Departmental Computing Liaisons


Outline of the Preventative Maintenance Program

Guidelines for Preventative Maintenance Program Participation

Administrative Computing Renewal Program

Departmental Computing Liaison Responsibilities

Current Departmental Computing Liaisons

Participating IS Teams and their responsibilities

Background: SoS Pilot

Hardware/Software standards

Key Dates

The current list of Departmental Computing Liaisons is:

School of Engineering

-Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering (AAE)-Fred Donovan,Phyllis Collymore (14 participants)
-Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)-Pat Dixon (24 participants)
-Chemical Engineering (CHEME)-Jean Belbin (6 participants)
-Concourse-Cheryl Butters (1 participant)
-Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL)-Mary Gibson (15 participants)
-Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development (CTPID)-Su Chung (2 participants)

School of Science

-Biology-Gurukarm Khalsa  (32 participants)
-Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) -Toni Oliver (20 participants)
-Center for Cancer Research (CCR)- Colleen Leslie(18 participants)
-Chemistry -Gigi Lirot (32 participants)
-Dean's Office School of Science- Debra Martin (6 participants)
-Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) -Mark Pendleton (27 participants)
-Experimental Study Group (ESG) -Holly Sweet (4 participants)
-Picower Center for Learning and Memory (PCLM)- Chris Malnati (8 participants)
-Physics-Claudia Labollita-James (23 participants)
-Spectroscopy Lab -Vinnie Russo (4 participants)

Provost's Area

-Provost's Office-Michele Hinkle (30 participants)
-McGovern Institute-Gayle Lutchen (3 participants)
-List Visual Arts Center (LVA)-David Freilach (7 participants)
-Musuem-Sue Speisman (3 participants)
-Office of the Arts-Lynn Heinemann,Patrick Boyle (6 participants)

Executive Vice President's Area

-Executive VP's Office-Marilyn Melithoniotes (2 participants)
-Audit Division-Mike Bowers, John Dvorak (17 participants)
-IS&T Telephony and Shared Services (TSS) Jean Greene (20 participants)

President's Office

-Conference Services, Events & Information Center- Cathi Levine (5 participants)

School of Architecture

-Center for Real Estate (CRE)-Marion Cunningham (12 participants)


Last Modified September 10, 2004 11:17 AM