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Where I Am Going

Justin On Italian FerryIn this picutre I am on a ferry from Lerici, Italy to Cinque Terra (a series of 5 picturesque villages linked by hiking trails along the Italian Coast). I guess that is somewhere I went. So the big news on the future front is my recent marriage to Miss Paula A. Navin. We were married on May 27, 2001.

After the wedding Paula and I went to Wine Country in California for our Honeymoon. We were really excited as we both enjoy a good glass of wine. The natural beauty and relaxing spas made it a great trip.

So now we are married, I am running my lab, Paula started a new job right after the Honeymoon, and we are generally enjoying responsible adult life. Hmm, does this sound boring or exciting?

Personally I am looking forward to my future with Paula and some exciting work. In late August, and maybe again in October, I will be in Italy to support more Marine Archaeology. In November, I will be going to Oceans 2001 in Hawaii to present a paper about our AUV/ASC work.

I guess that takes me practically to Christmass. At least with the winter months my work schedule slows down and we stay in the lab until the ocean is pleasant again. Stay tuned for more developments . . .

Last Updated August 3, 2001

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