House Tour: Public Room: Chapter Room

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The chapter room.

When the Saturday dinner crowd gets large enough, it tends to spill over into the chapter room across the hall. Some of our fraternity's most important events, such as initiation and pledge meetings, happen in this room. Not surprisingly, it's quite an elegant place.

That doesn't stop us from roasting smores in the fireplace here in the middle of January, though. We keep a piano in the corner, along with an assortment of other random instruments. You're welcome to play any of them, including the bongo drums. The piano.

The academic part of our household library is over there on the wall, next to our collection of sheet music and our Commander's ceremonial...sword? epee? rapier?... and gavel. If you look at the walls, you'll see composite photos of all the house members from the past four years. Our fraternity's charter is on the wall behind you, along with a statement of our fraternal ideals. (They're Love, Truth and Honor, in case you were curious.)

This is a nice, quiet place to sit and contemplate your calculus homework, stare wistfully at the kids playing in the park across the street, or just to take a nap.