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When I'm not working

Justin on Cadillac MountainWhile I do enjoy my job, and loved school, I do have lots of other things I like to do. I have a great bunch of friends with whom I love to go out in Boston or take trips to many of the great sites around New England. I enjoy the outdoors and have taken many trips to beautiful parts of the region.

This picture is from my hike to Cinque Terra on my last trip to Italy. With only two days off during five weeks of hard work this was a welcome break. It was a good thing we had sun for this day because the other day off it poured. We drove around Tuscany and hear that it is beautiful. To us it just looked wet!

Other things I enjoy include; Diving - While teaching at the Island School I was fortunate to have a great dive in the Bahamas, Reading - I am a big fan of Anne Rice and have recently enjoyed the Dune prequels written by Frank Herbert's son, Travel - work has taken me to Italy and Turkey but personally I have also been to Australia and pretty much all of Europe including the Eastern Bloc just as the Berlin Wall was coming down, Photography - Despite my lack of any training, I love taking pictures (some of my favorites are on my Photos page), Poetry - I occasionally attempt to put together a good piece of verse. If I have a polished product you can find a sample here.

Last Updated August 3, 2001

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