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Goals of This Project | SolidWorks™ Part Files  | Gear Pump Design Spreadsheet

Links For Pumps | Lecture #3: Gear Pumps & Gear Nomenclature

exploded_view_of_pump.jpg (8619 bytes)



TOP | Goals of This Project | SolidWorks™ Part Files  | Gear Pump Design SpreadsheetLinks For Pumps | Lecture #3: Gear Pumps & Gear Nomenclature

Purpose of Designing the Gear Pump/Motor:

  1.     To learn about hydraulic devices/pumps and the physics behind their operation
  2.     Expose you to concurrent engineering (pump is interdependent between designs from several people)
  3.     To further develop your solid modeling skills
  4.     Reinforce the link between performance and geometry (dimensions, tolerance, etc...)
  5.     To have a cool model you can keep and use to explain this pump to others
  6.     To have fun during the contest!  (we will see whose pump/motor performs the best)

What this project is NOT meant to be:

  1.     A gear stress design problem
  2.     A bearing design problem
  3.     A stress analysis problem

Keep in mind:

You will learn how to do these specific things later in course 2.  As we talked about, this model is a very simplified model of a gear pump which is meant only to demonstrate how one works, not how one is designed in its entirety.  You will/have learned about the relevant bearings and gear design principles in the lab when you take apart the gear pump.


TOP | Goals of This Project | SolidWorks™ Part Files  | Gear Pump Design SpreadsheetLinks For Pumps | Lecture #3: Gear Pumps & Gear Nomenclature

Optional: Review the Lecture on Gear Pumps and Gear Nomenclature Lecture


TOP | Goals of This Project | SolidWorks™ Part Files  | Gear Pump Design SpreadsheetLinks For Pumps | Lecture #3: Gear Pumps & Gear Nomenclature

1. See the optional files you can use in your assembly!!  If you use the cap screw, you must right click -> edit definition of the threads and uncheck suppress to see them.  When the threads are unsuppressed, your computer work harder and may run slow.  To fix this, right click -> edit definition of the threads and check suppress.

2. Instead of using the same plug for the inlet and outlet, WE WILL NOW USE TWO DIFFERENT PLUGS.  There is an inlet and an outlet port.  They have different hole sizes for different size tubes.

3. WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD THESE, KEEP THEM ALL IN THE SAME FOLDER (i.e. pump.)   You don't have to, but it will make your life easier.

4. Downloading files:

To save the file using Internet Explorer:
  1. Right click on the file name
  2. Choose "Save Target As"
  3. Provide  a name
  4. Choose file in which to save file (on a: drive)
To save the file using Netscape Navigator:
  1. Right click on the file name
  2. Choose "Save Link as"
  3. Provide a name
  4. Choose file in which to save file (on a: drive)


Given Parts you model Optional
shaft.sldprt endplate.sldprt cap_screw.sldprt
inlet_port.sldprt housing.sldprt washer.sldprt
outlet_port.sldprt key.sldprt nut.sldprt
(given after you provide design)


TOP | Goals of This Project | SolidWorks™ Part Files  | Gear Pump Design SpreadsheetLinks For Pumps | Lecture #3: Gear Pumps & Gear Nomenclature

Two versions of the sheet are given for people who do not have the most recent version of Excel (Office 97 is latest version.)

If you are going to be working in class room (35-125A,) the Office 97 Version should work.

For Excel (Office 97 Version) For Excel (Version 5.0)
gear_pump_design_sheet.xls gear_pump_design_sheet_v5.xls


TOP | Goals of This Project | SolidWorks™ Part Files  | Gear Pump Design SpreadsheetLinks For Pumps | Lecture #3: Gear Pumps & Gear Nomenclature

VIKING PUMP - Pump School   Learn about how all kinds of pumps work


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