CPE Programme

TROUT, Bernhardt L

Programme Co-Chair
Professor of Chemical Engineering, MIT

Expertise: Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical manufacturing, continuous manufacturing, therapeutic protein formulation and stabilization, molecular computations of chemical and biological systems, nucleation and crystallization.

DOYLE, Patrick S

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, MIT

Expertise: Biophysics, microfluidics separations, microrheology, polymer physics, transport phenomena.

FISHER, Robert J

Senior Lecturer and Station Director, David H Koch School of Chemical Engineering Practice, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT

Expertise: Transport phenomena and applied mathematics, bio-processing, reaction engineering, cell and tissue engineering, nanotechnology and stability theory.


Ralph Landau Professor of Chemical Engineering Practice, MIT
Director, David H Koch School of Chemical Engineering Practice

Expertise: Functionalised nanoparticles, chemical biological and environmental separations; magnetic separations, responsive surfactants, polymers and gels.


Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Officer
Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT

Expertise: Chemical process design, dynamic systems and process control.


W H Dow of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, MIT

Expertise: Metabolic engineering, genomics, biotechnology and bioinformatics.

WANG, Daniel I C

Institute Professor of Chemical Engineering, MIT

Expertise: Bioreactor design, animal cell technology, protein characterisation, protein stability, high throughput screening, biofuels and protein refolding.