AUVSI Competition August 3-7, 2005
2005 Mission
The mission this year consists of three tasks labeled A, B, and C:
Task A: Docking This requires the vehicle to dock with a
docking station. The docking station is marked by a flashing red light
that blinks three times a second. While the light is on it is also
modulated with a three KHz carrier.
Task B: Pipeline Inspection This task
simulated serveying a pipeline looking for a break. An orange colored
path of flat PVC planks snakes its way along the floor of the pool
leading to and from a bin. The bin represents a break in the
pipeline. Teams are requried to place a marker in the bin to indicate
that they found the break in the pipeline.
Task C: Recovery Zone
The last task is to home in on an acoustic source and to surface above
it. This simulates recovering the vehicle after a mission. Points
are awarded for surfacing inside one of two concentric octagons on the
surface located directly above the pinger.
As an added challenge teams may elect to perform the mission elements
in a perscribed sequence (for example BAC or CAB). The order will be
transmitted to the vehical using a random order light box. This box
can be flashing red or green with a slow or fast flash rate. This
provides two bits of information that can be used to lookup the mission
order from a table.
Complete rules can be found at the AUVSI website: Link
A techical description of our vehicle can be found here: