Instructor Martin Culpepper Runs An External Gear Pumps Designed and Built By Tina Rosado
(bottom left) as Adrian Birka (top middle) and Allicia Jillian Hardy (top left) look on

Dick Perdichizi Demonstrates How An Airfoil Works

Gina and Christina Park Pose In Clean Room Suits |

Gina and Christina as Enhanced by Pentium II™ Chips |

Lee Knight Poses Beside A Jet Engine |

1st Section Students Pose Next to 6 Cylinder Engine to Be Assembled
Standing From Left To Right: Katin Shields, Jen Blundo,
Rhonda Salzman, Adrian Birka, Courtney Clench, Tina Rosado,
Allicial Jillian Hardy, David Hu, Michael Ramirez, Mealani Nakamura
Kneeling from left to right: Manual Martinez, Kevin Richardson |

Jen Blundo and Katin Shields Work On A Tape Recorder And Several Gear Boxes |

Manuel Martinez Ponders How To Start Disassembling The Engine |

Rosalind Takata Prepares to Finish Off The Engine |

Rosalind Takata and Eric Smith Don "Booties" Before Entering the MEMs Clean Room |

During Lab, Students Explain To Each Other How The Machines They Take Apart Work |

Eric Smith Solid Models His Gear Pump |

Ryan Anderson Disassembles An Internal Gear Pump |

Todd Atkins Disassembles An Industrial Robot Arm |