Dr. Ramachandra
R. Dasari
Associate Director,
G.R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rm. 6-014, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA
617-253-5377(Tel); 617-253-4513 (fax)
Publications covering the years 2000 through 2010
Jump to Year:
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
“Accurate Spectroscopic Calibration for Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring by Modeling the Physiological Glucose Dynamics”, Ishan Barman, Chae-Ryon Kong, Gajendra P. Singh, Ramachandra R. Dasari, and Michael S. Feld. Analytical Chemistry 82 (14), 6104-6114 (2010).
“Measurement of red blood cell mechanics during morphological changes”, Y.-K. Park, C.A. Best, K. Badizadegan, R.R. Dasari, M.S. Feld, T. Kuriabova, M.L. Henle, A.J. Levine, and G. Popescu. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (15), 6731-6736 (2010).
“Quantitative DIC microscopy using an off-axis self-interference approach”, Dan Fu, Seungeun Oh, Wonshik Choi, Toyohiko Yamauchi, August Dorn, Zahid Yaqoob, Ramachandra R. Dasari, and Michael S. Feld. Optics Letters 35 (14), 2370-2372 (2010).
“Realization of a bipolar atomic Šolc filter in the cavity-QED microlaser” Wontaek Seo, Hyun-Gue Hong, Moonjoo Lee, Younghoon Song, Young-Tak Chough, Wonshik Choi, C. Fang-Yen, R.R. Dasari, M.S. Feld, Jai-Hyung Lee, and Kyungwon An. Physical Review A 81 (5), 053824 (2010).
"A multimodal spectroscopy system for real-time disease diagnosis", O. Scepanovic, Z. Volynskaya, C. Kong, L. Galindo, R. Dasari, and M. Feld. Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 043103 (2009).
"Assessing light scattering of intracellular organelles in single intact living cells", M. Kalashnikov, W. Choi, C. Yu, Y. Sung, R. Dasari, K. Badizadegan, and M. Feld. Optics Express 17, 19674-19681 (2009).
"Diagnosing breast cancer using Raman spectroscopy: prospective analysis", A. Haka, Z. Volynskaya, J. Gardecki, J. Nazemi, R. Shenk, N. Wang, R. Dasari, M. Fitzmaurice, and M. Feld. Journal of Biomedical Optics 14, 054023 (2009).
"Improved phase sensitivity in spectral domain phase microscopy using line-field illumination and self phase-referencing", Z. Yaqoob, W. Choi, S. Oh, N. Lue, Y. Park, C. Fang-Yen, R. Dasari, K. Badizadegan, and M. Feld. Optics Express 17, 10681-10687 (2009).
"Live Cell Refractometry Using Hilbert Phase Microscopy and Confocal Reflectance Microscopy", N. Lue, W. Choi, G. Popescu, Z. Yaqoob, K. Badizadegan, R. Dasari, and M. Feld. The journal of physical chemistry A 113, 13327-13330 (2009).
"Optical diffraction tomography for high resolution live cell imaging", Y. Sung, W. Choi, C. Fang-Yen, K. Badizadegan, R. Dasari, and M. Feld. Optics Express 17, 266-277 (2009).
"Speckle-field digital holographic microscopy", Y.-K. Park, W. Choi, Z. Yaqoob, R. Dasari, K. Badizadegan, and M. Feld. Optics Express 17, 12285-12292 (2009).
"Spectroscopic phase microscopy for quantifying hemoglobin concentrations in intact red blood cells", Y.-K. Park, T. Yamauchi, W. Choi, R. Dasari, and M. Feld. Opt. Lett 34, 3668-3670 (2009).
"Thickness–radius relationship and spring constants of cholesterol helical ribbons", B. Khaykovich, N. Kozlova, W. Choi, A. Lomakin, C. Hossain, Y. Sung, R. Dasari, M. Feld, and G. Benedek. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, 15663 (2009).
"Turbidity-Corrected Raman Spectroscopy for Blood Analyte Detection", I. Barman, G. Singh, R. Dasari, and M. Feld. Anal. Chem 81, 4233-4240 (2009).
"Ultraviolet refractometry using field-based light scattering spectroscopy", D. Fu, W. Choi, Y. Sung, S. Oh, Z. Yaqoob, Y. Park, R. Dasari, and M. Feld. Optics Express 17, 18878-18886 (2009).
“Confocal diffraction phase microscopy of live cells”, Lue, N, Choi, W, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS and Popescu, G. Optics Letters 33 (18), 2074-2076 (2008).
“Diagnosing breast cancer using diffuse reflectance Spectroscopy and intrinsic fluorescence Spectroscopy”, Volynskaya, Z, Haka, A, Bechtel, K, Fitzmaurice, M, Shenk, R, Wang, N, Nazemi, J, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Journal of Biomedical Optics 13 (2), 024012 (2008).
“Extended depth of focus in tomographic phase microscopy using a propagation algorithm”, Choi, W, Fang-Yen, C, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, and MS. Feld. Optics Letters 33 (2), 171-173 (2008).
“Field-based angle-resolved light scattering study of single live cells”, Choi, W, Yu, C-C, Fang-Yen, C, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 33 (14), 1596-1598 (2008).
“Imaging red blood cell dynamics by quantitative phase microscopy”, Popescu, G, Park, YK, Choi, W, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS and Badizadegan, K. Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases 41, 10-16 (2008).
“Model-Based Spectroscopic Analysis of the Oral Cavity: Impact of Anatomy”, McGee, S, Mirkovic, J, Mardirossian, V, Elackattu, A, Yu, C-C, Kabani, S, Gallagher, G, Pistey, R, Galindo, L, Badizadegan, K, Wang, Z, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS and Grillone, G. Journal of Biomedical Optics 13 (6), 064034-1-15 (2008).
“Optical Imaging of Cell Mass and Growth Dynamics”, Popescu, G, Park, YK, Lue, N, Best-Popescu, C, Deflores, L, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS and Badizadegan, K. American J. Physiol- Cell Physiol 295, C538-544 (2008).
“Quantitative spectroscopic imaging for noninvasive early cancer detection”, Yu, C-C, Lau, C, O’Donoghue, G, Mirkovic, J, McGee, S, Galindo, L, Elackattu, A, Stier, E, Grillone, G, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Optics Express 16 (20), 16227-16239 (2008).
“Synthetic aperture tomographic phase microscopy for 3D imaging of live cells in translational motion”, Lue, N, Choi, W, Popescu, G, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Optics Express 16 (20), 16240-16246 (2008).
“Coherence properties of red blood cell membrane motions”, Popescu, G, Park, YK, Dasari, RR, Badizadegan, K, and Feld, MS. Phys. Rev. E. 76, 031902-1-5 (2007).
“Fresnel particle tracing in three dimensions using diffraction phase microscopy”, Park, YK, Popescu, G, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 32 (7), 811-813 (2007).
“Imaging voltage-dependent cell motions with heterodyne Mach-Zehnder phase microscopy”, Fang-Yen, C, Oh, S, Park, YK, Choi, W, Song, S, Seung, HS, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 32 (11), 1572-1574 (2007).
“Microrheology of red blood cell membranes using dynamic scattering microscopy”, Amin, MS, Park, YK, Lue, N, Dasari, RR, Badizadegan, K, Feld, MS and Popescu, G. Optics Express 15 (25), 17001-17009 (2007).
“Phase-referenced probe interferometer for biological surface profiling and displacement measurements”, Fang-Yen, C, Chu, MC, Seung, HS, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Review of Scientific Instruments. 78 (12), 123703 (2007).
“Quantitative phase imaging of live cells using fast Fourier phase microscopy”, Lue, N, Choi, W, Popescu, G, Ikeda, T, Dasari, RR, Badizadegan, K, and Feld, MS. Applied Optics 46 (10), 1836-1842 (2007).
“Tissue refractometry using Hilbert phase microscopy”, Lue, N, Bewersdorf, J, Lessard, MD, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS, and Popescu, G. Optics Letters, 32 (24), 3522-3524 (2007).
“Tomographic phase microscopy”, Choi, W, Fang-Yen, C, Badizadegan, K, Oh, S, Lue, N, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Nature Methods 4 (9), 717-719 (2007).
“Tomographic Phase Microscopy—Quantitative 3D Imaging of Living Cells”, Choi, W, Fang-Yen, C, Oh, S, Lue, N, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. BIOforum Europe, 11 (10), 24-25 (2007).
"Assessing epithelial cell nuclear morphology by using azimuthal light scattering spectroscopy”, Yu, CC, Lau, C, Tunnell, J, Hunter, M, Kalashnikov, M, Fang-Yen, C, Fulghum, S, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, and Feld, M.S. Optics Letters 31 (21), 3119-3121 (2006).
“Detection of Morphological Markers of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque using Multi-modal Spectroscopy”, Scepanovic, O, Fitzmaurice, M, Gardecki, J, Angheloiu, G, Awasthi, S, Motz, J, Kramer, JR, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Journal of Biomedical Optics 11 (2), 021007, (2006).
“Diffraction phase and fluorescence microscopy”, Park, YK, Popescu, G, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, and Feld, M.S. Optics Express 14 (18), 8263, (2006).
“Diffraction phase microscopy for quantifying cell structure and dynamics”, Popescu, G, Ikeda, T, Dasari, RR, and Feld, M.S. Optics Letters 31 (6), 775-777 (2006).
“In Vivo Margin Assessment During Partial Mastectomy Breast Surgery Using Raman Spectroscopy”, Haka, A, Volynskaya, Z, Gardecki, J, Nazemi, J, Lyons, J, Hicks, D, Fitzmaurice, M, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Cancer Res. 66, 3317-3322 (2006).
“In Vivo Raman Spectral Pathology of Human Atherosclerosis and Vulnerable plaque”, Motz, J, Fitzmaurice, M, Miller, A, Gandhi, S, Haka, A, Galindo, L, Dasari, RR, Kramer, J, and Feld, M. Journal of Biomedical Optics 11 (2), 021003 (2006).
“Live cell refractometry using microfluidic devices”, Lue, Niyom, Popescu, G, Ikeda, T, Dasari, RR, Badizadegan, K and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 31 (18), 2759-2761 (2006).
“Observation of dynamic subdomains in red blood cells”, Popescu, G, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Journal of Biomedical Optics Letters 11(4), 040503-1-3 (2006).
“Observation of Multiple Thresholds in the Many-Atom Cavity QED Microlaser”, Fang-Yen, C, Yu, CC, Ha, S, Choi, W, An, K, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Physical Review A 73, 041802 (2006).
“Observation of Sub-Poisson Photon Statistics in the Cavity-QED Microlaser”, Choi, W, Lee, J-H, An, K, Fang-Yen, C, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Physical Review Letters 96, 093603 (2006).
“Optical measurement of cell membrane tension”, Popescu, G, Ikeda, T, Goda, K, Best-Popescu, C. A, Laposata, M, Manley, S, Dasari, R. R, Badizadegan, K, and Feld, M. S. Physical Review Letters 97, 218101-1-4 (2006).
"Calibration of Second-Order Correlation Functions for Nonstationary Sources with a Multi-Start, Multi-Stop Time-to-Digital Converter”, Choi, W, Lee, M, Lee, Y-R, Park, C, Lee, J-H, An, K, Fang-Yen, C, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Review of Scientific Instruments 76, 083109-1-6 (2005).
“Diagnosing Breast Cancer Using Raman Spectroscopy”, Haka, AS, Shafer-Peltier, KE, Fitzmaurice, M, Crowe, J, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (35), 12371-12376 (2005).
“Erythrocyte structure and dynamics quantified by Hilbert phase microscopy”, Popescu, G, Ikeda, T, Best, C, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. J Biomed Opt. 10 (6) 060503 (2005).
“Harmonic Phase Dispersion Microscope with a Mach-Zender Interferometer", Ahn, A, Yang, C, Wax, A, Popescu, G., Fang-Yen, C, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Applied Optics 44 (7), 1188-1190 (2005).
“Hilbert Phase Microscopy for Investigating Fast Dynamics in Transparent Systems”, Ikeda, T, Popescu, G, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 30 (10), 1165-1167 (2005).
“Prospective Grading of Neoplastic Change in Rat Esophagus Epithelium using Angle-Resolved Low Coherence Interferometry”, Wax, A, Pythilia, JW, Graf, RN, Nines, R, Boone, CW, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS, Steele, VE, and Stoner, GD. J. Biomed. Opt. 10 (5), 051604 (2005).
"Real-Time Raman System for In Vivo Disease Diagnosis", Motz, JT, Gandhi, SJ, Scepanovic, OR, Haka, AS, Kramer, JR, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Journal of Biomedical Optics 10 (3), 031113-1-7 (2005).
"Fourier Phase Microscopy for Investigation of Biological Structure and Dynamics”, Popescu, G, Deflores, LP, Vaughan, JC, Badizadegan, K, Iwai, H, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 29 (21), 2503-2505 (2004).
“Intensities of Calcium Dipicolinate and Bacillus subtilis Spore Raman Spectra Excited with 244 nm Light”, Nelson, WH, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS, and Sperry, JF. Applied Spectroscopy 58 (12), 1408-1412 (2004).
"Non-Contact Measurement of Nerve Displacement During Action Potential with a Dual-Beam Low Coherence Interferometer", Fang-Yen, C, Chu, M, Seung, HS, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 29 (17), 2028-2030 (2004).
"Optical Fiber Probe for Biomedical Raman Spectroscopy", Motz, J, Hunter, M, Galindo, L, Gardecki, J, Kramer, J, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Applied Optics 43 (3), 542-554 (2004).
“Quantitative Phase Imaging Using Actively Stabilized Phase Shifting Low-Coherence Interferometry”, Iwai, H, Fang-Yen, C, Popescu, G, Wax, A, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 29 (20), 2399-2401 (2004).
"Spectroscopic Diagnosis and Imaging of Invisible Pre-Cancer", Badizadegan, K, Backman, V, Boone, C, Crum, CP, Dasari, RR, Georgakoudi, I, Keefe, K, Munger, K, Shapshay, S, Sheets, E and Feld, MS. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2003 (Faraday Discuss.) 126, 265-279 (2004).
"In Situ Detection of Neoplastic Transformation and Chemopreventive Effects Using Angle-Resolved Low-Coherence Interferometry", Wax, A, Yang, C, Muller, MG, Nines, R, Boone, C, Steele, V, Stoner, G, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Cancer Research 63, 3556-3559 (2003).
"Instrumentation for Multi-Modal Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Epithelial Dysplasia", Tunnell, J, Desjardins, A, Galindo, L, Georgakoudi, I, McGee, S, Mirkovic, J, Muller, MG, Nazemi, J, Nguyen, F, Wax, A, Zhang, Q, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2, 505-514 (2003).
“Quantitative Characterization of Biological Tissue Using Optical Spectroscopy”, Georgakoudi, I, Motz, J, Backman, V, Angheloiu, G, Haka, A, Muller, M, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS, in Biomedical Photonics Handbook, Vo-Dinh, T, editor. (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2003); 1-27.
"Quantitative Detection of Benzo[a]pyrene Diolepoxide-DNA Adducts by Cryogenic Laser Induced Fluorescence", Luo, W, Gurjuar, R, Ozbal, C, Taghizadeh, K, Lafleur, A, Dasari, RR, Zarbl, H and Thilly, WG. Chem. Res. Toxicology 16, 74-80 (2003).
“Seeing Small Biological Structures with Light”, Popescu, G, Fang-Yen, C, Deflores, L, Chu, M, Hunter, M, Kalashnnikov, M, Badizadegan, K, Boone, C, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS, in Laser Spectroscopy XVI, Hannaford, P, Sidorov, A, Bachor, H and Baldwin, K, editors. (World Scientific, Singapore, 2003); 375-382.
"Single Molecule Raman Spectroscopy Using Silver and Gold Nanoparticles", Kneipp, K, Kneipp, H, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Indian J. Physics 77B (1), 39-47 (2003).
"Spectroscopic Detection and Evaluation of Morphologic and Biochemical Changes in Early Human Oral Carcinoma", Muller, M, Valdez, T, Georgakoudi, I, Backman, V, Fuentes, C, Kabani, S, Laver, N, Wang, Z, Boone, C, Dasari, RR, Shapshay, S and Feld, MS. Cancer 97 (7), 1681-1692 (2003).
"A Reflectance Spectrofluorimeter for Real-Time Spectral Diagnosis of Disease", Muller, M, Wax, A, Georgakoudi, I, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Reviews of Scientific Instruments 73 (11), 3933-3937 (2002).
"Cellular Organization and Substructure Measured Using Angle-Resolved Low-Coherence Interferometry", Wax, A, Yang, C. Backman, V, Badizadegan, K, Boone, C, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Biophysical Journal 82, 2256-2264 (2002).
"Determination of Particle Size Using the Angular Distribution of Backscattered Light as Measured with Low-Coherence Interferometry", Wax, A, Yang, C, Backman, V, Kalashnikov, M, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Journal of the Optical Society of America 19, 737-744 (2002).
"Identifying Microcalcifications in Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions by Probing Differences in Their Chemical Composition Using Raman Spectroscopy", Haka, A, Shafer-Peltier, K, Fitzmaurice, M, Crowe, J, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Cancer Research 62, 5375-5380 (2002).
“Imaging and Measurement of Cell Structure and Organization with Submicron Accuracy Using Light Scattering Spectroscopy”, Backman, V, Gurjar, R, Perelman, L., Gopal, V, Kalashnikov, M, Badizadegan, K, Wax, A, Georgakoudi, I, Mueller, M, Boone, CW, Itzkan, I, Dasari, RR and Feld., MS. SPIE 4613, 101-110 (2002).
"Model-Based Biological Raman Spectral Imaging", Shafer-Peltier, KE, Haka, AS, Motz, JT, Fitzmaurice, M, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Supplement 39, 125-137 (2002).
"NAD(P)H and Collagen as In Vivo Quantitative Fluorescent Biomarkers of Epithelial Pre-Cancerous Changes", Georgakoudi, I, Jacobson, BC, Muller, M, Sheets, E, Badizadegan, K, Carr-Locke, DL, Crum, CP, Boone, CW, Dasari, RR, Van Dam, J and Feld, MS. Cancer Research 62, 682-687 (2002).
"Nonlinear Raman Probe of Single Molecules Attached to Colloidal Silver and Gold Clusters", Kneipp, K, Kneipp, H, Itzkan, I, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS and Dresselhaus, MS Topics in Applied Physics 82, 227-249 (2002).
"Raman Microspectroscopic Model of Human Breast Tissue: Implications for Breast Cancer Diagnosis In Vivo", Shafer-Peltier, K, Haka, A, Fitzmaurice, M, Crowe, J, Myles, J, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 33, 552-563 (2002).
“Raman Spectroscopy of Biological Tissue”, Dasari, RR, Motz, J, Haka, A, Hunter, M, Shafer-Peltier, K and Feld, MS, in XVIIIth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Mink, J, Jalsovsky, G and Keresztury, G, editors. (John Wiley and Sons, England, 2002); 791-792.
"Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering and Biophysics", Kneipp, K, Kneipp, H, Itzkan, I, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 14 (18), R597-R624 (2002).
“The Study of Cell Dynamics with a Novel Phase Referenced Low Coherence Interferometer with a Sub-wavelength and Sub-hertz Sensitivity”, Yang, C, Wax, A, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR, and Feld, MS. SPIE 4619, 202-209 (2002).
"Tri-Modal Spectroscopy for the Detection and Characterization of Cervical Pre-Cancers In Vivo", Georgakoudi, I, Sheets, E, Muller, M, Backman, V, Crum, CP, Badizadegan, K, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 186 (3), 374-382 (2002).
"2 Pi Ambiguity-Free Optical Distance Measurement With Sub-Nanometer Precision Using a Novel Phase-Crossing Low Coherence Interferometer", Yang, C, Wax, A, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. Optics Letters 27, 77-79 (2002).
“Ultrasensitive and Single Molecule Raman Spectroscopy in the Local Optical Fields of Gold and Silver Nanostructures”, Kneipp, K, Kneipp, H, Dasari, RR, Feld, MS and Dresselhaus, MS, in XVIIIth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Mink, J, Jalsovsky, G and Keresztury, G, editors. (John Wiley and Sons, England, 2002); 45-48.
“UV Raman Detection of Micro-Organisms and their Toxins in Fish Tissue”, Nelson, W H, Sperry, JF, Hargraves, PE, Hanlon, EG, Dasari, RR and Feld, MS. SPIE 4577, 193-204 (2002).
"Angular light scattering studies using low-coherence interferometry", Wax A, Yang C, Dasari RR, and Feld MS. Proceedings of SPIE, Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications V, Edited by Valery V. Tuchin, Joseph A. Izatt, James G. Fujimoto, 4251 (2001).
"Effects of freeze-thaw and photobleaching on the ultraviolet resonance Raman spectra of human colon biopsies", Boustany, N. N., Crawford, J. M., Manoharan, R., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Applied Spectroscopy 55, 1506-1513 (2001).
"Imaging human epithelial properties with polarized light- scattering spectroscopy", Gurjar, R. S., Backman, V., Perelman, L. T., Georgakoudi, I., Badizadegan, K., Itzkan, I., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Nature Medicine 7, 1245-1248 (2001).
"Light scattering spectroscopy: A new technique for clinical diagnosis of precancerous and cancerous changes in human epithelial tissues", Backman V., Wallace M., Perelman L.T., Arendt J., Gurjar R., Mueller M. G., Zhang Q., Zonios G., Kline E., McGillican T., Valdez T., Van Dam J., Badizadegan K., Crawford J.M., Fitzmaurice M., Kabani S., Levin H.S., Seiler M., Dasari R.R., Itzkan I., and Feld, M.S. Lasers in the Life Sciences, 9: 255 (2001).
"Measurement of angular distributions by use of low-coherence interferometry for light-scattering spectroscopy", Wax, A., Yang, C. H., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Optics Letters 26, 322-324 (2001).
"Measuring cellular structure at submicrometer scale with light scattering spectroscopy", Backman, V., Gopal, V., Kalashnikov, M., Badizadegan, K., Gurjar, R., Wax, A., Georgakoudi, I., Mueller, M., Boone, C. W., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 7, 887-893 (2001).
"Path-length-resolved dynamic light scattering: modeling the transition from single to diffusive scattering", Wax, A., Yang, C. H., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Applied Optics 40, 4222-4227 (2001).
"Phase-dispersion optical tomography", Yang, C. H., Wax, A., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Optics Letters 26, 686-688 (2001).
"Phase-referenced interferometer with subwavelength and subhertz sensitivity applied to the study of cell membrane dynamics", Yang, C., Wax, A., Hahn, M. S., Badizadegan, K., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Optics Letters 26, 1271-1273 (2001).
"Single-Atom Lasers", Yu C-C, Fang-Yen C, Aljalal A, Dasari RR, An K, Feld MS. McGraw-Hill 2001 Yearbook of Science & Technology, McGraw-Hill, 346-347 (2001).
"Detection of preinvasive cancer cells", Backman, V., Wallace, M. B., Perelman, L. T., Arendt, J. T., Gurjar, R., Muller, M. G., Zhang, Q., Zonios, G., Kline, E., McGillican, T., Shapshay, S., Valdez, T., Badizadegan, K., Crawford, J. M., Fitzmaurice, M., Kabani, S., Levin, H. S., Seiler, M., Dasari, R. R., Itzkan, I., Van Dam, J., Feld, M. S. Nature 406, 35-36 (2000).
"Endoscopic detection of dysplasia in patients with Barrett's esophagus using light-scattering spectroscopy", Wallace, M. B., Perelman, L. T., Backman, V., Crawford, J. M., Fitzmaurice, M., Seiler, M., Badizadegan, K., Shields, S. J., Itzkan, I., Dasari, R. R., Van Dam, J., Feld, M. S. Gastroenterology 119, 677-682 (2000).
"Feasibility of field-based light scattering spectroscopy", Yang, C. H., Perelman, L. T., Wax, A., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Journal of Biomedical Optics 5, 138-143 (2000).
"Intensities of E. coli nucleic acid Raman spectra excited selectively from whole cells with 251-nm light", Wu, Q., Nelson, W. H., Elliot, S., Sperry, J. F., Feld, M., Dasari, R., Manoharan, R. Analytical Chemistry 72, 2981-2986 (2000).
"Interferometric phase-dispersion microscopy", Yang, C. H., Wax, A., Georgakoudi, I., Hanlon, E. B., Badizadegan, K., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Optics Letters 25, 1526-1528 (2000).
"Laser Raman Spectroscopy at Single Molecules", Kneipp K, Kneipp H, Itzkan I, Dasari RR, and Feld MS. LaserOpto, 32: 33 (2000).
"Light Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy for Biomedical Analysis and Disease Diagnosis", Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. in Microbeam Analysis 2000, Proceedings 57-58 (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, Bristol, 2000).
"Optical computed tomography in a turbid medium using early arriving photons", Chen, K., Perelman, L. T., Zhang, Q. G., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Journal of Biomedical Optics 5, 144-154 (2000).
"Prospects for in vivo Raman spectroscopy", Hanlon, E. B., Manoharan, R., Koo, T. W., Shafer, K. E., Motz, J. T., Fitzmaurice, M., Kramer, J. R., Itzkan, I., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Physics in Medicine and Biology 45, R1-R59 (2000).
"Quantification of (7S,8R)-Dihihydroxy-(9R,10S)-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene Adducts in Human Serum Albumin by Laser-induced Fluorescence: Implications for the in Vivo Metabolism of Benzo[a]pyrene", Ozbal C.C, Skipper P.L., Yu M.C., London S.J., Dasari R.R., and Tannenbaum S.R. Cancer Epid., Bio. and Prev., 9: 733 (2000).
"Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy of bulk and microscopic human colon tissue", Boustany, N. N., Manoharan, R., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S. Applied Spectroscopy 54, 24-30 (2000).
"UV resonance Raman detection and quantitation of domoic acid in phytoplankton", Wu, Q., Nelson, W. H., Treubig, J. M., Brown, P. R., Hargraves, P., Kirs, M., Feld, M., Desari, R., Manoharan, R., Hanlon, E. B. Analytical Chemistry 72, 1666-1671 (2000).