House Tour: Public Room: Pit Proper

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The Pit, Proper.

Down the stairs and through the door to your left lies the room known as the Pit proper. Why the "proper?" We tend to refer to the entire basement as "the Pit," so this helps us distinguish between this room and the entire floor. Why the "Pit?" Long ago, the house was heated by coal, which was stored in a coal pit down here in the basement. We've since switched to natural gas, but the name has stuck.

In here, you'll find a TV, DVD player, Playstation, and a bunch of other entertaining electronics. More likely than not, you'll also find someone playing Final Fantasy or DDR. The lovely laundry room.

You'll find our laundry room in the corner. We've got a washer and dryer, along with a big box of free laundry detergent. Anyone who lives here gets to use these free of charge. There are also two tool rooms down here, filled with all the supplies and power tools we need to keep our house in good repair. You've probably also noticed the four computers along the back wall. This is our very own little Athena cluster! Feel free to use any of these computers.

The Pit is one room of the house eternally exempt from study conditions, which tends to make it one of the more social regions of the house. After you try out the comfy couches we've got in here, we'll stop by the Coke Room on our way out.