Gutowski, T.G. (2017). A Critique of Life Cycle Assessment: Where Are the People?
Procedia CIRP, 25th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference. Cooper, D.R., S.G.,Gutowski, T.G. (2018). Prospective environmental analyses of emerging technology: a critique, a proposed methodology, and a case study on incremental sheet forming.
Ip, K., Testa, M., Raymond, A., Graves, S.G.,Gutowski, T.G. (2018). Performance evaluation of material separation in a material recovery facility using a network flow model.
Resources, Conservation & Recycling 131 (2018): 192-205. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.11.021 (pdf available) Pan, R., Gutowski, R.G., Sekulic, D.P. (2017). Built environment energy trade-offs scaling.
Energy, 141, 1374-1383. Gutowski, T.G., Jiang, S., Cooper, D.R., Corman, G., Hausman, M., Manson, J.A., Schudeleit, T., Wegener, K., Sabelle, M., Ramos-Grez, J., Sekulic D.P. (2017). Note on the rate and limits for Additive Manufacturing.
To appear in Journal of Industrial Ecology (pdf available) Gutowski, T.G., Cooper, D.R. and Sahni, S. (2017). Why we use more materials.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 375:20160368. doi:10.1098/rsta.2016.0368 (pdf available) Holmstrom, J., Gutowski, T.G. (2017). Introducing AM to Operations and Supply Chain Management: No Sustainability Benefit or Virtuous Knock-on Opportunities?
To appear in Journal of industrial Ecology (pdf available) Allwood JM, Gutowski TG, Serrenho AC, Skelton ACH, Worrell E. (2017). Industry 1.61803: the transition to an industry with reduced material demand fit for a low carbon future.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc A 375:20160361. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0361 (pdf available) Cooper, D.R., Rossie, K.E. and Gutowski, T.G. (2016). The energy requirements and environmental impacts of sheet metal forming: an analysis of five forming processes. Under review in the Journal of Materials Processing Technology Cooper, D.R., Rossie, K.E. and Gutowski, T.G. (2016). An environmental and cost analysis of stamping sheet metal parts.
Accepted in ASME: Manufacturing Science and
Engineering Worrell, E., Allwood, J.A. and Gutowski, T.G. (2016). The Role of Materials in Environmental and Climate Stewardship.Annual Review Environment and Resources. doi: 10.1146/annurev-environ-110615-085737 (pdf available) Cooper, D.R. and Gutowski, T.G. (2015). The environmental impacts of reuse: A review. Journal of Industrial Ecology. doi: 10.1111/jiec.12388 (pdf available) Herrmann, C., Hauschild, M., Gutowski, T. and Lifset, R. (2014). Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 18: 471–477. doi: 10.1111/jiec.12177 (pdf available) Kawajiri K., Gutowski T., Gershwin, S. (2014). Net CO2 Emissions from Global Photovoltaic Development RSC Adv., 2014, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C4RA08596E
Received 13 Aug 2014, Accepted 20 Oct 2014
First published online 20 Oct 2014 (pdf available) Dahmus, J. B. (2014). Can Efficiency Improvements Reduce Resource Consumption? Journal of Industrial Ecology. doi: 10.1111/jiec.12110
(pdf available) Gutowski, T., Sahni, S., Allwood, J., Ashby, M., & Worrell, E. (2013). The Energy Required to Produce Materials: Constraints on Energy Intensity Improvements, Parameters of Demand. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A.; (pdf available) Allwood, J. M., Ashby, M. F., Gutowski, T. G., Worrell, E. (2013). Material efficiency: providing material services with less material production. (January) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2013 371, 20120496; (pdf available)
Gutowski, T.G., Allwood, J.M., Hermann, C., Sahni, S. (2013).''A Global Assessment of
Manufacturing: Economic
Development, Energy Use,
Carbon Emissions, and the
Potential for Energy Efficiency
and Materials Recycling,'' Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2013. 38:81Ð106; (pdf available) Dittrich M, Gutowski T.G., Cao J., Roth J.T., Xia C., Kiridena V., Ren F. Henning H. (2012). Exergy Analysis of Incremental Sheet Forming. Production Engineering
April 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp 169-177 (pdf available)
Bhavak R. Bakshi, Timothy G. Gutowski, and Dusan P. Sekulic. Thermodynamics and the Destruction of Resources. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
(amazon link)
Allwood, Julian M., Michael F. Ashby, Timothy G. Gutowski, and
Ernst Worrell, ''Material
efficiency: A white paper
,'' Resources, Conservation & Recycling. Vol. 55, 2011,
pp. 362-381.
(pdf available)
T.G. Gutowski, S. Sahni, A. Boustani, and S.C. Graves. ''Remanufacturing and Energy
Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 45,
pp. 4540-4547,
(pdf available) Sahil Sahni, Timothy G. Gutowski “Your scrap, my scrap! The flow of scrap materials through international trade," IEEE/International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST) 2011, Chicago. (pdf
Theis, T.L., B. Bakshi, D. Durham, V. Fthenakis, T. Gutowski,
J. Isaacs, T. Seager, and M.R. Wiesner. ''A Life Cycle Framework for the
Investigation of Environmentally Benign Nanoparticles and
Physica Status Solidi RRL 1-6, 2011.
(pdf available)
Branham, M. S., and T.G. Gutowski. ''Deconstructing Energy Use in
Microelectronics Manufacturing: An Experimental Case Study of a
MEMS Fabrication Facility,''
Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 44,
pp. 4295-4301, 2011.
(pdf available) Gutowski T.G. “Manufacturing and the Science of Sustainability18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Braunschweig, 2011" (pdf
Gutowski, T.G., S.B. Gerswhin and T. Buonassisi, ''Energy
Payback for Energy Systems Ensembles During Growth
,'' IEEE/International Symposium on Sustainable Systems
and Technology, Washington D.C., May 16-19,
(pdf available)
Gutowski, T.G., John Y.H. Liow, D.P. Sekulic, ''Minimum Exergy
Requirements for the Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotubes
,'' IEEE/International Symposium on Sustainable Systems
and Technology, Washington D.C., May 16-19,
(pdf available)
Wolf, M.I., M. Colledani, S.B. Gershwin, and
T.G. Gutowski, ''Modeling and Design of Multi-Step Separation
Systems,'' IEEE/International Symposium on Sustainable Systems
and Technology, Washington D.C., May 16-19, 2010.
(pdf available)
Boustani, A., S. Sahni, S.G. Graves and
T.G. Gutowski, ''Appliance Remanufacturing and Life Cycle
Energy and Economic Savings,'' IEEE/International Symposium on Sustainable Systems
and Technology, Washington D.C., May 16-19, 2010.
(pdf available)
Sahni, S., A. Boustani, T.G. Gutowski, and S.G. Graves, ''Reusing Personal Computer Devices - Good or Bad for the Environment?'' IEEE/International Symposium on Sustainable Systems
and Technology, Washington D.C., May 16-19, 2010.
(pdf available)
Duque Ciceri, Natalia, T.G. Gutowski and M. Garetti, ''A
Tool to Estimate Materials and Manufacturing Energy for a
Product,'' IEEE/International Symposium on Sustainable Systems
and Technology, Washington D.C., May 16-19, 2010.
(pdf available)
Colledani, M., S.B. Gershwin, T. Gutowski and M.I. Wolf ''A
methodology to support the design of multi-stage material
separation systems for recycling,'' 43rd CIRP International
Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Vienna, Austria, May 2010.
S. Sahni, A. Boustani, T. Gutowski, S. Graves, Remanufacturing
and Energy Savings, MIT Energy Initiative Report Series,
January 28, 2010.
Remanufacturing and Energy Savings, MITEI-1-2010.
(pdf available)
Appliance Remanufacturing and Energy Savings,
(pdf available)
Cartridge Remanufacturing and Energy Savings,
(pdf available)
Electric Motor Remanufacturing and Energy Savings,
(pdf available)
Engine Remanufacturing and Energy Savings,
(pdf available)
Furniture Remanufacturing and Energy Savings,
(pdf available)
Personal Computer Remanufacturing and Energy Savings,
(pdf available)
Textile Remanufacturing and Energy Savings,
(pdf available)
Tire Remanufacturing and Energy Savings,
(pdf available)
Gutowski, T., Dusan Sekulic, and Bhavik R. Bakshi
"Preliminary Thoughts on the Application of Thermodynamics to the Development of Sustainability Criteria,"
IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2009.
(pdf available) Gutowski, T. “Design and Manufacturing
for the Environment," chapter in the Handbook of Mechanical
Engineering, ed. K.H. Grote and E.K. Antonsson, Springer-Verlag, in
press. (pdf
available) Gutowski, T., and Malima I. Wolf
"Separation and Energy Use Performance of Material Recycling Systems,"
NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference, June 22-25, 2009.
(pdf available) Young S. Song, Jae R. Youn, and Timothy G. Gutowski, "Life cycle energy analysis of fiber-reinforced composites"
, Composites: Part A: applied science and manufacturing, 2009, 40, pp 1257-65.
(pdf available) Gutowski, T., Matthew S. Branham,
Jeffrey B. Dahmus, Alissa J. Jones, Alexandre Thiriez and Dusan Sekulic,
Thermodynamic Analysis of Resources Used in Manufacturing Processes,
Environmental Science and Technology, 2009, 43, pp 1584-90.
January 29, 2009.
(pdf available) Gutowski, T., "Thermodynamics and Recycling,
A Review" IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the
Environment, May
19-20, 2008 San Francisco USA
(pdf available)
Timothy, Amanda Taplett, Anna Allen, Amy Banzaert, Rob Cirinciore,
Christopher Cleaver, Stacy Figueredo, Susan Fredholm, Betar Gallant, Alissa
Jones, Jonathan Krones, Barry Kudrowitz, Cynthia Lin, Alfredo Morales, David
Quinn, Megan Roberts, Robert Scaringe, Tim Studley, Sittha Sukkasi, Mika
Tomczak, Jessica Vechakul, and Malima Wolf., "Environmental
Life Style Analysis" (ELSA), IEEE International Symposium on
Electronics and the Environment,
May 19-20, 2008 San
Francisco USA
(pdf available)
Branham, Matthew, Timothy
Gutowski, Alissa Jones, Dusan Sekulic, "A Thermodynamic Framework for
Analyzing and Improving Manufacturing Processes", IEEE International Symposium on
Electronics and the Environment,
May 19-20, 2008 San
Francisco USA
(pdf available)
Foley, Joseph, and Timothy
Gutowski, "TurbSim: Reliability-based Wind Turbine Simulator",
IEEE International Symposium on
Electronics and the Environment,
May 19-20, 2008 San
Francisco USA
(pdf available)
Gutowski, T., Malima I. Wolf, Jeffrey B. Dahmus, and Dominic K. Albino
"Analysis of Recycling Systems,"
NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference, January 7-10, 2008.
(pdf available)
Dahmus, J. B., and T. G. Gutowski. "What Gets
Recycled: An Information Theory Based Model of Product Recycling",
Environmental Science and Technology, 2007, 41, 7543 - 7550 (pdf
Gutowski, T. “The Carbon and Energy
Intensity of Manufacturing," 40th CIRP International Manufacturing
Systems Seminar, Keynote Address, Liverpool University, Liverpool, UK, May
30 - June 1, 2007.
Bohr, P. and T. Gutowski. “Collective,
Collaborative or Competitive? An Analysis of EPR Approaches Using
Material Recovery Certificates for the Recycling of Cooling and Freezing
Appliances in Austria," International Eco-X Conference, Vienna,
Austria, May 9-11,
2007. Recipient of a best paper award. (pdf available)
Gutowski, T., J. Dahmus, D. Albino, and M.
Branham. “Bayesian Material Separation Model With Applications to
Recycling," IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the
Environment, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 7-10, 2007. (pdf
Gutowski, T., J. Dahmus, A. Thiriez, M. Branham,
and A. Jones. “A Thermodynamic Characterization of Manufacturing
Processes," IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the
Environment, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 7-10, 2007. (pdf
Gutowski, T., J. Dahmus, and A. Thiriez. “Electrical
Energy Requirements for Manufacturing Processes," 13th CIRP
International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, May
31-June 2,
2006. (pdf available)
Bohr, P. “Policy Tools for Electronics
Recycling: Characteristics of a Specific Certificate Market Design," IEEE International Symposium on
Electronics and the Environment, San Francisco, California, USA, May 8-11,
2006. Recipient of a best paper award. (pdf available)
Dahmus, J. and T. Gutowski. “Material
Recycling at Product End-of-Life," IEEE International Symposium on
Electronics and the Environment, San Francisco, California, USA, May 8-11,
2006. Recipient of a best paper award. (pdf available)
Thiriez, A. and T. Gutowski. “An
Environmental Analysis of Injection Molding," IEEE International Symposium on
Electronics and the Environment, San Francisco, California, USA, May 8-11,
2006. (pdf available)
Gutowski, T. “The Manufacturing
Enterprise and Sustainable Development - A Working Paper," April 2006. (pdf
Dahmus, J. and T. Gutowski. “Efficiency
and Production: Historical Trends for Seven Industrial Sectors," Working
Paper, presented at the 3rd Biennial Conference of the US Society for
Ecological Economics, Tacoma, Washington, USA, July 20-23, 2005.
Gutowski, T., J. Dahmus, and S. Dalquist. “Measuring
the Environmental Load of Manufacturing Processes," International
Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE), 3rd International
Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 12-15, 2005.
Gutowski, T. and J. Dahmus. “Mixing
Entropy and Product Recycling," IEEE International Symposium on
Electronics and the Environment, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May 16-19,
2005. (pdf available)
Gutowski, T., C. Murphy, D. Allen, D. Bauer, B.
Bras, T. Piwonka, P. Sheng, J. Sutherland, D. Thurston, E. Wolff.
“Environmentally Benign Manufacturing: Observations from Japan, Europe and
the United States,” Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 13, 1-17, 2005.
Gutowski, T. and J. Dahmus. "Product
Recycling Systems," Proceedings of the 2005 NSF Design Service
and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona,
USA, January 3-6, 2005.
Dalquist, S. and T. Gutowski. "Life
Cycle Analysis of Conventional Manufacturing Techniques: Die Casting,"
December 2004. LMP Working Paper LMP-MIT-TGG-03-12-19-2004 (pdf
Dahmus, J. and T. Gutowski. "An
Environmental Analysis of Machining," Proceedings of the 2004 ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and RD&D Exposition, Anaheim, California, USA, November
13-19, 2004. (pdf available)
Dalquist, S. and T. Gutowski. "Life
Cycle Analysis of Conventional Manufacturing Techniques: Sand Casting,"
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD&D Exposition, Anaheim,
California, USA, November 13-19, 2004. (pdf
Gutowski, T. and J. Dahmus. “Material
‘Entropy’ and Product Recycling,” Global
Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering,
Berlin, Germany, September 29-October 1, 2004.
Gutowski, T. and J. Dahmus. “Environmental
Analysis of Manufacturing Processes,” Proceedings of the 2004 NSF Design, Service
and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, Dallas, Texas, January 5-8,
Gutowski, T., “Teaching Environmentally Benign
Manufacturing,” Proceedings of the 2003 ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Washington DC,
USA, November 16-21, 2003. (pdf
Gutowski, T. and J. Dahmus. “Efficiency,
Eco-efficiency and the Environment," International
Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE), 2nd International
Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 29-July 2, 2003.
Gutowski, T. and J. Dahmus. "Cost
and Life Cycle Analysis for Advanced Composites," Proceedings of the 2003 NSF Design, Service
and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, Birmingham, Alabama,
USA, January 6-9, 2003.
Gutowski, T., “Environmentally Benign
Manufacturing and Ecomaterials; Product Induced Materials Flows,”
Materials Transactions, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2002.
Gutowski, T., “Material Recycling in OECD
Countries,” Materials Transactions, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2002.
Allen, D., D. Bauer, B. Bras, T. Gutowski, C. Murphy, T.
Piwonka, P. Sheng, J. Sutherland, D. Thurston, E. Wolff. "Environmentally
Benign Manufacturing: Trends in Europe, Japan and the U.S.A.," Journal
of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 124, No. 908, 2002.
Allen, D., D. Bauer, B. Bras, T. Gutowski, C. Murphy, T.
Piwonka, P. Sheng, J. Sutherland, D. Thurston, E. Wolff. "Environmentally
Benign Manufacturing: Trends in Europe, Japan and the U.S.A.,"
Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (DETC),
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, September 9-12, 2001.
Thurston, D., T. Gutowski, C. Murphy, D. Allen, D. Bauer, B.
Bras, T. Piwonka, P. Sheng, J. Sutherland, E. Wolff. "U.S. National
Science Foundation Panel Report on International Environmentally Benign
Design and Manufacturing", Proceedings International Conference on
Engineering Design (ICED), Glasgow, Scotland, August 2001.
Gutowski, T., C. Murphy, D. Allen, D. Bauer, B.
Bras, T. Piwonka, P. Sheng, J. Sutherland, D. Thurston, E. Wolff. “WTEC
Panel Report on: Environmentally Benign Manufacturing (EBM),”
International Technology Research Institute, World Technology (WTEC)
Division: Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2001. (pdf
Gutowski, T.G., S.M. Haffner and J.W. Pas, “Web Based Cost Estimation Model for Advanced Composites," Proceedings of the 2002 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 2002.
Gutowski, T.G., S.M. Haffner and T. Marin, “Cost Elements of Autoclave Tooling," Proceedings of the 2001 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, January 2001.
Haffner, S.M., and T.G. Gutowski, “Manufacturing Time Estimation Laws for Composite Materials," 2000 NSF Proceedings, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2000.
Haffner, S.M., and T.G. Gutowski, “Automated Cost Estimation for Advanced Composites," 1999 NSF Proceedings, Long Beach, California, USA, 1999.
Haffner, S.M., and T.G. Gutowski, “Automated Cost Estimation for Advanced Composite Materials," NSF Conference, 1998.
Gutowski, T.G., and H. Li, “Kinenatics in the Diaphragm Forming of Advanced Composites," Proceedings of the 1998 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, pp 465-466, Monterrey, Mexico, January 5-8, 1998.
Gutowski, T.G., “Pultrusion Workbook” for GLCC/LeMay Center for Composite Technology, May 1998.
Li, H., T. Gutowski, and S-B, Shim, “A Forming Model for Prepreg Material,” Proceedings of the American Society of Composites, Detroit, Michigan, USA, October 6-8, 1997.
Gutowski, T.G., and H. Li, “Innovative Forming Processes for Advanced Composites,” Proceedings of the 1997 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, pp 281-282, Seattle, Washington, USA, January 7-10, 1997.
Gutowski, T.G., and L. Ilcewicz, “Advanced Composite Design for Low Cost,” 1996 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Symposium on Design and Manufacturing of Composites, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 17-22, 1996.
Gutowski, T.G., “Design Scaling Laws for Advanced Composite Fabrication Cost,” The Third International Symposium, Textile Composites in Building Construction, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. Nov. 7-9, 1996.
Ilcewicz, L.B., T.G. Gutowski et al. “Cost Optimization Software for Transport Aircraft Design Evaluation (COSTADE) - Design Cost Methods,” NASA Contractor Report 4737, 1996.
Neoh, E.T., T.G. Gutowski, and G. Dillon. “Framework for Estimating Fabrication Time of Advanced Composites Manufacturing Processes," Proceedings 40th International SAMPE, Anaheim, CA, May 8-11, 1995.
Li, H., G. Dillon, S. Chey, and T.G. Gutowski. “A Kinematic Approach for Diaphragm Forming of Advanced Composites," Proceedings 40th International SAMPE, Anaheim, CA, May 8-11, 1995.
Gutowski, T.G., G. Dillon, S. Chey, and H. Li. "Laminate Wrinkling Scaling Laws for Ideal Composites," Composites Manufacturing, Vol. 6, No. 3-4, 1995.
Gutowski, T.G., E.T. Neoh, and G. Dillon. “Complexity Scaling Laws for Advanced Composite Fabrication Cost,” Working Paper, (Draft 1.3), Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 1994.
Gutowski, T.G., E.T. Neoh, and G. Dillon. “Size Scaling Laws for Advanced Composites Fabrication Cost,” Working Paper (Draft 1.5), Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 1994.
Gutowski, T.G., G. Dillon, S. Chey, and H. Li. "Kinematic Observations for the Forming of Advanced Thermoset Composites," ASME, WAM, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1994.
Gutowski, T.G., G. Dillon, S. Chey, and H. Li. "Laminate Wrinkling Scaling Laws for Ideal Composites," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference - Flow Processes in Composite Materials '94, University College Galway, Ireland, July 7-9, 1994.
Gutowski, T.G., G. Dillon, S. Chey, H. Li, J. Chen, and M. Strong. "Diaphragm Forming of Complex Shaped Advanced Composite Parts," Proceedings 1994 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 5-7, 1994.
Gutowski, T.G., E.T. Neoh, G. Dillon, et al. "Design Scaling Laws for Advanced Composites Fabrication Cost," proceedings of Fifth NASA/DoD Advanced Composites Technology Conference jointly sponsored by NASA Langley Research Center and USAF Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Seattle, WA. August 22-25, 1994.
Gutowski, T., D. Hoult, G. Dillon, S. Muter, E. Kim, M. Tse, and E.T. Neoh. "Development of a Theoretical Cost Model for Advanced Composite Fabrication," Composites Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1994.
Gutowski, T., and G. Dillon. "The Elastic Deformation of Lubricated, Aligned Carbon Fibers: Comparison of Theory and Experiments," Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 26. No. 16, 1992.
Gutowski, T.G., G. Dillon, and S. Chey. "Forming Continuous Fiber Composites Into Complex Shapes," NSF Grantees Conference, Univ. of North Carolina, January 1992 .
Cai, Z., and T.G. Gutowski. “The 3-D Deformation Behavior of a Lubricated Fiber Bundle,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 26, No. 8, 1992.
Cai, Z., T.G. Gutowski, and S. Allen. “Winding and Consolidation Analysis for Cylindrical Composite Structures,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 26, No. 9, 1992.
Gutowski, T.G. and G. Dillon. “Overview of the Deformation Behavior of Aligned Fiber Composites during Processing," ASME WAM, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, December 1991.
Foley, M.F. and T.G. Gutowski. "The Effect of Process Variables on Permeability in the Flexible Resin Transfer Molding (FRTM®) Process," 23rd International SAMPE Technical Conference, November 22-24, 1991.
Wang, E. and T.G. Gutowski. "Laps and Gaps in Thermoplastic Composites Processing," Composites Manufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1991.
Gutowski, T., A. Tam, G. Dillon, and S. Stoller. “Forming Aligned Fiber Composites into Complex Shapes," CIRP Annals, Vol. 40/1, 1991.
Gutowski, T., A. Tam, G. Dillon, and S. Stoller. “Forming of Aligned Fiber Composites: Geometry and Experiments," International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM/8, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 1991.
Gutowski, T.G., D. Hoult, G. Dillon, and J. Gonzalez-Zugasti. “Differential Geometry and the Forming of Aligned Fiber Composites," Flow Processes in Composite Materials, U. Limerick, Ireland, July 1992, and Composites Manufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 3/4, 1991.
Gutowski, T.G., R. Henderson, and C. Shipp. “Manufacturing Costs for Advanced Composite Aerospace Parts," SAMPE Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, May/June 1990.
Tam, A.S. and T.G. Gutowski. “The Kinematics for Forming Ideal Aligned Fiber Composites into Complex Shapes," Composites Manufacturing, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 1990.
Wang, E. and T.G. Gutowski. “Cost Comparison Between Thermoplastic and Thermoset Composites," SAMPE Journal, Vol. 26, No. 6, Nov/Dec. 1990.
Krolewski, S. and T.G. Gutowski. “The Influence of Automation on the Cost Competitiveness of Advanced Composite Materials," Materials and Society, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp 287-300, 1989.
Benatar, A. and T.G. Gutowski. “Ultrasonic Welding of PEEK Graphite APC-2 Composites," Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 29, No. 23, pp 1705-1721, Mid-Dec., 1989.
Cai, Z. and T.G. Gutowski. "Fiber Distribution and Resin Flow in the Laminate Molding Process," International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-7, Guangzhou, China, November 1989.
Tam, A. S., and T.G. Gutowski. "Ply-Slip During the Forming of Thermoplastic Composite Parts," Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 23, June 1989.
Tam, A.S. and T.G. Gutowski. “A Nonlinear Process Controller for Curing a Thermoset Composite," 34th SAMPE Symposium, Reno, Nevada, USA, May l989.
Cai, Z. and T.G. Gutowski. “The General Deformation Behavior of a Lubricated Fiber Bundle," 34th SAMPE Symposium, Reno, Nevada, USA, May 1989.
Krolewski, S. and T.G. Gutowski. “Economic Comparison of Advanced Composite Fabrication Technologies,” 34th SAMPE Symposium, Reno, Nevada, USA, May 1989.
Benatar, A., and T.G. Gutowski. “Ultrasonic Welding of Thermoplastic Composites," Proceedings of the Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), Society of Plastic Engineers, May 1989.
Gutowski, T. G. and M.F. Sentovich. "Manufacturing Issues for Composites Materials in Marine Structures," Automation in the Design and Manufacture of Large Marine Systems, Proceedings of the MIT Sea Grant Seminar Series, October 1988.
Gutowski, T. G. and A.S. Tam. "A Model for the Prediction of Ply Stresses in a Composite Laminate During Forming," Proceedings of the American Society for Composites, 3rd Technical Conference, Seattle, September 1988.
Tam, A. S. and T.G. Gutowski. "Application of Sliding Mode Control to the Cure of a Thermoset Composite," Proceedings of the American Society for Composites, 3rd Technical Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, September 1988.
Gutowski, T. G., "Manufacturing, Economic Considerations for Composites," for the Encyclopedia of Composites, 1988.
Soll, W. and T.G. Gutowski. “Forming Thermoplastic Composite Parts," SAMPE Journal Vol. 24, No. 3, May/June l988.
Gutowski, T. G., and Z. Cai. "The Consolidation of Composites," ASME Conference, Manufacturing International '88, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 1988.
Benatar, A., and T.G. Gutowski. "Ultrasonic Welding of Advanced Thermoplastic Composites," 33rd SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, March 1988.
Gutowski, T.G., and L. Bonhomme. "The Mechanics of Prepreg Conformance," Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 22, No. 3, March 1988.
Bonhomme, L., and T.G. Gutowski. "Conformance of Prepreg Composite Tapes During Automatic Layup," 33rd SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, March 1988.
Rogowski, T., and T.G. Gutowski. "Compression Molding Simulation for PMR-15 Composites," 33rd SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, March 1988.
Soll, W., and T.G. Gutowski. "Forming Thermoplastic Composite Parts," 33rd SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, March 1988.
Gutowski, T. G., et al. "Consolidation Experiments for Laminate Composites," Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 21, pp. 652-669, June 1987.
Krolewski, S. M., and T.G. Gutowski. "Effect of the Automation of Advanced Composite Fabrication Processes on Part Cost," SAMPE Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 43-51, October 1986; Proceedings of the 18th National SAMPE Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, October 1986; and SAMPE Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3, May/June 1987.
Gutowski, T.G., T. Morigaki, and Z. Cai. "The Consolidation of Laminate Composites," Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 21,pp. 172-188, February 1987.
Benatar, A., and T.G. Gutowski. "A Review of Methods for Fusion Bonding Thermoplastic Composites," SAMPE Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1987.
Benatar, A., and T.G. Gutowski. "Methods for Fusion Bonding Thermoplastic Composites," SAMPE Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 35-42, October 1986.
Benatar, A., and T.G. Gutowski. "The Bonding of Advanced Thermoplastic Composites," Proceedings of the 18th National SAMPE Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, October 1986.
Gutowski, T.G., et al. "The Mechanics of Composites Deformation During Manufacturing Processes," Proceedings First Conference American Society for Composites, Dayton, Ohio, USA, October 1986.
Gutowski, T.G., et al. "Resin Flow/Fiber Deformation Experiments," SAMPE Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 54-58, July 1986.
Bibbo, M., and T.G. Gutowski. "Analysis of the Pulling Force in Pultrusion," Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers 44th Annual Technical Conference, May 1986.
Gutowski, T.G., J. Kingery, and D. Boucher. "Experiments in Composites Consolidation: Fiber Deformation," Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers 44th Annual Technical Conference, May 1986.
Gutowski, T.G., S. Wineman, and Z. Cai. "Applications of the Resin Flow/Fiber Deformation Model," Proceedings, 31st SAMPE Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 1986.
Benatar, A., and T.G. Gutowski. "Effects of Moisture on Interface Modified Graphite Epoxy Composites," Polymer Composites, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 84-90, April 1986.
Gutowski, T.G., B. Sarh, L. Bonhomme, and A. Benatar. "Advanced Composites Automation: Process Modeling," Proceedings, 30th SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, March 1985.
Gutowski, T.G. "A Resin Flow/Fiber Deformation Model for Composites," Proceedings, 30th SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, pp. 59-64, March 1985.
Benatar, A., and T.G. Gutowski. "The Effects of Surface Modification of Graphite Fibers by Plasma Treatment on the Hygral Behavior of Composites," Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference RP/C SPI, Houston, Texas, USA, January 1984.
Gutowski, T.G., W.J. Ishida, and G.M. Berube. "LCST Solvent Separation Method: Physical Separation of the Phases," Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers 41st Annual Technical Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 1983.
Gutowski, T.G., N.P. Suh, C. Cangialose, and G.M. Berube. "A Low Energy Solvent Separation Method," Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 230-237, March 1983.
Benatar, A., N.P. Suh, and T.G. Gutowski. "Determining Moisture Content of Graphite Epoxy Composites by Measuring Their Electrical Resistance," Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers 40th Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, pp. 114-116, May 1982.
Gutowski, T.G. and N.P. Suh. "A Low Energy Solvent Separation Method," Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers 40th Annual Technical Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, pp 160-162, May 1982.
Gutowski, T.G., and N.P. Suh. "Polymer Solution Thermodynamics and Engineering Applications," in Polymer Processing: Analysis and Innovation, Ed. N. P. Suh and C. L. Tucker III, ASME Pub. PED 5, pp. 145-163, 1982.
Gutowski, T.G. “Cooperative Research: A Student’s View," Cooperative Research, edited by N.P. Suh and B.M. Kramer, Proceedings of a conference sponsored by The Laboratory for Manufacturing & Productivity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and The National Science Foundation, 1982.
Gutowski, T.G., L.E. Wittig, and C.L. Dym. "Some Aspects of the Ground Vibration Problem," Noise Control Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 94-100, 1978.
Gutowski, T.G., "Ground Vibration from Cut-and Cover Tunnel Construction," Sound and Vibration, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 16-22, 1978.
Dietrich, C.W., P.C. Fano, and T.G. Gutowski. "Training Manual, Enforcement of Vehicle Noise Regulations," Maryland DOT, Motor Vehicle Administration, 1976.
Gutowski, T.G., M.M. Myles, and C.L. Dym. "Vibration Measurements for the Laser Energetics Laboratory, University of Rochester," Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 3465, 1976.
Gutowski, T.G., L.E. Wittig, and C.L. Dym. "Assessment of Ground-Borne Vibration from Construction and Traffic for I-83 in Baltimore City," Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 3466, 1976.
Gutowski, T.G., and C.L. Dym. "Propagation of Ground Vibration: A Review," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 179-193, 1976.
Gutowski, T.G., and C.L. Dym. "Traffic-Generated Vibrations from Roadway Facilities,” Proceedings INTER-NOISE 75, Sendi, Japan, pp. 515-518, 1975.
Dietrich, C.W., N.P. Miller, and T.G. Gutowski. “Noise Regulations for New Motor Vehicles Sold in Maryland: Background Document,” Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 2923, 1975.
White, R.N., P.R.S. Terroux, and T.G. Gutowski. "Noise and Vibration Control for Yale-New Haven Air Rights Parking Facility, Summary Report," Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 2987, 1975.
Gutowski, T.G. and C.L. Dym. "3A Interstate System for Baltimore City: Assessment of Traffic-Induced Ground Vibration," Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 3076, 1975.
Hanson, C.E., L.E. Wittig, and T.G. Gutowski. "Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment for the Proposed Rapid Transit System, Denver, Colorado," Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 3134, 1975.
Gutowski, T.G. "A Method for the Prediction and Assessment of Traffic-Generated Vibrations form Bridge Structures," Proceedings INTER-NOISE 74, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 649-652, 1974.
Hanson, C.E. and T.G. Gutowski. "Training Course for Noise Control Inspectors," New York City Department of Air Resources, 1974.
Dietrich, C.W., P.C. Fano, and T.G. Gutowski. "Training Manual, Enforcement of Vehicle Noise Emission Regulations," New Jersey Turnpike Authority, June 1974.
Hanson, C.E., P.J. Remington, and T.G. Gutowski. "Measurement, Prediction and Assessment of Traffic-Generated Vibrations from the Proposed I-10 Carrollton Avenue Overpass, New Orleans, Louisiana," Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 2635, 1973.
Gutowski, T.G. "Acoustic Impact of Route 101-A, Nashua, New Hampshire," Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 2658, 1973.
Hanson, C.E.,
N.P. Miller, and T.G. Gutowski. "Assessment of Acoustic Impact for the
New Jersey Turnpike Widening Project Between Interchanges 8A-9," Bolt Beranek and Newman Report 2681, 1973.
"How to Throw Away Old Stuff, Without the Guilt," IEEE Spectrum "Techwise Conversations," by Steven Cherry, May 27, 2011. (link available)
"L'inefficacite energetique des procedes de fabrication modernes est edifiante," CleanTech Republic, by Stephane Parpinelli, April 6, 2009. (link available)
"Powering Nanomanufacturing Processes," InterNano, April 3, 2009. (link available)
"'Alarming' Use Of Energy In Modern Manufacturing Methods," ScienceDaily, March 31, 2009. (link available)
"MIT Study Sees 'Alarming' Use of Energy, Materials in Newer Manufacturing Processes," IndustryWeek, by Adrienne Selko, March 27, 2009. (link available)
"Manufactuing inefficiency: Study sees 'alarming' use of energy, materials in newer manufacturing processes," Physorg, by David Chandler, March 18, 2009. (link available)
"How Green Can You Get?" The Green blog of The Boston Globe, by Best Daley, April 30, 2008. (link available)
"MIT Class Calculates Carbon Footprint of "The Man", Wired Science, by Alexis Madrigal, April 30, 2008. (link available)
"Calculating Your Carbon", Science Friday, National Public Radio (NPR), May 2, 2008. (link available)
"Not As Green As They Claim to Be", The Boston Globe, by Best Daley, May 14, 2008. (link available)
"How Big is a Monk's Carbon Footprint?" The Toronto Star, by Leslie Scrivener, May 18, 2008. (link available)
"Big Foot: Americans are a Long Way From Treading Lightly on Earth" Technology Review, by Sara Shay, July/August 2008. (link available)
"How Do You Make Electronics Easier to Recycle?" The Christian Science Monitor, by Moises Velasquez-Manoff, March 8, 2007. (link available)
"E-Cycling" Technology Review, by Kathryn Beaumont, March, 2004. (link available)