Enjoy access to a huge network of SWE professional members and mentors, faculty/student socials, recruiter/student socials, plant tours, workshops, speakers, community activities, scholarship eligibility, and much more! PLUS! If you decide to join National SWE, MIT SWE will give you 50% off membership!
National SWE
Region F SWE
Letter from the President
Dear Members of MIT Society of Women Engineers,
I'm happy to announce that our new 2009 board members have been selected and off to a great start kicking off the year. Our MIT SWE board members, in collaboration with our executive board members, work together to organize an average of about one to two events per week. Together, we strive to provide a stronger community on campus, community outreach and personal growth opportunities for our members.
Divided into four segments-Membership and Development, Outreach, Career Development, and Campus Relations-MIT Society of Women Engineers recognizes the variety and breadth of your needs and interests. Our events range from organizing the Fall Career Fair to outreach programs that involve students ranging from elementary school students to high school students. We focus on individual development through career workshops, networking opportunities, as well as mentorship opportunities. With our social events, we aim to promote community within our campus.
As a collegiate section of a National Professional Organization, MIT SWE remains a proud section of the regional section F. We continue to stay involved at the National level by participating and utilizing the opportunities and resources available to us via National SWE. Registration for our Regional Conference-which will be held at Smith College-is going on now, and we have already begun organizing for our National Conference-which will be held in Long Beach, California in the Fall. We also hope to have one of our MIT SWE members serve as a leader on the National SWE Board this year.
Furthermore, our goals specific to the year aim to increase the quality and involvement of our outreach events; we hope to create a consistent mentorship program (WiSE) for high school girls to parallel our existent mentorship program for middle school girls (KEYs). With the creation of the position for our Media Technology officers, we hope to further utilize media technology to document and digitalize our organization. We continue our goal to increase involvement at the National SWE level with the creation of the position of National SWE Public Relations officer. We also hope to kick-off our new SWE resume database, which has been created in response to demand from company recruiting efforts.
As another year has begun, I encourage you to get more involved by taking advantage of an opportunity that you have not previously looked into. Sign up for our mentorship program and meet an upperclassman. Apply for a SWE scholarship and be recognized. Become a National SWE Member and get more involved at a new level. Whatever area it may be, I encourage you to make an effort to do so in the chance that you may stumble upon a new passion, develop a talent, or even meet a role model.
Tina Ro
President of MIT Society of Women Engineers
Email the Director of Information Technology,
Connie Yee