An international committee on biodiversity (ICB) of Mission 2015's choosing will be a general biodiversity body; however, in order for ICB-initiated research to properly match the needs of the community researching and conserving biodiversity, the ultimate decisions on what research gets pushed forward should be made by a panel of experts: conservation biologists, environmental engineers, and other specialists. That is why we propose that each country represented in the ICB invite such an expert from a technology-focused university within its jurisdiction. The following institutions will be contacted during the process of website creation and invited to be among the first to join and beta-test the forum. In addition, one faculty member from each of the institutions will be invited to become a BioD moderator:
Each member country will be allowed to select a specialist; however, the above are some of Mission 2015's suggested universities and corresponding countries. Even though all universities can join the website and become the part of the initiative, the role of the above institutions is to provide one faculty member specializing in the fields of conservational biology, civil engineering or another area of study deemed appropriate by the International Committee. Those selected experts will form the BioD group of moderators and will have the following responsibilities on the BioD forum:
With numerous research discussions and biodiversity suggestions posted in the sections of the BioD form, there must exist a ranking system to determine which research supports BioD's mission more than others. In order to facilitate feedback, BioD Moderators will express their interest in research in the following format: each posted research project will have a description and a small voting window next to it. This voting window will contain two options, "Moderator Support" and "Moderator Disapproval," which will be visible only to BioD members with the moderator certificate. Each of the moderators will have one vote per project and will be able to either "Support", "Disapprove" or maintain neutrality by not voting at all.
If a majority of moderators "support" a particular research project through electronic vote, it is moved to the top of the page and gets special consideration if the ICB obtains funds to sponsor a collaborative biodiversity research project.
If a majority of moderators "disapprove" a research project, it is moved towards the bottom of the page. If a project is simply inappropriate for the forum and has no relation to the BioD's mission or insults the mission, there will be an option called "Motion to Remove" next to every project. If the motion is given by one of the moderators and is supported by at least two other moderators, the research topic is removed.