House Tour: Public Room: The Dorm

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Public Rooms

Personal Rooms

The Dorm.

Welcome to our bed-filled attic! You probably noticed that none of the personal rooms had beds in them. This barracks-style sleeping arrangement is another holdover from our days as a naval fraternity. Everyone living here is assigned a bed. The women sleep on one side of the large partition in the center of the room, while the men sleep on the other. We've got a one-body-per-bed rule, and we take care to keep this room quiet and dark.

Here are answers to the two most common questions we get about this room:

1. If you wanna cuddle up with your significant other one evening, feel free to do so in your own room. A number of us keep air-mattresses or foam pads around for that purpose.

2. Rather than using a traditional alarm clocks, which wake up everyone in the room, we either sign up for wake-ups or use silent alarms. Wake-ups are performed by designated house members from 7am to 8:30am on weekdays. These folks will make sure you get out of bed in time for class. A silent alarm goes under your pillow and shakes, rather than rings, at the appointed hour.

Feel free to take a look around. We also use a section of this room for storage. We keep a box of flashlights near the stairs leading up here, in case you want something to light your way to your bed when you come up here late at night.

This is the last stop on our tour. Thanks for tagging along! Feel free to look around the front yard and the surrounding neighborhood before you head back to the main website. If you've got any questions about the house, send email to the rush chairs at Now that you've had a taste of what Epsilon Theta looks like, we hope you'll come visit see the rest of the house!