use this Tool guide to determine which of the tool's features best fit your needs and time.

Step I. Goal Setting and Initial Stakeholder Communications

  1. Click on "What do you want to accomplish?"

    This section ensures thinking through the "rationale" for the program. The rationale explains, "What's in this program for participants." It explains why someone would enroll in the training and what the outcomes are expected to be.

    By completing this section, you will be clear about why you are developing the program. These may be the "overall goals" or simply the reason you are considering training to meet these goals. (In addition, in the "Learning Objectives" section, you will find questions related to developing the specific program objectives.) It is likely that you will want to revise and refine both these sections during the design of the program.

  2. Click on "Stakeholder Communications."

    This section assists in developing and thinking through stakeholder communications. It is important to communicate with stakeholders throughout the development of a training program including deciding whether to develop it at all.

    The arrows at the bottom of the "Framework" indicate on-going stakeholder and other communication throughout the development process.

Step II. Training Design Factors

  1. Click on the Key Questions Form.

    This form includes all key questions from the Training Design Factors lists. You can download it to your computer and print it out. Anser these questions throughout your planning process. It is not expected that you will answer all of them but the more you can consider, the clearer your decisions will be.

  2. Click on the Framework page.

    Click on each factor surrounding the center of the page. You may begin at "Learning Objectives" and go clockwise through the factors. Or, you may begin with any factor and go through them at your own choosing.

    Within each factor you will find questions about your training program. You will not necessarily need to answer every question. The topics and questions within each factor, however, will be very helpful in thinking through many issues about developing a training program. Not all these questions are represented on the Key Questions Form, so be sure to review each of these sections carefully.

  3. You may wish to add some questions of your own to customize the Key Questions Form for your own use. You can add questions of your own or you can insert questions from the "Additonal Questions" lists in each Training Design Factor.

    After clicking on each of the Factors, go to the Key Questions Form in the center of the page, where you will find a list of the key questions and space to keep track of your responses. Answer those you can now. Keep the form with you so that you can answer more of the questions as you go forward with your design plans.

Step III. Decide, Design and Develop

When you click on Training Delivery Methods At-A-Glance Matrix, or the more detailed Training Delivery Full Scale Matrix, you will find a tool to assist thinking through the factors related to choosing a delivery method. This is not a decision-tree nor is it designed to give you a single, "right" answer. Rather, it is designed to assist in thinking through the factors by showing what is considered most and least effective for many of the delivery methods.

Review the items listed as most effective under each delivery method. Using the answers you gave on the key question form, find the delivery method that best matches your needs and resources.

This site is designed to assist in asking the questions and provides a guide to making training-related design and delivery decisions. As you go through each step of this tool, you will have the questions needed for discussions with stakeholders.

Please feel free to contact us with questions or comments.