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Chinese Shakespeares: A Century of Cultural Exchange

Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchange (Columbia University Press, 2009; 2011), Kindle e-book, paperback and cloth editions. 350 pp.
         MLA Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literature
         Honorable Mention, Joe A. Callaway Prize for the Best Book in Drama and Theatre
         International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS) Colleagues' Choice Award [PDF]
          Reviews, sample chapters, and open-access online video archives

Weltliteratur und Welttheater Weltliteratur und Welttheater: Ästhetischer Humanismus in der kulturellen Globalisierung, Transcript Verlag, 2012; 218 pp.
          Epilogue (PDF) / blog entry on the 2012 Nobel Prize
          Chapters on Nobel laureates Mo Yan and Gao Xingjian; Voice of America interview
Shakespeare in Hollywood, Asia and Cyberspace, co-edited with Charles Ross (Purdue University Press, 2009). 306 pp.
          Introduction (PDF)
Sourcebook of Chinese and Sinophone Literary Studies in North America in the New Millennium, co-edited Liu Hongtao (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2013), ISBN: 9787516113660
          Introduction and sample chapter (PDF)
Class, Boundary, and Social Discourse in the Renaissance, co-edited with I-chun Wang and Mary Theis (Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Center for Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, 2007). 184 pp.


学術誌の特別号 / 百科事典

Editor, Global Shakespeares book series, Palgrave Macmillan [book proposal form]

  • Global afterlife of Shakespearean drama, poetry, and motifs in its literary, performative, and digital forms of expression in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including new media.
  • Scholarly polemic and up-to-date studies of 25,000 to 50,000 words that capture global Shakespeares as they evolve, published within three months of acceptance of final manuscript.
  • Dissemination of big ideas and cutting-edge research to a wide market in e-book and print formats.
  • Authors are encouraged to draw upon open-access resources such as Global Shakespeares digital archive.
  • Official book series website
  • Editorial board:

    Mark Thornton Burnett, Queen's University Belfast, UK
    Peter Donaldson, MIT, USA
    Mark Houlahan, University of Waikato, New Zealand
    Dennis Kennedy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
    Douglas Lanier, University of New Hampshire, USA
    Margaret Litvin, Boston University, USA
    Sonia Massai, King's College London, UK
    Ryuta Minami, Shirayuri College, Tokyo, Japan
    Alfredo Michel Modenessi, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
    David Schalkwyk, Global Shakespeare Centre, Queen Mary Univ. London and Univ. Warwick, UK
    Ayanna Thompson, George Washington University, USA
    Poonam Trivedi, Indraprastha College, University of Delhi, India

Asian Theatre Journal Special Issue Editor, Asian Theatre Journal 28.1 (Spring 2011)
          Special Issue Editor's Introduction (PDF)

Special Issue Editor, Shakespeare (Journal of the British Shakespeare Association), 9.3 (September 2013). 6 research articles, 9 performance reviews, 1 review essay.
          Table of contents [HTML] or [PDF]
          Introduction [HTML] or [PDF]

The Shakespearean International Yearbook
        Flyer for volume 13; publisher website
        Preface to volume 12; flyer; website
        Review of volume 11 in SEL 53.2 (2013); flyer for volume 11; website

Encyclopedia of Shakespeare Illustrations Editor, The Shakespeare Encyclopedia. 5 vols. Ed. Patricia Parker. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, forthcoming.  Also contributed 11 articles, 26 pp.

Special issue "Asian Shakespeares on Screen: Two Films in Perspective," Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation 4.2 (2009); table of contents

          Read the Introduction, available in PDF and web formats



“Global Shakespeares as Methodology." Shakespeare (Journal of the British Shakespeare Association), 9.3 (September 2013): 273-290.
Full Text [PDF]
Full Text [HTML]
Abstract on Routledge's website
Table of contents of the special issue [html] or [pdf]

“'What Country, Friends, Is This?': Touring Shakespeares, Agency, and Efficacy in Theatre Historiography." Theatre Survey 54.1 (2013): 51-85.
Full Text [PDF]
Full Text [HTML]

"Global Shakespeare 2.0 and the Task of the Performance Archive." Shakespeare Survey 64 (2011), 38-51.
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Reviewed in Oxford University Press's The Year's Work in English Studies 92 (2013): 329-419

"The Locality of Cultural Identity and Knowledge Production: Observations from Early Modern Studies." Chung Wai Literary Quarterly 43.1 (March 2014): 191-195.
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Table of Contents

"The Theatricality of Religious Rhetoric: Gao Xingjian and the Meaning of Exile." Theatre Journal 63.3 (2011): 365-379.
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"Asia, Shakespeare, and the World: Digital Resources for Teaching about Globalization." Education about Asia 17.1 (2012): 9-16. Selected by journal to be the single feature article freely available online.
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"Special Issue Editor's Introduction." Asian Theatre Journal 28.1 (2011): 1-6
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"Global Shakespeares and Shakespeare Performance in Asia: Open-Access Digital Video Archives." Asian Theatre Journal 28.1 (2011): 244-250.
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"Tropes of Solitude and Lu Xun's Tragic Characters." Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 37.2 (2010): 349-357.
A study of Lu Xun's collection of prose poems, The Weeds (Yecao)

"Lao She bixia de liuxuesheng renwu [Study-abroad students in Lao She's works]." World Literature Today Chinese Edition [Dangdai shijie wenxue] 2 (2010): 127-131.
Full Text

"Locating Asian Shakespeares: The Aesthetics of Transculturation." Shakespeare Yearbook 17 (2010): 181-198.

"Mo Yan as Humorist." World Literature Today 83.4 (2009): 32-35.
Full Text / PDF
Full Text / web version

"Cosmopolitanism and Its Discontents: The Dialectics between the Global and the Local in Lao She's Fiction." MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly 69. 1 (March 2008): 97-118.
Full Text

"Asian Shakespeares in Europe: From the Unfamiliar to the Defamiliarised." Shakespearean International Yearbook 8 (2008): 51-70
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"Romeo and Juliet, Allegory, and the Ethnic Vocabularies of History." Shakespeare Studies: Journal of the Japanese Shakespeare Society 46 (2008): 6-19.
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"Historicism versus Presentism: New Dynamics and Dilemmas of Humanities Education." Taiwan Journal of General Education 2 (2008): 11-18.
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"Zuozhe yitu lilun zai tan [Theories of authorship revisited]." Gansu shehui kexue (Gansu Social Sciences) 2008.5: 128-132.
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"Site-Specific Hamlets and Reconfigured Localities: Jiang'an, Singapore, Elsinore." The Shakespearean International Yearbook 7 (2007): 22-48.
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"Shakespearean Localities and the Localities of Shakespeare Studies." Shakespeare Studies 35 (2007): 186-204
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"“Liuwang yu Gao Xingjian de yishu siwei [Gao Xingjian, Exile, and Intercultural Theatre]." Hong Kong Drama Review 7 (2007): 507-513.
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"Shakespeare, Performance, and Autobiographical Interventions." Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship 24. 2 (Summer 2006): 31-47
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"Lin Shu, Invisible Translation, and Politics." Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 14. 1 (2006): 55-65

"Ershiyi shiji Sha ju yanchu xinmao: Lun Wu Hsing-kuo de Li'er zaici [Small-time Shakespeare: New Faces of Twenty-first Century Chinese Performance]." Chung-wai Wen-hsueh [Chung Wai Literary Quarterly], 34.12 (May 2006): 109-123
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"Impersonation, Autobiography, and Cross-Cultural Adaptation: Lee Kuo-Hsiu's Shamlet." Asian Theatre Journal 22.1 (Spring 2005): 122-137
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The Politics of an ‘Apolitical’ Shakespeare: A Chinese-Soviet Joint Venture, 1950-1979.” Borrowers & Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation 1.2 (Fall/Winter, 2005)
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"Where Is Shakespeare? Locality and Performative Translation." Ilha do Desterro: Revista de Língua Inglesa, Literaturas em Inglês e Estudos Culturais 49 (Florianópolis, S.C., Brasil: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Depto. de Língua e Literatura Anglo-Americanas), eds. J. R. O'Shea and D. L. Guimarães & S. A. Baumgärtel (Jul / Dez 2005): 255-264 (ISSN: 0101-4846)

Shakespeare and the Visualization of Metaphor in Two Chinese Versions of Macbeth.” CLC Web: Journal of Comparative Literature and Culture 6.1 (2004)
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 “Yi xuwu wei shiyou: Lu Xun yu xiandai Zhongguo wenxue de beiju yishi [Lu Xun and Modern Chinese Tragic Consciousness].” Lu Xun yanjiu yuekan (Lu Xun Studies) 2003.10: 11-22.
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"Chapter 3: Yukio Ninagawa." Brook, Hall, Ninagawa, Lepage: Great Shakespeareans 18 vols. Vol. 18. Edited by Peter Holland. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. pp. 79-112. []
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“Hamlet als Denkfigur: China.” Hamlet Handbuch: Stoffe, Aneignungen, Deutungen, hrsg. Peter W. Marx. Stuttgart: Verlag J. B. Metzler, 2014; übersetzt von Susanne Stadler. pages 379-385.
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“Screening Dutch Formosa in 2000: Taiwan as China’s Renegade Province in Wu Ziniu’s The Sino- Dutch War 1661.” Scenes from Dutch Formosa: Staging Taiwan’s Colonial Past, ed. Llyn Scott. Portland, ME: Merwin Asia, 2014. pp. 153-160
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"'Warlike Noises': Jingoistic Hamlet during the Sino-Japanese Wars," Shakespeare and the Second World War, ed. Irena Makaryk and Marissa McHugh. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012. pp. 180-198
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"Comical Tragedies and Other Polygeneric Shakespeares in Contemporary China and Diasporic Chinese Culture," Shakespeare and Genre: From Early Modern Inheritances to Postmodern Legacies, ed. Anthony R. Guneratne (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), pp. 157-172.
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"Humor in den Werken Mo Yans," Chinas subversive Peripherie: Aufsätze zum Werk des Nobelpreisträgers Mo Yan, ed. Ylva Monschein. Bochum: Projekt Verlag, 2013. pp. 73-79.
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"Siting and Citing Hamlet in Elsinore, Denmark." The Hamlet Zone: Reworking Hamlet for European Cultuers, ed. Ruth J. Owen (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), 73-83.
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"Beijing Opera between East and West in Modern Times." On Stage: The Art of Beijing Opera, ed. Kim Karlsson and Martina Wernsdörfer (Basel, Switzerland: Museum der Kulturen, 2011), pp. 196-205.
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     German version: "Die zeitgenössische Pekingoper zwischen Ost und West." On Stage: Die Kunst der Pekingoper, hrsg. Kim Karlsson and Martina Wernsdörfer (Basel, Switzerland: Museum der Kulturen, 2011), Seiten 197-207.
      Full Text

     Brochures of the exhibition "On Stage: The Art of Beijing Opera" (September 2011-February 2012).
      Brochure in English
      Brochure in German

"Shakespeare and Translation." The Edinburgh Companion to Shakespeare and the Arts, ed. Mark Thornton Burnett, Adrian Streete, and Ramona Wray. Edinburgh University Press, 2011. pp. 68-87.
Full Text

"The Paradox of Female Agency." The Afterlife of Ophelia, ed. Kaara Peterson and Deanne Williams. New York: Palgrave, 2012. pp. 79-100
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“Confucian Hamlet? Locality, Aesthetic Truth, and History.” East Asian Confucianisms: Interactions and Innovations, ed. Confucius Institute at Rutgers University (New Brunswick, N.J.: Confucius Institute at Rutgers University, 2010), pp. 291-298.

"Asian American Theatre Re-imagined: Shogun Macbeth in New York." Weyward Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance, ed. Scott Newstok and Ayanna Thompson. New York: Palgrave, 2009. pp. 121-125.
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  Reviewed in Theatre Journal 63.4 (2011): 671-672: "Alex Huang's 'Asian-American Theatre Reimagined: Shogun Macbeth in New York' is most successful at critically framing the constraints and possibilities of intercultural Shakespeare performance. Citing the Pan Asian Repertory Theatre's 2008 production, which used Japanese elements such as kabukimakeup and kyogen comic characters to generate new meanings from the play, Huang argues that Shogun Macbeth fell short of intercultural hybridity, yet 'successfully constructed a contact zone that remains open for future inscription' (125)." Review [PDF]

"'A Tender Heir' to 'Bear His Memory': Shakespeare's Sonnets in Taiwan." William Shakespeare's Sonnets, for the First Time Globally Represented, a Quatercentenary 1609-2009. Ed. Manfred Pfister and Jürgen Gutsch. Dozwil, Switzerland: Edition SIGNAThUR, 2009. pp. 121 to 134.
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"Shakespeare bunt geschminkt: Die chinesische Shakespeare-Werkstatt." Lebendige Erinnerung -- Xiqu: Zeitgenössische Entwicklungen im chinesischen Musiktheater, hrsg. Tian Mansha and Johannes Odenthal (Berlin: Verlag Theater der Zeit, 2006), pp. 156-165.
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"Pastiche and Identity in Taiwan's Postmodern Theatre: Stan Lai and Buddhism." Taiwan Literature and History.  Ed. Kuo-Ch'ing Tu.  University of California, Santa Barbara, Center for Taiwan Studies, 2007.  213-222.
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"'No World without Verona Walls'? Shakespeare in the Provincial Cultural Marketplace." Re-Playing Shakespeare in Asia. Ed. Poonam Trivedi and Minami Ryutan London: Routledge, 2009. pp. 251-268.
arrow Full Text

"Shamlet: Shakespeare as a Palimpsest." Shakespeare Without English: The Reception of Shakespeare in Non-anglophone Countries. Ed. Sukanta Chaudhuri and Chee Seng Lim. Delhi: Pearson Longman, 2006.  21-45.
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“Authorial In(ter)ventions: Christopher Marlowe and John Donne.” Class, Boundary, and Social Discourse in the Renaissance. Eds. Alex Huang, I-chun Wang, and Mary Theis. Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Center for Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, 2007. 107-119.

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Review Essays

Rev. of Significant Other: Staging the American in China, by Claire Conceison. China Review International, 14.2 (2007): 404-410.
Full Text

"The Politics of Recognition and Comparative Literature." CLC Web: Journal of Comparative Literature and Culture 8.4 (December, 2006).
Full Text

"Contested Post/coloniality and Taiwan Culture – A Review Article of New Work by Yip and Ching." CLC Web: Journal of Comparative Literature and Culture 8.3 (September, 2006).
Full Text

  Reprinted as Alex Huang, "Contested (Post)coloniality and Taiwan Culture." In Cultural Discourse in Taiwan, ed. Chin-chuan Cheng, I-chun Wang, and Steven Totosy de Zepetnek (Kao-hsiung, Taiwan: National Sun Yat-sen University, 2009), pp. 201-211.
        ISBN: 9789860195064
  Full Text


Performance Reviews

Rev. of King Lear, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare: The Journal of the British Shakespeare Association 3. 2 (August 2007): 239-242.
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Rev. of King Lear, Yellow Earth and Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre. Theatre Journal 58. 3 (October 2007): 494-495.


Reference Works

The Oxford Companion to Theatre and Performance. Ed. Dennis Kennedy. Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 650; revised edition due out in 2012.
Full Text

The Encyclopedia of Modern China. 4 vols. Ed. David Pong, Julia Andrews, et al. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2009; two essays, approx. 2,000 words.

Illustrations Editor, The Shakespeare Encyclopedia. 5 vols. Ed. Patricia Parker. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, forthcoming in late 2009; also contributed 11 articles. 26 pp.

The Encyclopedia of Asian Theatre. 2 vols. Ed. Samuel Leiter. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2007. 15 articles, approx. 7100 words.

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Book Reviews

Rev. of Narrating China: Jia Pingwa and His Fictional World, by Yiyan Wang. Journal of Asian Studies 68.4 (2009): 1272-1274.
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Rev. of Shakespeare, Memory and Performance, ed. Peter Holland. Shakespeare Quarterly 59.4 (Winter 2008): 500-503.
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Rev. of Collaborations with the Past: Reshaping Shakespeare across Time and Media by Diana E Henderson. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance 9.24 (December 2012): 71-72.
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Open Access

Rev. of Cities Surround the Countryside: Urban Aesthetics in Postsocialist China by Robin Visser. MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly 74.3 (September 2013): 436-439
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Rev. of Shakespeare's Foreign Worlds: National and Transnational Identities in the Elizabethan Age, by Carole Levin and John Watkins. Comparative Literature Studies 49.3 (2012): 475-478.
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Rev. of Shakespeare in the Worlds of Communism and Socialism, ed. Irena R. Makaryk and Joseph G. Price. Shakespeare Studies 38 (2010): 232-236.
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Rev. of Cities Surround The Countryside: Urban Aesthetics in Postsocialist China, by Robin Visser. MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly, forthcoming.

Rev. of Taiwan Film Directors: A Treasure Island, by Emilie Yueh-Yu Yeh and Darrell William Davis; and of Cinema Taiwan: Politics, Popularity and State of the Arts, ed. Darrell William Davis and Ru-shou Robert Chen. The Journal of Asian Studies 69. 1 (2010): 240-243.
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Rev. of Bringing the World Home: Appropriating the West in Late Qing and Early Republican China, by Theodore Huters. The China Quarterly, 195 (2008): 716-718.
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Rev. of Rethinking Chinese Popular Culture, ed. Carlos Rojas and Eileen Chow. Pacific Affairs 83.2 (2010): 382-383.
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Rev. of Shakespeare and the American Popular Stage, by Frances Teague. Theatre Journal 60.4 (2008): 680-681.
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Rev. of Shakespeare, Memory and Performance, ed. Peter Holland. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 40.2-3 (2009): 278-281
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Rev. of East-West Montage: Reflections on Asian Bodies in Diaspora, by Sheng-mei Ma. Comparative Literature Studies 44.1 (2010): 96-98.
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Buchbesprechung: Murray Leviths Shakespeare in China, Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 245 (2008): 441-444 (in German).
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Rev. of Hitchcock with a Chinese Face: Cinematic Doubles, Oedipal Triangles, and China’s Moral Voice, by Jerome Silbergeld. China Review International 14.1 (2007): 266-269.
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Rev. of Shakespeare in China, by Murray Levith. Comparative Literature Studies 45.1 (2008): 110-115.
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Rev. of Chinese Dreams: Pound, Brecht, Tel quel, by Eric Hayot. Comparative Literature Studies 43. 1-2 (2006): 187-190.
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Rev. of The Subtle Revolution: Poets of the "Old Schools" in Late Qing and Early Republican China, by Jon Eugene von Kowallis. Journal of Royal Asiatic Society 19.1 (2009): 138-139.
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Rev. of Bernard Shaw and China: Cross-Cultural Encounters, by Kay Li. Asian Theatre Journal 26.1 (2009): 182-184
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Rev. of Snow in August, by Gao Xingjian, trans. Gilbert C. F. Fong. Asian Theatre Journal 23. 1 (2006): 214-215.

Rev. of Shashibiya: Staging Shakespeare in China, by Li Ruru. Asian Theatre Journal 22.2 (2005): 371-374.

Rev. of Gao Xingjian and Transcultural Chinese Theater, by Sy Ren Quah. Asian Theatre Journal23.1 (2006): 213-214.
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Non-refereed Articles

"Mo Yan and the Nobel Prize in Literature," Diplomatist Magazine January 2013 (online)

"The Tragic and the Chinese Subject." Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs 3.1 (2003): 55-68

"Mo Yan and Literary Humor." Yuehaifeng (journal of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Contemporary Literature and Arts) 96.3 (2013): 26-28.

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Digital Humanities Projects

Global Shakespeares, open-access digital video archive co-founded by Alexa Huang and Peter Donaldson
       - news coverage in Gazeta do Povo, a Brazilian daily
       - reviewed in scholarly journals in the U.S. and U.K., including Shakespeare Quarterly, Shakespeare: Journal of British Shakespeare Association, National Association for the Teaching of English Newsletter, Shakespearean International Yearbook, The Shakespeare Standard, and elsewhere.

The Tempest for iPad. Collaborator.

Much more than a digital book, the Luminary edition of The Tempest (co-founded by Elliott Visconsi and Katehrine Rowe) is designed for social reading, authoring, and sharing, for all readers from students to professional scholars.

"Visualizing Geography: Maps, Place, and Pedagogy," Forum hosted by HASTAC: Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory, launched March 2013 (invited participant) [web]

Shakespeare Performance in Asia, open-access digital video archive co-founded by Alexa Huang and Peter Donaldson
       - reviewed in scholarly journals such as Shakespearean International Yearbook

GloPAD, Global Performing Arts Database (Collaborator)
       The Global Performing Arts Database (GloPAD) is a project of the Global Performing Arts Consortium. GloPAD includes images, sound recordings, video clips, and 3-D models of the world's performing arts with detailed descriptions in standardized formats to enable effective cross-cultural searching.


Peer-reviewed Digital Publications

     Year of Shakespeare
University of Birmingham Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon project to study the Cultural Olympiad, World Shakespeare Festival, and Globe-to-Globe season in the context of the 2012 London Olympics); project led by Erin Sullivan, Paul Edmondson, and Paul Prescott and supported by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).
What Can Multilingual Shakespeare Teach Us?” April 26, 2012
Shakespeare in Borrowed Robes,” April 23, 2012
These articles also appeared (re-blogged) in part or in full on the following sites created by publishers or scholars: and

     Global Shakespeares
Project to study Shakespeare in world cultures; open-access subtitled and annotated digital performance videos, essays, interviews, scripts, bibliographies, timeline, and more), co-founded by Alexa Huang (GW) and Peter Donaldson (MIT). The following blog essays are redacted from Huang’s print publications with enhanced audio/video elements that are more appropriate for scholarly communication via digital forms:
The Paradox of Female Agency,” May 7, 2012
ArticleShakespeare and Translation,” February 7, 2012
ArticleMa Yong’an: Excerpt from an Interview,” April 5, 2010
ArticleWu Hsing-kuo: Excerpt from an Interview,” April 5, 2010
ArticleShakespeare, Performance, and Autobiographical Interventions,” April 5, 2010


Blogs (selected; full list available upon request)

On the Road, Part 1, GW English News, February 7, 2013

On the Road, Part 2, GW English News, February 7, 2013

International Shakespeare on Festive Occasions, In the Middle, Feb. 9, 2013

What Multinlingual Shakespeare Can Teach Us, Blogging Shakespeare (Shakespeare Institute, Univ. Birmingham), April 30, 2012;

Shakespeare in Borrowed Robes, Year of Shakespeare (a project documenting the World Shakespeare Festival), April 25, 2012;; the article has been reblogged on The Platform, Global Shakespeares, and elsewhere.

Beyond the Madness: East Asia’s Ophelia, The Platform, 2012

Shakespeare and Translation, Global Shakespeares, February 7, 2012

Exhibitions Curated or Presented

Video Curator, Imagining China: The View from Europe, 1550-1700 (curator: Timothy Billings), Sept. 2009-Jan. 2010.
        Interactive video kiosk
        Folger Library, Washington, D.C.

Reviewed in Shakespeare (British Shakespeare Association), Shakespeare Bulletin, Asian Theatre Journal, "Lost in Translation" blog (1 and 2), and elsewhere

Curator, Video Installation for the "Shakespeare Encyclopedia" Open House at the Shakespeare Association of America annual conference, Chicago, April 1-4, 2010
Exhibition on Cao Yu and His Legacy, curated by Ruru Li and presented by Lily Wong, Alex Huang, and George Washington University, Association for Asian Performance (AAP) annual conference in conjunction with the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., August 1-4, 2012.       Report in the Association for Asian Studies Newsletter

This is the long version. Click here to access the concise version of this page.


2014-2015 Fulbright Distinguished Chair Award in Global Shakespeare Studies, Queen Mary University of London and University of Warwick, UK

2015-2016 American Council of Learned Societies Frederick Burkhardt Fellowship, Folger Library, Washington, D.C.

2012-2017 Collaborator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) five-year grant for A Web Edition of Shakespeare’s King Lears, PI: Michael Best; with Alexa Huang, Andrew Griffin and Lynne Bradley

2012, Stiftung Mercator grant for Weltliteratur und Welttheater

2012, George Washington University Office of the Vice President for Research University Facilitating Fund research grant

2012, George Washington University Sigur Center for Asian Studies research grant

2012, Folger Institute (Washington, D.C.) short-term fellowship

2011-2012, 3-month Fellowship, Taiwan Center for Chinese Studies

2010, American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) research fellowship

2010, Association for Asian Studies (AAS) outreach grant for the symposium “Asia and Global Digital Media"

2010, Association for Asian Studies (AAS) conference grant for the Mid-Atlantic Region AAS annual conference

2009, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, publication subsidy award for monograph Chinese Shakespeares (grant to Columbia University Press).

2010, Penn State University College of Liberal Arts Research Office grant

2010, Penn State University Global Fund travel grant

2009, Folger Institute Grant for participation in fall conference "Contact and Exchange: China and the West"

2009, Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Comparative Literature, Penn State University

2008, Best Paper Award, Inaugural Conference of Interdisciplinary Centre for East Asian Studies, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

2008, Folger Institute Grant for participation in semester-long research seminar

2007, National Science Council Grant (Taiwan) for Short-term Visiting Scholars

2006, International Shakespeare Association Travel Grant

2005-2010, Penn State University President's Fund for Involving Undergraduates in Faculty Research, several awards

2007, Penn State Schreyer Institute Teaching Enrichment Travel Grant

2006, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation (CCKF) Faculty Travel Grant

2005, Penn State University Institute for Arts and Humanities Faculty Research Grant

2003, Folger Institute Grant (for participation in a Folger workshop on Shakespeare and performance).

2004 Association of Asian Performance Emerging Scholar Award

2006-2010, Penn State University Minority Faculty Development Fund, several awards

2005, Penn State University International Programs Faculty Travel Fund & Global Fund

2004 Mellon Foundation grant to participate in the Technology & Language Instruction Certificate Program (June 14-July 2, 2004), Middlebury College Center for Educational Technology

2000-2004, Asia/Pacific Scholar, Asia/Pacific Research Center, Stanford University

2003 Folger Institute student grant for participation in weekend workshop

2003-2004, Stanford University Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages (DLCL) Dissertation Completion Fellowship

2003 China Times Foundation Junior Scholar Award

2002-2003, Exchange Scholar, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University

2002 Shakespeare Association of America (SAA) graduate student travel award

2001, Japan Fund & Stanford Center for East Asian Studies Endowment Summer Grant

1999-2002, Stanford University Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages (DLCL) Doctoral Fellowship

1996, Exeter College, University of Oxford, summer scholarship

1994, University of Leeds (UK) Summer Scholarship

1992-1997, Taiwan Ministry of Education merit-based college scholarship (senior-year abroad at Oxford, Göttingen, and Trier)

Keynote and Plenary Lectures

Keynote, “Globe Theatres and Imaginations of the Globe.” Worlds Elsewhere: Globalization and Early Cultures conference, University of California Irvine, April 18-19, 2014.

Keynote, “Foreign Shores: Pursuing a Full Life as a Racial and Gender Minority.” Women’s Leadership Symposium, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., April 5, 2014.

Keynote, Shakespeare's Globe: 9th Annual Liberal Studies Colloquium, New York University, March 28, 2014.

Keynote, “‘Fair Ophelia’ in Victorian and East Asian Visual Cultures.” 67th KFLC: The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 10-12, 2014.

Plenary, International Shakespeare Conference (ISC), Stratford-upon-Avon: "Intermediality and Digital Shakespeare," Aug. 8-13, 2010.

Plenary, Shakespeare Association of Korea conference, Seoul National University, Seoul, Nov. 1-2,

Keynote address, "The Meanings of Shakespeare and Asia in the Post-National Age," De Montfort University (UK) conference on Shakespeare and Japan, Feb. 26, 2013. Sponsored by the British Shakespeare Association journal Shakespeare
Reviewed in Shakespeare: Journal of the British Shakespeare Association

Concluding remarks, "'Nothing Will Come of Nothing': From Archival Silence to Quoting Shakespeare Out of Context," Conference on Shakespeare in Tatters: Referencing Shakespeare on Film and Television. Universita degli studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, May 10-11, 2013; co-sponsored by Centro Shakespeariano di Ferrara, Università di Ferrara, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, and Università Statale di Milano.

Keynote address, International Shakespeare Forum “Shakespeare and Popular Media," Shirayuri College in Tokyo, December 1-2, 2012.

Keynote address, University of Western Australia: “The Future of Digital and Analogue Humanities.” Book:Logic - Text Editing and Digital Culture conference, Perth, June 29, 2012. [presentation available online]

Academia Sinica Institute of European and American Studies, Taiwan: "Professing English from the Margins." Conference on “Our Euro-America: Politics and Compromises,” June 3, 2012.

Edinburgh International Festival: “All the World’s a Stage,” The Hub, Castelhill, co-sponsored by the British Council and the Royal Society of Edinburgh; also in conversation with Michael Billington; Aug. 15, 2011. [online]

Plenary, Shakespeare Forum conference: "The Future of Digital Humanities and Performance Studies," National Taiwan University, Nov. 25, 2010.

Plenary, Shakespeare across Media conference: “The Meaning of Global Shakespeare in Theatre Historiography," National Taiwan University June 7-9, 2012.

Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.: Opening Lecture for "Imagining China" Exhibition (with Timothy Billings), Sept. 17, 2009.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Royal Shakespeare Company Residency Program: “Touching a Universal Nerve: Drama in Translation,” March 18, 2012.


Advocacy Work and Outreach (Selected)

Presentation during congressional briefing "National Security and Other Global Challenges through Cultural Understanding: A Briefing on the Humanities in the 21st Century," Rayburn House Office Building, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., May 16, 2013; sponsored by the National Humanities Alliance in cooperation with the Congressional Humanities Caucus

Full Text on MLACommons; HASTAC; In the Middle; Global Shakespeares; The Shakespeare Standard

Cosmos Club Shakespeare Lecture, Feb. 22, 2013. Founded in 1878, the Cosmos Club is a private social and intellectual club in Washington, D.C.

Polytechnic School, Pasadena, California: "Shakespeare on the Global Stage"; public lecture and class sessions, December 12-13, 2012. In the news [PDF].

California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) English Professional Day, Menlo School (Menlo Park), December 12, 2011; participant's reflection in the CAIS Newsletter

Invited Lectures (Selected)

Penn State University ACLx conference: “The Archival Present of Digital Media and Comparative Literature,” September 27, 2013

Folger Shakespeare Library: “Reorienting Global Shakespeare: Touring Productions to England, 1950-2012,” April 25, 2012.

Smithsonian’s Freer/Sackler Galleries: “Akira Kurosawa and Japanese King Lears,” Washington, D.C., March 2, 2014.

Stanford University: “Archival Silence and the Figure of the Globe.” Sponsored by the Stanford Humanities Center, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Center for East Asian Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Graduate Forum on Translation Studies, April 16, 2014.

Stanford University: “Building a Digital Humanities Research Agenda.” Sponsored by the Graduate Forum for Translation Studies and Digital Humanities Focal Group, April 16, 2014.

Trinity College Dublin, School of English: public lecture, October 10, 2013

Queen's University Belfast, School of English: public lecture, October 9, 2013

Columbia University Shakespeare Seminar Lecture (series founded in 1982): "Shakespearean Performance as Cosmopolitan Projects: Aesthetics, Politics, Liminality." March 8, 2013.

Montclair State University, Department of English: "'Fair Ophelia' in Victorian and East Asian Visual Cultures," March 7, 2013.

Columbia University: "Theatricality, Intermediality, and Intercultural Performance Today," Nov. 29, 2011.

Columbia University: "'Fair Ophelia' in Victorian and East Asian Visual Cultures," Nov. 28, 2011. (Co-sponsored by the Departments of East Asian Languages and Cultures, English and Comparative Literature, Film Studies at Columbia University, and the Department of Theater at Barnard College). Poster

Australian National University, Canberra: “Intermediality and Transnationalism: Shakespeare Performance in Asia,” July 2, 2012.

Curtin University, Australia: “Multilingual Shakespeare,” June 28, 2012.

Asia Bookroom, Canberra: “Shakespeare in Borrowed Robes,” July 3, 2012.

University of Victoria Department of English: "Agency, Efficacy, and Theatrical Joint Enterprise: Touring Productions to England in a Post-National Age," October 12, 2012. Sponsored by the Internet Shakespeare Editions, SSHRC, and UVic Dept. English.

Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service: "Cultural Diplomacy: The London Olympics and World Shakespeare Festival," September 13, 2012.

University of Maryland School of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies: "'What country, friends, is this?' The Meanings of Shakespeare and Asia Today," Sept. 28, 2012. Sponsored by the The Shakespeare Globe USA Research Archive; UMD School of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies; Department of English; UMD Asian American Studies Program; UMD PhD Program in Theatre and Performance Studies; School of Music; Center for East Asian Studies

Rhodes College: "Global Hamlets," October 5, 2012. Co-sponsored by Asian Studies, English, British Studies at Oxford, International Studies, Search, Theatre, and the Pearce Shakespeare Endowment. Poster [PDF]

City University of Hong Kong: “Reorienting Global Shakespeare in a Post-National Age,” May 21, 2012.

Chinese University of Hong Kong: "’Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made on’: Crowd-sourcing, iPad, and Shakespeare," May 22, 2012.

Lingnan University, Hong Kong: “Reorienting Global Shakespeare in a Post-National Age,” May 23, 2012.

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan: "’Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made on’: Crowdsourcing, iPad, and Shakespeare,” June 6, 2012.

University of Texas Austin, Department of Asian Studies: "Digital Video and the Future of the Humanities," Oct 29, 2011.

Southwestern University Howard Crawford Lecture: "'Fair Ophelia' in Victorian and Asian Visual Cultures," Oct 28, 2011. (Co-sponsored by the Crawford Lecture Series, the Department of English, the International Studies Program, the Department of History, the Department of Modern Languages and Literature, and the Theatre Department)

Southwestern University, Department of English: "The Kingdom of Lear," Oct 28, 2011.

Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III Institut de Recherches sur la Renaissance, l'Âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL), France: “Digital Shakespeare,” Oct 14. 2011. Project website and biography.

Harvard University: “Theatre and Intermediality,” May 5, 2011.

Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft and European Shakespeare Research Association joint conference in Weimar: “Sea-Change Across the Intercultural Divide: Debating Shakespearean Performance,” April 28–May 1, 2011.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Department of English: “Global Shakespeare Today,” 11 April, 2011.

New York University, Department of History: “Hamlet in Revolutions,” March 8, 2011.

UCLA, Department of Theater: “The Task of Digital Humanities and Theatre Studies,” Feb. 11, 2011.

University of British Columbia, Vancouver: “War and Qian Zhongshu’s Comic Talents,” Dec. 11, 2010.

Nanjing University, Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: “Shakespeare as an Intercultural Event,” Nov. 16, 2010.

Beijing Normal University: “Comedy, Translation, and Interculturalism in Modern China,” Nov. 9, 2010.

Northwestern University: “The Intercultural Shakespeare as an Archival Event,” Oct. 25, 2010.

Boston University, Modern Languages & Comparative Literature: “King Lear Served Three Ways: Monolingual, Bilingual, and Multilingual Productions,” Oct. 7, 2010.

MIT Literature: “King Lear and Authenticity in an Age of Localization," Oct. 7, 2010.

Amherst College, Department of English: “Global Shakespeare in the Digital Archive,” Oct. 5, 2010.

Princeton University: "The Digital Archive at the Crossroads of Literary and Performance Studies," May 4, 2010.

University of California, Santa Barbara: "The Parodic Impulse in Intercultural Theatre," Feb. 10, 2010.

University of Victoria (Canada), Department of English: “Repositioning Shakespeare Studies in the Age of Global Digital Media,” Feb. 2, 2010.

Binghamton University State University of New York, Inaugural Lecture, Harpur College Dean's Speaker Series: "Screening Sinophone Visuality: Shakespeare in an Age of Localization," Nov. 13, 2009.

Cambridge University, Downing College: "Ghost Writers in Search of Utopia: Translating and Manufacturing Literary Prestige in Late Qing China," Sept. 28, 2009.

Rutgers University, Confucius Institute and Department of Asian Languages and Cultures: "Confucianism, Locality, and Aesthetic Truth," May 1, 2009.

University of Oklahoma, Symposium for the Newman Prize for Chinese Literature: "Mo Yan and Literary Humor," Mar. 5, 2009.

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main: "The Aesthetics of Shanghai and Dystopian Locality," Nov. 14, 2008.

National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Drama: "Intercultural Spectatorship and Global Localities," Nov. 1, 2008.

Universität Heidelberg, Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies: "Inter-media Studies and Literary Globalism," June 20, 2008.

University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS): "Untralsnating China: Cosmopolitan Iterations," Mar. 13, 2008.

Waseda University, Japan (Shakespeare Society of Japan conference plenary lecture): "How to Do Things with Asian Shakespeares: Liminality, Alterity, Authenticity." Oct. 7, 2007.

National University of Singapore, Department of English: "Archive, Posterity, and Performance History," August 7, 2007.

Rutgers University, Department of English: "'In States Unborn and Accents Yet Unknown'? Envisioning 'Asia' and 'Shakespeare'," Apr. 13, 2007.

Cornell University, Society for the Humanities: "Locality and Performative Translation," Feb. 28, 2006.

Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) project, Singapore
      "Impersonating 'Asia':The Sites and Sights of Intercultural Theatre," August 18, 2006
      "The Question of Race in Transnational Cinema from Tomorrow Never Dies to Raise the Red Lantern," Aug. 19
      Workshop on Asian performance practices on stage and on screen, Aug. 19

Taipei National University of the Arts, Department of Theatre Arts: "The Theatricality of Religious Rhetorics: Stan Lai and Gao Xingjian," Oct. 1, 2006.

Yuan Ze University, Taiwan Ministry of Education Project for Developing Top Universities Lecture Series: "Shakespeare as a Dramatist," Oct. 5, 2006.
Student response in Chinese

Shandong University (China), Graduate Institute of Comparative and World Literature: "Theatrical Transculturation," June 6, 2005.
Student response in Chinese

Tsinghua University (China), Center for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies: "Performing Globalism: Shakespeare in the World," June 2, 2005.

Rutgers University: "Soviet-Chinese Theatre Exchange and the Cultural Revolution," Apr. 14, 2005.

National Tsing-Hua University (Taiwan), Department of Foreign Languages and Literature: "To Be, or Not To Be, Yet Must Be: A Global Shakespeare," Nov. 29, 2004.

National Taiwan University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures: "New Forces in Modern Chinese Theater," Nov. 27, 2004.

National Chi Nan University (Taiwan), Department of Foreign Languages and Literature: "Shakespeare and I," Nov. 25, 2004.


TV, Radio, and Media

"The Blotted Line | An Interview with Alexa Huang," The Shakespeare Standard May 28 2014

Guest appearance on BBC World Service's "The Strand: Shakespeare Special" on April 21, 2012

Voice of America interview about Mo Yan, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, October 11, 2012


Guest appearance on BBC The Strand on April 17, 2012

"A Great Feast of Languages | Interview with Alex Huang Part Two," The Shakespeare Standard, March 9, 2013

"A Great Feast of Languages | Interview with Alex Huang Part One," The Shakespeare Standard, February 16, 2013

"Signature Shakespeare Program Expanded." GW Today, September 18, 2012. [PDF]


NPR National Public Radio, “Visualizing How a Population Grows to 7 Billion,” October 2011

The Hatchet. Digital humanities at GW, Alex Huang, and Jeffrey Cohen, January 31, 2013

GW English News: Reflections on the GW Digital Humanities Symposium. January 29, 2013.

Global Shakespeares: An interview with keynote speaker Alex Huang at the University of Western Australia, Perth

Kyodo News (leading Japanese news network founded in 1945), June 20, 2012.

Folger Library Shakespeare Now podcast interview, May 7, 2012

Guest appearance on BBC 2's "Review Show" (Television) on 19 August 2011 which covered the 2011 Edinburgh International Festival

Guest appearance on BBC Radio's "Classics Unwrapped" presented by Jamie MacDougall, 14 August 2011

"The Global Influence of Shakespeare." GW Today, November 28, 2011

"Bringing Shakespeare to Life": story about Alex Huang's work in GW Hatchet, 25 August, 2011.

"Continental Shifts: All the World's a Stage," the Hub on Castlehill, Edinburgh, 15 August 2011

"All the World's a Stage: Alex Huang at GW": story about new digital tools for education, 9 September, 2011.

Feature story and interview, Research||Penn State, Fall 2010 issue
Interviews and stories in the World Journal, Dec. 29; 2010; Jan. 8, 2011; Mar. 26, 2011.

WPSU-TV: "Reinventing Shakespeare: Lobby Talks with Actors from the London Stage, Penn State, Nov. 15 and 18, 2007.

WPSU-TV interview, Pennsylvania Inside Out, Penn State, October 29, 2007.



Conference Presentations

"Global Shakespeare as Methodology," MLA, Chicago, January 9–12, 2014; panel sponsored by the MLA Shakespeare Division Executive Committee

“How I Got Started in Digital Humanities," Presidential Forum, MLA, Boston, January 3-6, 2013.

Global Shakespeares Open House, MLA and MIT, Boston, January 3-6, 2013.

"What Can Internet Shakespeare Editions Do for Theatre Practitioners," Shakespeare Theatre Association annual convention on "What Dreams May Come: Vision into Action" (co-sponsored by Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival / DeSales University), January 9-12, 2013.

“What Makes Language Literary?" MLA Presidential Forum, Seattle, January 6-9, 2012.
Read the speech on The Shakespeare Standard (full text)

"The Book Stops Here: Editing Asia for Western Readers," Roundtable, Association for Asian Performance (AAP), Washington, D.C., August 1-2, 2012.

"Global Shakespeares." DHCommons Digital Humanities projects mixer, MLA, Seattle, Jan. 6-9, 2012.

"'China' on the Diasporic Stage and Life Narrative," Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Toronto, upcoming March 15-18, 2012.

"Of Samurais and Knights-Errant: Unthinking Visuality in East Asian Shakespeare Films." Plenary paper. World Shakespeare Congress (WSC), Prague, July 17-22, 2011.

"Screening the Dutch Formosa:Wu Ziniu's The Sino-Dutch War 1661 and Its Appropriation of History," AAS -ICAS Joint Conference, Honolulu, March 31–April 3, 2011.

“The Paradox of Female Agency and the Afterlife of Ophelia,” MLA, Los Angeles, Jan. 6-9, 2011.

Roundtable on “China, World Literature, and the Shape of the Humanities.” MLA, Los Angeles, Jan. 6-9, 2011.

Discussant for seminar on "Shakespeare and World Cinema," Shakespeare Association of America (SAA), Chicago, April 1-3, 2010.

"Literary Humor as a Theoretical Problem." MLA, Philadelphia, Dec. 27-30, 2009.

"Shakespeare and the Transcultural Flows of Images." Presidential Roundtable, Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies (MAR-AAS), Nov. 1, 2009.

"'Warlike noises': Jingoistic Shakespeare during the Second World War." Wartime Shakespeare in a Global Context / Shakespeare au temps de la guerre. University of Ottawa, Sept. 18-20, 2009.

"Tragicomedy and Compassionate Laughter from Mo Yan to Zhang Yimou." Associatoin of Asian Performance (AAP), New York, August 6-7, 2009.

"Intermediality and Performative Paratext: Shakespeare in the Archive." British Shakespeare Association (BSA). Shakespeare's Globe and King's College London, Sept. 11-13, 2009.

"Screening Asian Visuality: Lin Zhaohua's Richard III in Berlin." Paper for research seminar. BSA, London, Sept. 11-13, 2009.

"Religious Rhetorics, Shakespeare Spin-offs, the Remix: Intercultural Journeys of Unlearning and Self-Knowledge." SAA, Washington D.C., Apr. 9-11, 2009 (co-authored with Peter Donaldson).

"The Comic and Tragic Visions in Qian Zhongshu and Lu Xun." AAS, Chicago, Mar. 26-29, 2009.

“Doing Anything for a Laugh? Mo Yan and the Question of Humor in China." MLA, San Francisco, Dec. 27-30, 2008.

"Untranslating Shakespeare: Global Audiences and Vernacular Politics." MLA, San Francisco, Dec. 27-30, 2008.

"Shakespeare, Visuality, and East Asian Alterity." Renderings: Shakespeare Across Continents, Nottingham University Ningbo, China, Sept. 10-12, 2008.

“Individual and Collective Subjectivity in Qian Zhongshu and Lao She.'” AAS, Atlanta, Apr. 3-6, 2008.

"'Shaped for Sportive Tricks': Richard III, Children's Games, and the Global Vernacular." SAA, Dallas, Mar. 13-15, 2008.

"Familial Fortresses: Fortress Besieged and Raise the Red Lanterns." MLA, Chicago, Dec. 27-30, 2007.

"Hamlet, The Banquet, and the Fiction of Interculturalism.” MLA, Chicago, Dec. 27-30, 2007.

Speaker. Roundtable on the Centennial of Chinese Spoken Drama. ATHE, New Orleans, July 26-29, 2007.

"'Speak of me as I am': Remembering Shakespeare and Post/colonial Asia." Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), New Orleans, July 26-29, 2007.

"Shakespeare and the Ethical: Appropriated Localities and Moralities." SAA, San Diego, Apr. 5-7, 2007.

"Performing the Nation: The Politics of Fin-de-siècle Chinese Theatre." MLA, Philadelphia, Dec. 27-30, 2006.

"Cyber Shakespeares: Mediating and Mediatizing the New Audiences." MLA, Philadelphia, Dec. 27-30, 2006.

Discussant, Panel on intercultural performance, National Taiwan University Drama Conference, Oct. 7-9, 2006.

"Autobiographical Shakespeare." VIII. World Shakespeare Congress, Brisbane, Australia, July 21-26, 2006.
Conference Program (Winner of Open Invitation Paper Contest)

“The Ethics of Appropriation.” VIII. World Shakespeare Congress, Brisbane, Australia, July 21-26, 2006.

"Where Is Shakespeare? Siting / Citing Performative Venues." SAA, Philadelphia, Apr. 13-15, 2006.

“After Occidentalism: Gao Xingjian and 'Cold Literature'.” AAS, San Francisco, Apr. 6-9, 2006.

“Dressing Up for the Part: Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre and Hamlet.ShInE--Shakespeare in Europe conference, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Nov. 17-20, 2005.

"Late Imperial China and Its Invention of the West.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Penn State University, Mar. 11-13, 2005.

“Altering the Past, Directing the Present: Politics of Wartime Shakespearean Adaptations.” SAA, Bermuda, Mar. 17-19, 2005.

“The Private Life of Public Plays: Autobiographical Shakespeare.” MLA, Philadelphia, Dec. 27-29, 2004.

“Improvisation and Parody: New Forces of Transnational Performance in Taiwan.” AAP, Toronto, July 28, 2004 (Recipient of the AAP Emerging Scholar Award).

“Stylizing Shakespeare: Intersecting Cultural Identities on Chinese Stages.” MLA, San Diego, Dec. 27-30, 2003.

“Allegorical Shakespeare.” SAA, Victoria, Canada, Apr. 8-10, 2003.

"Faustus and Marlowe: Two Lives in Sorcery & Espionage." COPIA: Conference on Renaissance Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Apr. 5, 2003.

“The Tragic and Its Modern Subject: Lu Xun’s Tragic Consciousness in His Later Works.” International Conference & Triennial Congress of the Chinese Comparative Literature Association, Nanjing, August 15-18, 2002.

“The Transformation of Metaphor: Trajectories of Intercultural Transplantation of Shakespeare in Cultural China.” International Conference on Shakespeare Performance in the New Asias, National University of Singapore, June 27-30, 2002.

“The Making of a Chinese Shakespeare.”  VII. WSC, Valencia, Spain, Apr. 18-23, 2001.

“Conjunction and Disjunction: German and Chinese Shakespeares.”  6th Biennial Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Shakespeare Association, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July 7-10, 2000.


     Conferences co-organized

2014 Global Shakespeares Symposium, Jan. 25-26 (co-organized with Ayanna Thompson)

GW's Inaugural Digital Humanities Symposium, George Washington University, January 25-26, 2013; co-sponsored by George Washington University Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Dean's Scholars in Shakespeare Program, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of English, Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute, Disability Support Services, Department of Computer Sciences, University Libraries, University Honors Program, Women's Leadership Program, Department of Theatre and Dance, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, and GW Language Center. Graduate seminar taught in conjunction with the symposium: English 6130 Digital Humanities Theory (Prof. Huang).

Cultural Translations: Medieval / Early Modern / Postmodern, a symposium at GW, Washington, D.C., March 25, 2012

AAP Association for Asian Performance annual conference in conjunction with the ATHE, Washington, D.C., Aug. 1-2, 2012 (110+ particiants; keynote: Richard Nichols). Conference organizer.
     AAP Program
      Report in the Association for Asian Studies Newsletter

The 19th Hahn Moo-Sook Colloquium in the Korean Humanities, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4-5, 2011 (opening remarks by David Schalkwyk of Folger). Co-organized with Young-Key Kim-Renaud, Gregg Brazinsky, and Roy Richard Grinker.

     Video Highlights of Oh Tae-suk's award-winning Korean Tempest

      Report on the Conference
      Poster: Screening of The Tempest
      Poster: Colloquium

AAP Association for Asian Performance annual conference in conjunction with the ATHE, Chicago, Aug. 10-11, 2011 (80+ participants; keynote: James Brandon). Conference organizer.

MAR-AAS annual conference, October 22-23, 2010
Conference co-organizer and manager; 200+ members; institutional members include Princeton, U Penn, Carnegie Mellon, Georgetown, Univ. of Maryland, Rutgers, and other universities.

MAR-AAS "Teaching Asia Workshop: Asia and Global Digital Media," Penn State University, Oct. 22, 2010

ACLA, Penn State, March 11-13, 2005
Chair and co-organizer, Research Seminar: "Performing Imperialism and Cultural Otherness in Modern East Asia."

Shakespeare in Asia International Conference, Performances and Film Festival, Stanford University, April 1-4, 2004; co-organized with Haun Saussy, Patricia Parker, and Timothy Billings, co-sponsored by a number of Stanford units and the Chiang Ching-Kuo (CCK) Foundation conference grant ($ 25,000).

Co-organizer and speaker, Interpretation and Perversion: The 10th Annual Graduate Program in Humanities Symposium, Stanford University, May 11, 2001


Panels or seminars chaired or organized

SAA, Toronto, March 28-30, 2013
“Translating Shakespeare beyond Absolutes,” seminar co-organized with Alfredo Michel Modenessi

MLA, Boston, January 3-6, 2013
Chair and organizer, "Roundtable: Reciprocal Accessibility: What can the MLA and East Asian divisions achieve together?"

European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA), Montpellier, June 26-29, 2013
Myths in Shakespearean Performance,” seminar co-organized with Aneta Mancewicz

Renaissance Society of America (RSA), Washington, D.C., March 22-24, 2012.
Chair, “The Art of War"

IX. World Shakespeare Congress: “Workshop: Global Shakespeares in the Digital Archive.” Co-organized with Peter Donaldson. Prague, July 17-22, 2011.

Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft and European Shakespeare Research Association joint conference in Weimar: April 28–May 1, 2011. Seminar co-organized with Isabelle Schwartz-Gastine.

MLA, Philadelphia, upcoming, Dec. 27-30, 2009.
Chair and organizer, "Humor, Trauma, and Histories of East Asia."

AAP, New York, August 7-8, 2009
Chair and organizer, "Tears and Laughter in Asian Comedy."

AAS, Chicago, March, 2009
Chair and organizer, "Parodic China: Subversion and Mockery in Modern Chinese Entertainment Culture"

BSA, London, Sept. 11-13, 2009.
Seminar Leader, "Asian Shakespeares in Europe." 

SAA, San Diego, April 5-7, 2007
Seminar co-leader, Advanced Research Seminar: "Shakespeare, Performance, and the Ethical"

AAS, Atlanta, April 3-6, 2008
Chair and organizer, "Familial and Cultural Circuits of Chinese Literary Identities"

ATHE, New Orleans, July 26-29, 2007
Chair and organizer, Roundtable: "Remembering Shakespeare and Post/colonial Asia"

AAS, San Francisco, April 6-9, 2006
Chair and co-organizer, "Found in Translation: Rethinking the Foreign in East Asian Modernities"

VIII. WSC, Brisbane, Australia, July 21-26, 2006
Chair and co-organizer, “Brave Old Worlds: Shakespeare in East Asia,” co-sponsored by the International Shakespeare Association. Conference Program


Service to the Profession:

General Editor of the Shakespearean International Yearbook; book review editor of Chinese Literature Today; chair of the Modern Language Association (MLA) Committee on the New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare (which oversees the publication and NVS Digital Challenge) and executive committee on East Asian languages and literatures after 1900; performance editor of the Internet Shakespeare Editions (based in Victoria, Canada); Vice President, Association of Asian Performance (AAP, 2010-2012); Associate Regional Editor, Reviewing Shakespeare (Shakespeare Birthplace Trust); Vice President, Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies (MAR/AAS, 2011-2012); early modern studies faculty of the Middlebury College Bread Loaf School of English (a summer graduate program); editorial board member, E.J. Brill’s series on “East Asian Comparative Literature and Culture."

Member of the GW Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute (MEMSI); co-editor of GW Sigur Center for Asian Studies Papers in the Asian Humanities series; advisor for undergraduate Honors, M.A. and Ph.D. students; consultant for several other theatre festivals; external evaluator for tenure review cases for universities in the U.S.

Reader of manuscripts for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Yale University Press, Columbia University Press, University of Michigan Press, Purdue University Press, Routledge, Palgrave-Macmillan, Ashgate, PMLA, Shakespeare Bulletin, College Literature, MCLC: Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, MLQ, positions: east asia cultures critique; CLEAR: Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Shakespeare: Journal of the British Shakespeare Association, Comparative Literature Studies, Comparative Drama, Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, and other presses, journals, and funding agencies; participation in digital humanities projects; external reader or consultation for doctoral dissertations at University of Chicago and universities in England, Germany, and China, Education Abroad liaison, etc.

Professional Affiliations:

Modern Language Association(MLA)
Shakespeare Association of America (SAA)
Association of Asian Studies (AAS)
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)
Association of Asian Performance (AAP)
International Shakespeare Association (ISA)
Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft e.V.


Linguistic Proficiency

Fluency: German, English, Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese
Literacy: French, Latin, Classical Chinese, Japanese