If a registered member applies for a private grant, he/she, as the initiator, is responsible for making sure this idea is unique and is not patented and/or developed by another party. If the idea is under development, but not completed, the initiator may contact the patent holders to ask them to start the initiative on BioD, but may not take the idea as his/her own in case that request is denied. If a company, university, or individual making use of the website steals an idea and develops a technology clearly defined by the frames of someone else's proposal and/or starts selling the idea for profit, or breaks a patent law put forth by the ICB, the party will be permanently banned from the forum and may face charges from the owner of the proposal. The moderators will be assigned to their positions only after they have signed a confidentiality agreement protecting the rights of initiators of private grant projects.
Sponsor of the Year - given to the party that provides the most funding to the ICB initiated research project.
Bio-Contributor of the Year - given to the party that provides greatest intellectual or resource contribution in terms of facilities, manpower, or ideas.
Both of the awards are selected by the Moderators and include the following benefits: the company logo prominently displayed on the ICB Website and the BioD Forum, a news article published by the ICB in sponsoring newspapers and on the website, ICB-sponsored advertising on public forums, and a cash award determined by the ICB annually.