Rome's Palazzo Farnese floor plan

Floor plan of Rome's Palazzo Farnese, designed in the 16th century by Antonio da Sangallo and Michelangelo.

Among the earliest of technical images are architectural drawings. This example is from an 1868 book depicting the 16th century palace begun by Antonio da Sangallo and completed by Michelangelo. The image was taken from Paul Marie Letarouilly's Édifices de Rome moderne; ou, Recueil des palais, maisons, églises, couvents et autres monuments publics et particuliers les plus remarquables de la ville de Rome, published in 1868.

At the workshops, scientists engage architects and designers in conversations about how they depict structure and form.
Computer generated rings of color Stained actin cytoskeleton Colored drops of water Diagram of yeast DNA Galileo line drawings of Saturn's rings Oscillating chemical reaction Micron-sized holes in quarts from femtosecond laser pulses. Virulent colonies of a yeast Self assembled molecule Floor plan of Rome's Palazzo Farnese Quantum corral on copper surface NASA Data visualization matrix Schematic representation of atoms as waves