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IAP 2011 Schedule for Tue Jan 4 05:00 AM Programming in Postscript (to 06:00 AM) 3-133 07:30 AM Navy SEAL Swim Training - Tue/Fri Morning (to 08:30 AM) Z Center 10:00 AM Basic & Advanced Bike Mechanics and Bike Wheelbuilding (to 12:00 AM) 36-112 Basic Bike Mechanics (to 12:00 PM) 36-112 Individual Consultations at the Writing and Communication Center (to 03:00 AM) 12-120 Introduction to Welding (to 12:00 PM) 8-014 Zero Robotics Spacestorms (to 12:00 PM) Room 35-225 11:00 AM Computer Workstation Ergonomics (to 12:00 PM) 4-145 12:00 PM Investor Behavior (to 01:00 PM) 32-144 01:00 PM Introduction to Blacksmithing Location unavailable Introduction to Welding (to 03:00 PM) 8-014 Pleasures of Poetry: Li Bai (to 02:00 PM) 14E-304 02:00 PM Finding the Lowest Airfares -- Understanding Airline Pricing and Distribution (to 03:30 PM) Room 33-206 Writing Recommendations that Rock (Without Sacrificing All Your Weekends) (to 03:30 PM) 56-167 03:00 PM Creatively Capture your Field Experience – with words, images, found elements and mapping (to 05:00 PM) 4-159 Introduction To Real-Time Embedded Systems For Control Applications (to 05:00 PM) Room 33-218 Introduction to Blacksmithing Location unavailable 04:00 PM Anime Art Workshop: Drawing and Inking (to 06:00 PM) W20-439 Basic Camera and Darkroom Techniques (to 07:00 PM) W20-426 Lifeguard Training Course (to 10:30 PM) Z Center The Magic of Clay Slip (to 06:30 PM) W20-431 04:30 PM Line Storm Animation (to 07:00 PM) W20-427 05:00 PM Build Your Own Electric Guitar (to 07:00 PM) W31-031 Introduction to Blacksmithing Location unavailable 06:00 PM Film Series: Exploring Islam through Movies: Inside Mecca (National Geographic) (0:45) (to 07:30 PM) 2-139 Marxism Today, 20 Years Since Its "Collapse": World Depression Made in America (to 08:00 PM) 6-120 Programming in Python (to 08:00 PM) 4-163 06:15 PM Adult Stroke Technique- Tue/Thu Evening (to 07:15 PM) Z Center 07:00 PM Glass Mosaics (to 09:30 PM) W20-427 Intermediate Squash (to 08:00 PM) Zesiger Center MIT Outing Club Winter School (to 09:00 PM) 35-225 Totally Teapot (to 09:30 PM) W20-431 07:15 PM Adult Efficient Freestyle- Tue/Thu Evening (to 08:00 PM) Z Center 07:30 PM Hip Hop (to 08:30 PM) Building 57 Alum gym
IAP 2011 Schedule for Tue Jan 4