APO crest Alpha Phi Omega
A National Co-Ed Service Fraternity
APO pledge pin
Contact Information
Suite W20-415
84 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
apo _at_ mit.edu
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athena% zwrite -i apo
Office Hours

Come visit us! Our office is W20-415 (if you have MIT certificates, you can click here to see a floorplan of the 4th floor of W20). Here are our current office hours. Please keep in mind that many of our brothers are coming to their office hours from classes, so they might not be there immediately at the start of their hour (but don't let that keep you from visiting!).

APO Spring Office Hours

Brothers will be in our office (W20-415) during the following hours:
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
10:00 AM Vicki
10:30 AM Vicki
11:00 AM Andrew Lisa
11:30 AM Andrew Lisa
12:00 Noon Andrew Lisa
12:30 PM Andrew Lisa
1:00 PM Dustin Dustin Victor Maggie
1:30 PM Dustin Dustin Victor Maggie
2:00 PM Alicia Victor Maggie
2:30 PM Vicki Alicia Victor Maggie
3:00 PM Vicki Alicia
3:30 PM Alicia
4:00 PM Nathan Luna
4:30 PM Nathan Luna
5:00 PM Nathan Luna
5:30 PM Nathan Luna
Subject to change in the first few weeks of the semester. We're also often around at other times randomly.