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Where I Am


Sea Grant LogoCurrently I am a Research Engineer at the MIT Sea Grant College Program. My primary jobs is to manage the Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) Lab. I am responsible for leading the development of new AUV technology at MIT. I also coordinate our field operations around the world. Recently we turned three older AUVs (one with over 500 missions completed) into one robust and reliable vehicle with spare parts. We are also bulding another one in collaboration with Bluefin Robotics, a small company that grew out of our lab. We hope to build a second brand new AUV, brining our fleet to three, soon.

We also have an Autonomous Surface Craft Research program. I really enjoy this because as an engineer my personal interests are primarily along mechanical lines. I enjoy Naval Architecture and like to design things that I can build (and fix) with my hands. One goal of this program is to use the ASC to survey a shipwreck using a sub-bottom profiler. We are also working to make one of our ASCs communicate and cooperate with one of our AUVs.

I am also work with the MIT Deep Sea Archeology research group. We hope to establish a center of research which will combine our autonomous systems with new technologies in deep sea archaeology. We plan to take our AUVs to the Mediterranean Sea to survey archaeological sites in the waters off Greece and Italy.

You can check out my Projects page to get a better feel for my professional interests. My Resume page also lists my publications, please feel free to get in touch if they interest you

Last Updated August 3, 2001

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