House Tour: Public Room: Dining Room

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The dining room.

At the end of the main hallway, you'll find the dining room. Every night, around 6pm, we ring the dinner bell. This serves as a signal to Thetans to put down their work and come to dinner, where they can let off steam while ingesting vital nutrients. The designated "waiter" for the night bustles around the room, collecting hot drink requests and replenishing the serving dishes when they start to run low.

We subscribe to the belief that dinner nourishes the soul in addition to the (invariably sleep-deprived) body. Around here, it's generally a light-hearted affair: Thetans tend to laugh a lot during dinner. You are always welcome to join us for meals.

Our cook, Karen, provides us with seven home-cooked meals a week. We have dinner Monday though Thursday, as well as on Saturday. She also makes us lunch on Saturday and Sunday. (Karen is awesome.) We always provide a vegetarian entree in addition to some type of meat, and we're happy to accomodate any other dietary restrictions you might have.

Just because we have a cook, though, doesn't mean we don't know our way around the kitchen! In fact, let's take a look in there right now...