Nitty-gritty Issues

    Rotated Domain

  1. Check velocities. Do we write true zonal/meridional velocities or those aligned with grid? This has implications for assimilation and verification.

    Double Sigma

  1. Consider redesigning the double sigma system to reduce "kinks" in the model levels.
  2. An alternative approach (inspired by comment from HGA). One of the proposed updates in GRIDS is to remove all knowledge of the definition of the vertical grids from PE_initial and PE. This would just require the passing of 3D thickness fields. In this regime, it would be easy to introduce new paradigms for the vertical levels. One such:
    1. Abandon an analytic formulation. Define each column "independently"
    2. Set limits for the thicknesses of each level (or selected ones)
    3. Use even spacing over regions shallow enough that the constraints are trivially satisfied.
    4. Freeze the levels that reach their constraints. Impose a rule for distributing the remaining levels.
    5. Example:
      • 20 vertical levels. First 7 can be no more than 1 meter thick. Impose even sigma spacing below. Result: 20 evenly spaced levels over topography 20m or less. 7 flat levels over 13 evenly spaced sigma levels over deeper topography.
      • 20 vertical levels. First level can be no more than 2 meter thick. Geometric spacing (with bottom folding) below. Result: 20 evenly spaced levels over topography 40m or less. Over each remaining grid point, the polynomial problem is solved to obtain the lower 19 levels.

    More General Domain

  1. Look into bringing unstructured grids into HOPS. Consider the following example.

    netCDF issues

  1. make sure all netCDF files and units follow some standard convention
  2. convert to netCDF 3.3, it supposedly has faster access than netCDF 2.x
  3. look through the routines in the mexCDF directories (mods,distribution). Identify those pieces involved in getcdf. Extract them for the distribution, include them in the toolbox.

    GNUmake issues

  1. The directory paths (especially BINDIR) must be free of extraneous blanks. Look into stripping.

    Bring the "system" up to date

  1. simplify tracking of compatible components
  2. Kill the hexadecimal format. Not only is it not generally supported, but the z descriptor is non-standard FORTRAN.
  3. Consider moving all codes to V-grid based horizontal grid. (why?)
  4. bring all components (FM, EVA, QG) we claim in system, fully in system
  5. establish tests and make them part of distribution
  6. make various operational tools part of release
  7. Consider "unifying" input file format style. PE/QG style makes it easier to "functionally group" parameters.

    Improve interaction

  1. probably want some kind of web page,
  2. finally create documentation
  3. emphasize, and keep current, address for questions
  4. set up some kind of "electronic log-book" for easy in-house status.
  5. set some standards for upgrades. One set of thoughts on this.


  1. make sure all code conforms to FORTRAN 77
  2. look into converting/copying to FORTRAN 95

    Solve shitty coding

  1. Set-up minimum standards for internal documentation
  2. get_date.F is currently unprotected from zero length strings. (i.e. know no date info)
  3. lnblnk.F alters the input string. Replace with length.F.

    Improve ease of tailoring

  1. insert a layer of "front end" routines between programs (e.g. GRIDS) and NCAR graphics. Possible one central location used by all HOPS codes. This would facilitate change to different graphics package.
  2. Perhaps do same for netCDF?

Code-by-code plans