Guidelines for
Program Participation


Outline of the Preventative Maintenance Program

Guidelines for Preventative Maintenance Program Participation

Administrative Computing Renewal Program

Departmental Computing Liaison Responsibilities

Current Departmental Computing Liaisons

Participating IS Teams and their responsibilities

Background: SoS Pilot

Hardware/Software standards

Key Dates

Participation in the Preventative Maintenance program is linked to the Administrative Computing Renewal Program. This was a program put in place several years ago to assist DLCs who had *no* funding for computing equipment and needed an adequate computing environment to participate in any large Reengineering effort.

Participants must meet the following requirements:

  • Full time administrative and support staff appointments
  • Must use of 5 or more of the enterprise-wide applications (Eudora, Netscape, MS Office, Filemaker Pro, MITsis, SAP R/3, BrioQuery, Coeus, etc.)
  • Does not cover at-home or telecommuting needs
  • New positions are expected to fund their own equipment for the first year

For questions or comments regarding participation in this program, please send email to

Last Modified September 10, 2004 10:43 AM