++ Past Events ++
10th Anniversary of the Lufthansa Award Public Award Ceremony: Thursday, April 27, 2006
MIT Short Film Festival European Short Films & Chinese Animation April 7 - 9, 2006 Public Reading by Max-Kade-Writer-in-Residence Perikles Monioudis March 2, 2005 and Lecture: Thursday, May 19, 2005
European/German Short Film Festival April 29/30 & May 1, 2005 Photos from the Public Award Ceremony on April 28, 2005
Lufthansa Award for Excellence in German Studies Public Award Ceremony: Thursday, April 29, 2004, Flyer (PDF) Photos from the Award Ceremony
Images Moving Between Cultures – Young Turks of German Cinema Wednesday, April 21: "Getürkt" (Weed): Fatih Akin "Die Auslandstournee" (Tour Abroad): Ayse Polat Friday, April 23: "Wir haben vergessen, zurückzukehren" (We forgot to Go Back): Fatih Akin "Dealer": Thomas Arslan Monday; April 26: "Die Liebenden vom Hotel Osman" (The Lovers of Hotel Osman): Idil Üner "Lola und Bilidikid" (Lola and Billy the Kid): Kutlug Ataman More information about these films (Page at Goethe-Institut Boston)
Award for Excellence in German Studies at MIT Poetry Workshop with Ulrike Draesner, April 1/3, 2003, (in German), more info (PDF) "How
Turkish is Germany?" Literatursalon: Zafer
Award for Excellence in German Studies at MIT
Award for Excellence in German Studies José F.A.
Oliver: " fernlautmetz
- cantero de sonidos lejanos" Holger Teschke:
"From Bertolt Brecht's Flight of the Lindberghs' to Robert
Wilson's 'Oceanflight' - Experience with Bilingual Theater Production
at the Berliner Bilingual Ensemble"
Katja Behrens:
Der Schriftsteller als Fabeltier Lufthansa
Award for Excellence in German Studies Friedrich Christian Delius: Der Spaziergang
von Rostock nach Syrakus Lufthansa
Award for Excellence in German Studies Yoko Tawada:
Metamorphoses Wu Wei Theater of Frankfurt Robin Hood im Supermarkt: Lufthansa
Award for Excellence in German Studies Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956): Centennial Celebration 2. ZEIT Internet-Literaturwettbewerb Max Kade
Distinguished Visiting Professor & Writer in Residence: Lufthansa Award for Excellence in German Studies Visiting Writer and Journalist:
Copyright © 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Last modified May 15, 2007 Hints, Suggestions, Comments to: Webmeister Kurt Fendt (fendt{at}mit{dot}edu) |