House Tour: Welcome!

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floor plan

Room Index

Public Rooms:

Personal Rooms

Come on inside!

Hey there! Welcome to our (virtual) home. There are two ways to navigate the tour; you can either follow the links that appear at the bottom of this page, or you can click through the room index on the left.

You'll notice the rooms are catagorized as either "public" or "personal." The public regions of the house are where Thetans hang out together to eat meals, do problem sets, watch movies, hash out various plans for world domination, and the like. We clean our public spaces every Saturday morning, which often leads visitors to exclaim, "Wow! This place sure is clean for a house full of college students!"

The personal rooms range from singles to quads, are are arrayed throughout the basement and the second floor. Everyone in the house gets a desk, a bookcase, closet space, a bed, and a high speed ethernet drop. We have some parking space available behind the house, where people are welcome to park their cars.

If you're interested in living here, send us email (, or come by for a visit. Epsilon Theta is a great place to live.

Without further ado, let's begin the tour!