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Airport Shuttle

The Parking & Transportation Office runs shuttles to Logan Airport just prior to the Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks. Advance reservations are required.

Reservations are required
To make a reservation on the spring break airport shuttle, fill out the airport shuttle reservation form. Once a shuttle fills up, its departure time will no longer be visible in the reservations process. After making a reservation, you will receive a confirmation email with your scheduled shuttle time.

NOTE: An MIT certificate and a secure VPN connection are required in order to make a reservation.

Airport Shuttle Schedule 2024-2025
Thanksgiving break Winter break Spring break
November 25
December 21
March 20
November 26
December 23
March 21
November 27
December 24
March 22


This shuttle is available to all MIT students and employees. There is a $15 fee for this service. The fee will be billed to the student bursar account or through an employee payroll deduction.

Travel Time to Airport

When choosing a shuttle departure time, allow at least an hour for travel; the trip to Logan Airport can be as short as 30 minutes, but you should be prepared for possible traffic, construction, and/or airport security delays.

Luggage Restrictions

Due to the size of the vehicles, we must limit the number of bags to two per person. No extra large packages or trunks are allowed.

Departure Location and Timing

Your shuttle will leave from the Chapel shuttle stop on Amherst Street at your specific scheduled time. Please make sure you arrive ahead of time as the shuttles need to maintain the departure schedule. Shuttles depart on time regardless of whether all passengers with reservations have arrived.

Required Information

When filling in the reservation form, you must include your name, MIT ID number, and your desired shuttle departure date and time. Seats will be reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis.

 Lincoln Lab Shuttle
 M2 Shuttle
 Passio GO! (Real-time Shuttle Tracker)
 Wellesley College Shuttle


Department Directory

Parking & Transportation Office

Atlas Service Center
Street Address: 40 Ames Street
Building: E17-106
Hours: M - F, 8AM - 5PM

Phone: 617-258-6510
Phone (after hours): 617-253-2997
Fax: 617-258-6357

Tom Giannino

Robynn Cruz-Walker
Commuter Program Administrator

making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology