Departmental Computing Liaison


Outline of the Preventative Maintenance Program

Guidelines for Preventative Maintenance Program Participation

Administrative Computing Renewal Program

Departmental Computing Liaison Responsibilities

Current Departmental Computing Liaisons

Participating IS Teams and their responsibilities

Background: SoS Pilot

Hardware/Software standards

Key Dates

One of the recommendations from the SoS Pilot, endorsed by the AACII, was the establishment of the role of Departmental Computing Liaison within each department participating in the program.

The responsibilities of the Departmental Computing Liaison include:

  • Reports problems to AdminIT-help
  • Assists IS in setting Department priorities
  • Keeps IS informed about:
    • Staff changes
    • Inventory changes
    • Key DLC computing decisions
  • Participates in Quarterly Meetings with IS
  • Shares communications from IS with their DLC staff
  • Assists with the management of configuration information ­ including hostname and IP address assignments
  • Assists with maintenance of DLC owned software licenses
  • Assists with recommendation and purchasing of hardware and software not covered by Administrative Desktop Acquisition Fund

Depending upon the Department, these responsibilities may be shared across several different people ­ IS needs one liaison identified as the "IS Contact".

Last Modified September 10, 2004 10:40 AM