House Tour: Public Room: Coke Room

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The coke room.

You'll see the coke room to your left as you exit the Pit Proper. It's a wonderous place, filled with snack food and carbonated beverages. Members can come down here any time of the day or night, grab a snack, and note what they've purchased on the sign-up list on the fridge. The cost gets added to the member's house bill. You may notice industrial-sized cans of tomato paste along one wall, since this room also serves as the cook's pantry.

What, no beer? It's true-- Epsilon Theta is a socially dry house. This means that we don't serve alcohol at our parties... nor do we have a beer fridge. If you're over 21, though, you can keep your own special bottle of Merlot in the personal fridge up in the kitchen.

Have a look in the fridge and take whatever appeals to you. For our guests, the junk food is on the house! While you sip your refreshing beverages, the ladies among us will take a quick look at the women's bathroom.