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Original articles and reviews: Chemical Toxicology: 1962-1979

[1960-1979]   [1980-1989]   [1990-1999]   [2000-2009]   [2010-]

Contact Ms. Marcia Ross for reprints or preprints:

S.R. Tannenbaum and E.L. Wick. 1962. Separation of the diastereoisomers of methyl 2,4-dimethylheptanoate. J. Org. Chem., 27, 2650.

S.R. Tannenbaum and S.A. Miller. 1965. Urinary metabolites in the omega-oxidation of 2,4-dimethylheptanoic acid. Nature, 208, 452-453.

S.A. Miller and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1968. The metabolism in vivo of [2-Me-14C]2,4-dimethylheptanoic acid. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 152, 511-518.

M.C. Archer, S.D. Clark, J.E. Thilly and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1971. Environmental nitroso com­pounds: reaction of nitrite with creatine and creatinine. Science 174, 1341-1343.

T.Y. Fan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1971. Automatic colorimetric determination of N-nitroso compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 19, 1267-1269.

T.Y. Fan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1972. Stability of N-nitroso compounds. Journal of Food Science 37, 274-276.

S.R. Tannenbaum. 1972. Nitrite and nitrosamine content of foods: unsolved problems and current research. Proc. of the 25th Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Association, Ames, Iowa, National Livestock and Meat Board: Chicago, IL.

M.C. Archer and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1973. Nitrosation in the environment. Can it occur? Reply to Comments. Science 179, 97.

T.Y. Fan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1973. Factors influencing the rate of formation of nitroso­morpholine from morpholine and nitrite: acceleration by thiocyanate and other anions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 21, 237-240.

T.Y. Fan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1973. Natural inhibitors of nitrosation reactions: the concept of available nitrite. J. Food Sci. 38, 1067-1069.

T.Y. Fan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1973. Factors influencing the rate of formation of nitroso­morpholine from morpholine and nitrite. 2. Rate enhancement in frozen solution. J. Agric. Food Chem.y 21, 967-969.

P. Issenberg and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1973. Approaches to determination of volatile and non-volatile N-nitroso compounds in foods and beverages. In: N-Nitroso Compounds and Formation of Nitrosamines, IARC Scientific Publication No. 3, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 31-37.

S.S. Mirvish, J. Sams, T.Y. Fan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1973. Kinetics of nitrosation of the amino acids proline, hydroxyproline, and sarcosine. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 51, 1833-1839.

S.R. Tannenbaum and T.Y. Fan. 1973. Uncertainties about nitrosamine formation - in and from foods. Proc. of the Meat Industry Research Conference, American Meat Institute Foundation: Chicago, IL.

W. Iwaoka, M. Weisman and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1974. A solvent-partitioning, high-speed, liq­uid chromatographic procedure for the clean-up in the analysis of nitrosamines. In: N-Nitroso Compounds in the Environment, P. Bogovski and E.A. Walker (eds.), IARC Scientific Publication No. 9, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 32-35.

S.R. Tannenbaum, A.J. Sinskey, M. Weisman and W. Bishop. 1974. Nitrite in human saliva. Its possible relationship to nitrosamine formation. Journal of the National Caner Institute 53, 79-84.

M.C. Archer, S.R. Tannenbaum, T.Y. Fan and M. Weisman. 1975. Reaction of nitrite with ascorbate and its relation to nitrosamine formation. Journal of the National Caner Institute 54, 1203-1205.

P. Correa, W. Haenszel, C. Cuello, S.R. Tannenbaum and M.C. Archer. 1975. A model for gas­tric cancer epidemiology. Lancet (July 12), pp. 58-62.

D.M. Moran, S.R. Tannenbaum and M.C. Archer. 1975. Inhibitor of clostridium perfringens formed by heating sodium nitrite in a chemically defined medium. Applied Microbiology. 30, 838-843.

G.N. Wogan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1975. Environmental N-nitroso compounds: implications for public health. Toxicol. Appl. Pharm. 31, 375-383.

G.N. Wogan, S. Paglialunga, M.C. Archer and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1975. Carcinogenicity of ni­trosation products of ephedrine, sarcosine, folic acid and creatinine. Cancer Res. 35, 1981-1984.

M.C. Archer, S.R. Tannenbaum and J.S. Wishnok. 1976. Nitrosamine formation in the pres­ence of carbonyl compounds. In: Environmental N-Nitroso Compounds: Analysis and Formation, E.A. Walker, P. Bogovski, and L. Griciute (eds.), IARC Scientific Publication No. 14, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 141-145.

J.E. Baldwin, S.E. Branz, R.F. Gomez, P.L. Kraft, A.J. Sinskey and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Chemical activation of nitrosamines into mutagenic agents. Tetrahedron Lett. 5, 333-336.

C. Cuello, P. Correa, W. Haenszel, G. Gordillo, C. Brown, M. Archer and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Gastric cancer in Colombia. I. Cancer risk and suspect environmental agents. J. Natl. Canc. Inst. 57, 1015-1035.

L. Green, T.J. Hansen, W.T. Iwaoka and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Specific detection systems for the chromatographic analysis of nitrosamines. Proc. of 2nd International Symposium Nitrite Meat Prod., Zeist: Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 145-153.

S.T. Hsieh, P.L. Kraft, M.C. Archer and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Reaction of nitrosamines in the udenfriend system: Principal products and biological activity. Mutat. Res. 35, 23-28.

W. Iwaoka and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Liquid chromatography of N-nitrosoamino acids and their Syn and Anti conformers. J. Chromatogr. 124, 105-110.

W. Iwaoka and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Photohydrolytic detection of N-nitroso compounds in high-performance liquid chromatography. In: Environmental N-Nitroso Compounds Analysis and Formation, E.A. Walker, P. Bogovski, L. Griciute (eds.), IARC Scientific Publication No. 14, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 51-56.

S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Relative risk of nitrate and nitrite ingestion. Proc. of the Meat Industry Research Conference, American Meat Institute Foundation: Arlington, VA (March 25).

S.R. Tannenbaum, M. Weisman and D. Fett. 1976. The effect of nitrate intake on nitrite for­mation in human saliva. Food Cosmet. Toxicol. 14, 549-552.

S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Nitrates, nitrites, and N-nitroso compounds as environmental haz­ards: a personal perspective. Proc. of American Cancer Society, 18th Science Writer's Seminar, St. Petersburg Beach, FL (March 26-30).

J.S. Wishnok and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1976. Formation of cyanamides from secondary amines in human saliva. Science 191, 1179-1180.

T. Hansen, W. Iwaoka, L. Green and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1977. Analysis of N-nitrosoproline in raw bacon. Further evidence that nitrosoproline is not a major precursor of nitrosopyrrolidine. J. Agr. Food Chem. 25, 1423-1426.

P.L. Skipper, S.R. Tannenbaum, J.E. Baldwin and A. Scott. 1977. Alkylation by alpha-acetoxy-N-nitrosamines: Models for N-nitrosamine metabolites. Tetrahedron Lett. 49, 4269-4272.

S.R. Tannenbaum, P. Kraft, J. Baldwin and S. Branz. 1977. The mutagenicity of methylbenzylni­trosamine and its alpha-acetoxy derivatives. Cancer Lett. 2, 305-310.

S.R. Tannenbaum, M.C. Archer, J.S. Wishnok, P. Correa, C. Cuello and W. Haenszel. 1977. Nitrate and the etiology of gastric cancer. In: Origins of Human Cancer. Cold Spring Harbor: New York, Vol. IV of the Cell Proliferation Series, pp. 1609-1625.

J.S. Wishnok and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1977. An unknown salivary morpholine metabolite. Anal. Chem. 49, 715A.

J.E. Baldwin, A. Scott, S.E. Branz, S.R. Tannenbaum and L. Green. 1978. Chemical studies on carcinogenic nitrosamines. 1. Hydrolysis of alpha-acetoxynitrosamines. J. Org. Chem. 43, 2427-2431.

S.R. Tannenbaum, M.C. Archer, J.S. Wishnok and W.W. Bishop. 1978. Nitrosamine formation in human saliva. J. Natl. Canc. Inst. 60, 251-253.

S.R. Tannenbaum, D. Fett, V.R. Young, P.D. Land and W.R. Bruce. 1978. Nitrite and nitrate are formed by endogenous synthesis in the human intestine. Science 200, 1487-1489.

S.R. Tannenbaum, J.S. Wishnok, J.S. Hovis and W.W. Bishop. 1978. N-Nitroso compounds from the reaction of primary amines with nitrite and thiocyanate. In: Environmental Aspects of N-Nitroso Compounds, E.A. Walker, M. Castegnaro, L. Griciute, and R.E. Lyle (eds.), IARC Scientific Publication No. 19, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 155-160.

P. Correa, C. Cuello, G. Gordillo, G. Zarama, J. Lopez, W. Haenszel and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1979. The gastric micro-environment in populations at high to stomach cancer. J. Natl. Canc. Inst. 53, 167-170.

T.J. Hansen, M.C. Archer and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1979. Identification of nitrohexane in corn treated with nitrous acid. J. Agr. Food Chem. 27, 1072-1075.

T.J. Hansen, M.C. Archer and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1979. Characterization of pyrolysis conditions and interference by other compounds in the chemiluminescence detection of nitrosamines. Anal. Chem. 51, 1526-1528.

W.J. Mergens, F.M. Vane, S.R. Tannenbaum, L. Green and P.L. Skipper. 1979. In vitro nitro­sation of methapyrilene. J. Pharm. Sci. 68, 827-832.

S.R. Tannenbaum. 1979. Endogenous formation of nitrite and N-nitroso compounds. In: Naturally Occurring Carcinogens-Mutagens and Modulators of Carcinogenesis, E.C. Miller et al. (eds.), Japan Sci. Soc. Press: Tokyo/University Park Press: Baltimore, pp. 211-220.

S.R. Tannenbaum. 1979. Relative risk assessment of various sources of nitrite. Meat industry Research Conference, American Meat Institute: Arlington, VA.

S.R. Tannenbaum, D. Moran, W. Rand, C. Cuello and P. Correa. 1979. Gastric cancer in Colombia. 4. Nitrite and other ions in gastric contents of residents from a high-risk region. J. Natl. Canc. Inst. 62, 9-12.


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